Notice anything new about the blog??? Anything? haha You probably didn’t notice BUT there are now “pin it” buttons at the bottom of each post. It was a PAIN to do it but I’m always proud of myself when I figure stuff like that out! It will only show up when you’re on the individual posts, not when you’re scrolling through via the homepage of the blog. Basically if you’re on the regular and see a post you want to pin just click on the title of that post THEN the “pin it” button will be at the bottom of the post. I know many people have asked me about certain posts or have tried to find products I’ve mentioned in a post etc so I’m hoping this helps! The buttons are now on ALL of my posts…even the older ones π Pin away!
ALSO…tomorrow Flashback Friday is BACK! Be sure to have your posts ready to link-up if you want to play along π
Anyways…I love that Brittlynn has a December birthday because we can get Christmas Card pictures taken when we do her yearly photo session for her birthday π After we finished up with her 1 Year Pics we went to the car to change (and Kye had to take a potty break) then we went to snap a few pics! Since I got such a GREAT deal on Britt’s Birthday Dress I was able to talk Zach into letting Ivy (from I’m with Love Designs) make a Christmas dress for her too π I found one similar on Etsy and liked the polka dots! I also think it could be easily worn for other things too. I didn’t want something too holiday, ya know? I found my top at Zulily and everything else we already had π
So thankful to Lindsay from Captured by Colson for being SO patient with us during the wardrobe change (it’s never as quick as you think it’ll be haha) and for capturing our Christmas card pic! Got any favorites from this bunch? π
This is the one I ended up using for the Christmas card…Zach’s tie was messed up in many of them (we were trying to be quick with the changing…as you can also tell by Kye’s messy hair haha) and Britt had kicked off her shoes BUT I love how her eyes “pop” and how sweetly she has her hand on Kye’s shoulder π And I think, overall, it’s good of all of us!
Out of ALL the pictures we took that day I think this may be one of my favorites…THIS is a Brittlynn face π So precious!
Another favorite from the day for me!
I really like this one too! Although for some reason Britt looks like she’s Kye’s size haha
If only the tie wasn’t messed up!!!
Britt got pretty fussy during the Christmas pics…but we were at it for over an hour so she held out for long enough π Kye was a ROCK STAR (I know that’s your fav term Rach haha) from start to finish. Seriously this kid AMAZES me. He will smile on demand and hold the smile forever. He was patient with his sister and the entire situation.
Randomly we were all SO THIRSTY when we were done. So we told Kye we’d go get a “special drink” (which made Lindsay laugh bc “special drink” could sound like we were bribing our kid with alcohol haha). We went to Murphey’s (closest thing we have to a 7-11 or Quicktrip down here) and all got slushies!!! Kye has had a sip of Zach’s one time in the past but yall know I’d never be down for him having his own. Well…he deserved that junk for SURE!!!
Probably his best smile of the day π
Slushie Pics!
I’m so thankful to Lindsay for always being so patient with us and our craziness. I can only IMAGINE how crazy photo sessions will get when we’re on baby #3 and #4 someday π I’m thankful for how well behaved the kids were and that we got some great shots! If you didn’t get a Christmas card from us you’ll get to see it when I do my yearly Christmas Card Roll Call post π
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
A few things:1-The pics are SO CUTE! All the ones you mentioned as your favorites where the ones I liked too – haha.2- Isn't Kye's birthday a fire truck party?? Britt could totally wear that dress again! It looks kind of like a dalmation. ;)3-LL doesn't like slushies?! She's not my kid.
You hair looks SO GOOD in picture 2. If Kye had a cute face that would have totally been CC worthy. I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE Britts dress. I mean shut up seriously? And I love she doesn't have shoes on because I feel like those kids ALWAYS have shoes on. I love picture 17 but I know thats not CC worthy because you and Zach are to much in the background HAHA. PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR. Did my card get lost in the mail?
Are you going to do a Christmas Card shout out? Because you should TOTALLY let everyone read mine :/ hahaha
I love the picture of you and Zach in the background, but they're all cute. I wish we were that photogenic!!