St Augustine: Putt Putt and Old Town

The past couple of summers during our beach trip we’ve been VERY YOLO. We didn’t know when we’d add another baby so we lived it UP the entire week. We did a LOT because we could.…

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St Augustine: Spear’s First Beach Day

Our annual beach trip to St Augustine is one of our favorite family vacations! We usually try to go to another beach at some point during the year. All of my babies have had their…

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Mommy Solo Week: Epcot Evening

We finished out our mommy-solo week with an evening at Epcot. Zach actually landed from Ireland that same night but it was good for him to be able to get home and get some SOLID…

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Mommy Solo Week: Epcot Morning

Our last park day of the trip we headed to Epcot! We did the same routine as the day prior. The babies came in the morning then we all came home for lunch and naps…

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Mommy Solo Week: Ak Afternoon

After our fun morning we took naps and ate lunches and headed back to Animal Kingdom but this time without Spear and Cam. Whew it was still super hot but it was SO much less…

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