Big Kid Club – Hollywood Studios Afternoon

We headed back to the house for some hardcore SLEEP then had big plans to hit the park late into the night! I had a plan to do something we’ve never done before and it’s…

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Big Kid Club Trip Feb 2018 – Hollywood Studios Morning

When I was pregnant with Kye Zach earned his first international trip with Aflac. It was President’s Club which is the hardest trip to qualify for and it was to Paris. Paris. For Free. We…

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Spear’s First Disney Day

When we got matched with Mama E and learned that the baby would have to stay in Florida for awhile until we were cleared to cross state lines…one of my very first thoughts was about…

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Hawaii 2017: Day 4 and Home

On our last day in Hawaii we had some BIG plans ๐Ÿ˜‰ Just kidding…it was pretty much just another relaxing day in paradise! We kicked off the morning with laying out by the pool at…

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Hawaii 2017: Day 3

For our third day our plan was to hunt down what is considered to be the most beautiful beach location in Oahu. We thought we’d relax and lay out and just have a chill day…

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