I know I’ve been away for a bit. There are many reasons…one biggie being that I made the switch to the new computer and it takes some adjusting for SURE! I’m officially a Mac Girl 😉 I honestly have enjoyed these past few days without technology so much. I secretly debated just quitting it all and living a non-technology life. Yet here I am…back to blogging 🙂
Last year being pregnant with Brittlynn we got ready for Christmas SO EARLY. We actually went and picked out our tree the weekend prior to Thanksgiving remember? Zach and I both LOVED having all our decorations up early. I guess I’ve turned into one of “those people” who skip right over Thanksgiving and jumps right into Christmas 😉 This year we decided to go get our tree the day after Thanksgiving!
As soon as the kids woke up from naps we loaded up and headed to Hambrick’s Tree Farm. I LOVE being some of the first people to pick out a tree…we literally had SO MANY to chose from and it wasn’t crowded at all 🙂
Kye just wanted to RUN
And Britt just wanted to be on my hip, as usual!
Kye basically thought every tree was perfect and wanted to take them all home with us 😉
We found a winner!!!
Even Britt was excited about our pretty tree 🙂
Hahaha I’m not sure what is going on with Kye?
Real life pic for SURE
First time picking out our tree!
I don’t care how heavy he gets…if he wants me to hold him I WILL!
Sweet Kisses
Man Work…cut that beast down!
We had Britt’s 1 year photo shoot coming up and Lindsay and I had actually planned to have the shoot at Hambrick’s…lately Britt had been SUPER clingy and would cry whenever I put her down to try to take a picture. I figured our tree cutting adventure could be good practice for the photo shoot. It did NOT go well. I brought along props and treats and she ended up clinging to me, eating a bunch of Stars, and crying whenever I put her down. Needless to say, we changed photo shoot locations after this experience haha.
Kye loves to feed her “stars”
Content as long as I was physically touching her the entire time
More running
And more crying.
Pulling our tree to the shaker (a guy came and picked it up for us!)
After they shook it and put it on our car we went to see the animals!
It was a bummer we couldn’t pet them 🙁
The entertainment of the animals didn’t last long so we headed over to check out the cotton bails
I expected it to feel like clouds…but it was super hard since it was all compacted so tightly!
…and another classic moment 😉
Loaded and ready!
Can’t wait to see how he handles carrying three kids some day haha
When we got home Zach pulled in the garage WITH the tree still on top of the car. Haha. We were so crunk listening to Christmas music that we forgot it was up there!!! Oops! Luckily it was okay (and so was our garage). We went ahead and put it in the stand and put the lights on it so we could decorate it the next morning.
I LOVE unpacking all of our ornaments. We don’t do fancy junk on our tree…pretty much EVERYTHING we put on it is personal to us and special. We typically buy a new ornament anytime we go on vacation so we love getting them out each year and playing “remember when.” Kye is now old enough to remember some of them along with us 🙂
Britt helped too!
We get them ALL out then put them on the tree
First ornament for the year!
We let Britt help a little then put her down for her morning nap. The boys were PUMPED for the Florida/Florida State game that afternoon (I won’t point out how someone spoiled the outcome for me…haha) so they took a little break to watch a FSU video on the iPad to get ’em crunk 😉
Kye’s first ornament for the year…a FSU one of course!
He remembered using the stool last year and wanted to bring it out again
I know a lot of people let their kids hang the ornaments wherever they want and then leave them like that…I tried to teach Kye HOW to hang them properly. I told him the trick is to hang one then before you hang another one you stand back, look at the tree, say “hmmmm,” and find a spot that needs an ornament on it. We kept saying “hmmmm” together in-between ornament hangings (and you MUST put your finger on your lips for it to work haha). He did pretty awesome spreading them out!
Time for the star!
We QUICKLY realized there was no way Kye could put the star on top haha
Finished product!
While Britt napped Zach, Kye and I enjoyed our post tree decorating tradition. We made hot cocoa (Kye’s 2nd time ever having any) and drank it while watching a Christmas movie (this year we watched Rudolf). It was fun snuggle time with my favorite guys!
Kye LOVED unpacking all the decorations!
Once Britt woke up we got pics with her in front of the tree too
Kye was grumpy, can you tell? haha
There is NOTHING better than having the lights of a Christmas tree in the living room. I LOVE it. I love our tradition of going to cut down our tree and of decorating it together. Precious memories! You can see our tree cutting traditions through the years here: 2011, 2010, and 2009 (ummm notice a trend? Kye has worn a hat EVERY year except this one! Oops!)
Hope everyone has been enjoying a wonderful holiday…ours has been SO great! Can’t wait to catch up on blogging so everyone can read all about it 😉
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
OMG diehard fans watch it while the game is on live duh…. Dude I can never catch a break. Hahahaha