I’ve been looking forward to our church egg hunt for a couple of weeks now. Of course, I assumed Kye would be walking to hunt the eggs but still! We decorated the eggs for the event and I had a cute outfit planned for Kye and I also ordered him a cute hunting basket. The day of the event came and it was POURING outside. We were supposed to go straight from church to some farm and the whole thing was going to be outside 🙁 Boo! I assumed that since it was raining that the hunt would be canceled so I didn’t bring our stuff (eggs, Kye’s basket, the food, etc) and I had Kye wear the suit from the wedding to church instead of the cute Easter-ish outfit as I figured I’d rather him get a little more wear out of the suit since it’s not going to fit him for long!
Well we showed up at church and found out they moved the location to the church building instead! During Bible Study Zach ran home and got all our stuff then came back and after services we went over to our reception area and ate lunch with everyone. I love being more involved with our church family and getting to spend more time with people! This event was especially nice because it was pretty much all the families with young kids!
After lunch we waited out in the foyer while they hid all the eggs! I love catching Kye and Daddy checking stuff out together 🙂
When they let us in for the hunt Kye went straight for the stairs and grabbed the two eggs off of them!
They were both real eggs and went right in his mouth haha
He did put them in his basket though too!
It ended up being quite a mess as Kye had so much fun with his eggs that he busted one of them in his hand! There were little pieces of hard boiled egg everywhere! Oops! We ended up asking a little girl to trade us one of her plastic eggs (and reassured her that she could have the candy from it!) for one of Kye’s real ones so he could play and not mess up anything!
There were good and bad things about the event being moved to the church. The good things were that we didn’t have to drive all the way to Brooks County for the farm version and that we were able to be done with everything by 1:00 so we actually got Kye home only missing 15 minutes of his nap! The bad was that Kye didn’t look very Easter-ish and that we had to have it in our building with this HORRIBLE carpet! I know that’s mean but I just can’t STAND it. Why that color?!? It clashes with EVERYTHING and it makes pictures look so strange! Ugh. Someone mentioned us having Kye’s 2nd birthday party at that building since it’s HUGE and it IS a good idea…I have 11 months to figure out how to talk them into buying new carpet haha!!! What matters most is that Kye had a great time…and he did! He made lots of new “friends” especially the older girls (like 10 year olds) who LOVED him and kept picking him up, chasing him around, and pushing him around in a rolling high chair. He’s a ladies man for sure 😉
He was WORE OUT!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025