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You know when life gets SO busy and you think to yourself “omg I just want to DO NOTHING.” Well…this trip allowed us that luxury. We literally did nothing for 3 days straight! We were…

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St Augustine Engagement Photos

St. Augustine Engagement Photos I’m back to Flashback Fridays ๐Ÿ™‚ I really really love doing this and WANT to keep it a weekly thing…it can be tough to take the time to find/scan/download all the…

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Babywise Travel Tips

I was a guest blogger awhile back on Chronicle of a Babywise Mom and thought I’d share my post here as well ๐Ÿ™‚ From a very young age I had a love of travel. I love…

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Birthday UOT Trip!

For my birthday this year Zach gave me such a thoughtful, sweet gift! A trip to Atlanta together that including a SHOPPING SPREE. I was soooo excited!!! I spent the time leading up to our…

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Magical Day: Part 2

Right when Kye woke up we left to go back to the park. I was INSTANTLY thankful we decided to leave for nap. While the morning part of our day was a BLAST…Kye benefited from…

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