After our lunch at the park our next “plan” for the day was to decorate Easter eggs. While I fed Britt at her 3:00 feeding Zach got everything set up, the eggs boiled and ready to go then he got Kye up and we got going! We have done this with Kye since his first Easter (how funny that we went down to the park that day too?!?!). I have always enjoyed decorating eggs. My favorite thing to do is color the eggs with crayons prior to dying them so that’s our little tradition 🙂
Britt’s first time decorating!
She really loved holding it 🙂
Very serious
I got teased for not putting enough effort into mine…
While Zach made works of art out of his!
Wow Zach, we’re all SUPER impressed 😉
She watched from her bouncer most of the time
Cool trick Dad
After we colored them Kye put some stickers on one egg
I like for each of us to have our own egg each year…here’s Britt’s
(Zach’s counts as the one with the chick on it since it took him SO long to make it haha)
Kye’s special sticker egg
Finished product!!!
I usually LOVE to eat the Easter eggs after Easter…but not this year. Zach didn’t quite boil them long enough so they were a little too squishy for my liking. I know it’s not legit baby chicks that you’re eating since they aren’t fertilized eggs…but it still grosses me out sometimes to think about. Zach LOVES deviled eggs though so he made plenty of those 🙂 At least they got eaten! You can see our eggs from last year here! Btw…I love looking back at old posts to see how much Kye has changed, but sometimes I hate seeing how I have changed. I mean, duh, I look WAY better than I did at Kye’s first Easter (since he was like a month old) but compared to last year?!?! I need to go lay out more…I miss that tan for SURE!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025