Brittlynn’s First Beach Trip

It was SO special to me that Kye’s first taste of the ocean was at the same beach where I had my first visit. I really wanted that same memory for Brittlynn so even though…

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Trip to Satellite Beach

I think traveling is SO important. Memories made on vacations (no matter how small they are) are priceless to me and I want my children to experience as much as possible. A mini-goal of mine…

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Travel With Two

Zach and I mastered traveling with Kye pretty quickly. We learned little tricks to make life easier while not at home so it wasn’t too difficult to transition into traveling with two kids. Prior to…

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Family Trip to Jacksonville!

When I was pregnant with Brittlynn Zach and I had a discussion about the importance of having easy-to-travel kids. Kye took a ton of trips to Melbourne when he was a baby so we could…

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The Places Britt Has Traveled

Travel is SO important to me and has become something our whole family values. I love the idea that we can help our children see the world, or at least as much as we possibly…

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