NYC Girl’s Trip 2018: Part 1

Back last year sometime Lindsay and I went to brunch together and started talking about travel and trips and came up with the idea to do a girl’s trip to NYC. It grew and evolved…

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Hurricane Michael Disney Trip

We got home from San Fran on Monday morning and were straight up exhausted. The next day we found out a hurricane was coming through our area (Hurricane Michael) and they ended up canceling school…

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San Fran Trip Part 2: Fisherman’s Wharf, Pier 39, Museum of Ice Cream and More

You can read the first portion of our trip here!  On our second full day we had originally planned to do the tour with the little car around town. I was bummed it didn’t work…

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San Fran Trip Part 1: Alcatraz, Walt Disney Museum, Sugar Ray and More

This year has been Zach’s first year in a management position with Aflac. He has done some managing in the past but it was more of a training position in order to move up to…

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1900 Park Fare and End of Girl’s Trip

Every year that we’ve attended the MNSSHP we drive down the morning of the party…attend the party…then head home the next morning.  Benefit of having a friend who happens to own a house at Disney?…

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