Beach Day 1

As I mentioned in my first post about this trip…I overdid it hardcore on Day 1. I had spent that morning rushing around packing, then we got there and I rushed around unpacking, and then…

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St Augustine Old Town!

One of my favorite trips every year is our family trip to St. Augustine. Even before we had kids Zach and I would visit St. Augustine for the 4th of July. I remember when I…

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Ireland Day 3 and 4

On the morning of Day 3 I booked another spa treatment. This time I got an oriental head massage! I’ve never heard of it before but my absolute FAVORITE thing is having people play with…

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Ireland Day 2

Every Aflac trip the company provides one activity. When we register for the trip we get to pick from a list of activities we want to participate in. Typically, we go for a tour. We…

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Ireland Day 1 #lifelongdream

Aflac is such an amazing company and really rewards people for hard work! One of the ways they honor their top producers is by offering incentive trips each year. The top of the top are…

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