Mommy and Kye Weekend Away 2016!

Last November Britt and I had a FABULOUS time on our weekend getaway (you can read all about it here!). Since then I’ve been asking Zach to give me the ok to take Kye on…

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St Augustine: Rest of the Week!

We had a busy first half of the week. With three kids we’re SO swamped at the beach that I take a loooooooot less pics so it’s easier to combine several days in one post…

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St Augustine: Fort, Playground and Old Town!

The day after the 4th we decided it’d be a good day for an “off beach” day. We always spend some time at Old Town every year and tried to figure out when it’d be…

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St Augustine: Beach and Putt-Putt

Last year we extended our yearly St Augustine trip and stayed a full week. We. Loved. It. So we decided to do the same thing again this year. We have been SO BLESSED to be…

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Parker Family Vaca 2016

Every year we go away for a few days with Zach’s family. This year we went down to Orlando for a long weekend! Britt was in hardcore princess dance camp mode and did some dancing…

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