Disney…a little bit of drama then a lot of FUN!

My “Disney Goal” is to instill the magical love of Disney into my children the same way I have it for myself. I LOVE Disney. To me it seriously is THE Happiest Place on EARTH!!!…

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More from Magic Kingdom

You can see Part 1 of our day at Magic Kingdom here! When we got done riding the choo choo it was perfect timing. We got off and ran into the crew that had rode…

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Magic Kingdom with the Parkers

I’m not gonna lie…I was pretty nervous about our big trip to Disney. Everything went SO perfectly when we took Kye last year and I felt a little pressure (not from anyone else…totally self-inflicted) to…

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Lazy Disney Afternoon

After Chef Mickey Zach, Mr. Rusty, Jordan, Brad and Trey all went golfing. Brad and Trey were more there for moral support and some laughs though ๐Ÿ˜‰ Us girls took the kids back to the…

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Parker Family at Chef Mickey

Mrs. Charlotte had such a great time when we went to Disney last September that she’s been non-stop talking about it ever since. Every year we go on a big family trip together, typically over…

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