Britt’s Disney Bday Breakfast: Cape May

As part of the kids’ birthday celebrations we let them choose one meal as their birthday meal on our Disney trip! For Britt’s birthday she decided to eat at Cape May for breakfast. Daisy recently…

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Thanksgiving 2018

This year we started a new Thanksgiving tradition of having Thanksgiving at Disney World! We love having our Disney Rental House and wanted to really use it for a family tradition each year. Thanksgiving is…

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Spear’s First Haircut: Harmony Barber Shop

When we were making plans for our week at Disney Zach reminded me that Spear was due for his first haircut and he’d assumed I’d have made an appointment at Harmony Barber Shop. Um. I…

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Britt’s 7th Bday Disney Trip: Solo Park Days

Now that we have our rental house at Disney we have shifted from parties for the kids to Disney birthday celebrations. Tess was the first one to celebrate her birthday at Disney with our new “format”…

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NYC Girl’s Trip 2018: Part 2

You can read the first part of our trip here! Our plans kinda shifted and changed for Monday. Originally my like biggest thing I wanted to do on the trip was go to Good Morning…

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