Exposed Breasts, The Feds, and Unmarked Vans: Our Travel to Mexico

Zach and I love to travel but only can afford to do it if we go as cheap as possible. That means a lot of timeshare presentations and crappy flights! This trip we used our…

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Anniversary Trips

I have loved to travel my entire life! Over the years Zach has learned to love travel as well and we enjoy packing as many vacations as we can into our agendas ๐Ÿ™‚ Since our…

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Amelia Island

Every year Zach’s state territory for Aflac hosts two trips for agents to qualify for: one is a driving trip and one is a flying one. This year’s driving trip was to Amelia Island. Neither…

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Enjoying Our Room

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we got a GREAT deal on our hotel room in SC! We had booked a room at The Knights Inn as it was the cheapest room in town…

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Our Longest Drive Yet!

When Uncle Spear passed away there was no doubt in our minds that we wanted to go to Greenville, SC to be with my family and to honor his life. I was very nervous about…

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