Cali 6: Downtown Disney Morning

When we decided details for our trip we wanted to put a day between our park days at Disney. With my foot and Zach’s back we just needed a rest day! I’m very thankful we…

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Cali 5: Disneyland Magical Rest of Day!

Our Disneyland morning didn’t start off too magical…but lunch was FANTASTIC and it put us both in a much better place to continue the day! Our plan was to ride Pirate’s since it was connected…

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Cali 4: Disneyland {Disappointing} Morning

While I got ready for our big Disneyland day, Zach went down and got us PANERA for breakfast. I mean how amazing is it to have a hotel where Panera is right next door? Great way…

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Cali 3: Coastal Cruisin’

When I was planning our California trip I kept envisioning us riding down the coast with the top down on the rental convertible and just soaking in the sun! We started our trip further North…

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Cali 2: Pebble Beach and Road Trip!

Day 1 had been so awesome that both of us were even more excited for the rest of our plans! We enjoyed our night in Monterey Bay and woke up the next morning to load…

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