Whew! Easter has become quite the holiday around here! I feel like every year we add more activities surrounding the holiday!
This year we took a Saturday morning and colored ALL the eggs we’d need for both Easter and any events that required us to bring eggs along. Knocked it out real quick and called it a day. We’ve tried doing “cute’ eggs in the past and y’all it’s just not worth all the hassle. Our kids love coloring on the eggs and then we color them and we’re good to go!
I did one egg with a swirly design and my girls got obsessed about it and insisted it was a “heart of tafiti” egg so I had to do several of them 😉
Kye did a lot of “fancy writing” ones 😉
After church on the Sunday before Easter, we attended an egg hunt at a families’ home. We love this event as a great chance to fellowship with our church family and enjoyed going as a family this year (this was Tess’s first time attending…Sundays are tough and last year she napped at home with Daddy).
Love that Britt thought to be ladylike and keep that dress down! ha!
Mrs. Liz is a SAINT! So. Many. Kids.
All our church kids!
Kye found a prize egg and got a LEGIT brand name chocolate bunny. This shows how cheap I am b/c I can’t remember ever tasting a brand name bunny and omg I get why people LOVE chocolate! It was amazing!
The girls both had egg hunts with their classes at school and I love the chance to visit them in their classroom setting. Tess is always SO thrilled to have me and I enjoyed it too!
Baby ducks!
Ready to hunt!
Each kid got 12 eggs during the hunt and Tess was the first one to find all 12 of hers
Tess did AWESOME with me leaving her (I had assumed she’d freak out and I’d end up taking her with me to Britt’s class) and it was SO nice to have that quality time with just Britt. Especially because in her class each child was assigned a certain site word and had to only pick up eggs with that word on them. It was a bit of a challenge 😉
We are so sad about K4 winding down! Friendships are VERY important to Britt and she has had many of the same sweet friends all through preschool that she will miss a whole lot next year!
We got to stay out and play a bit after the egg hunt and were surprised when Carter’s class came out to play too! Yay!
Britt is so, so great with the toddler age. She stopped playing with all of her little friends and was completely focused on Carter and helping push him in the swing. So sweet!
He clearly was loving it 😉
We went to pick up Tess, who still wasn’t ready to go home!
Love these memories with my girls!
This year Katie hosted an Easter event at her home (she has THE most beautiful property!!!). She had the same event last year but we couldn’t go due to nap times. We are in hardcore YOLO mode right now so we skipped naps and headed out there 😉 Gotta enjoy the freedom and flexibility before baby right?
I did not do ANY cute Easter themed food this year…this was as fancy as I got. Brownies with icing and sprinkles 😉
Aunt Katie had bunny ears and it was so funny that neither girl wanted to wear them but Kye did 🙂
They got to decorate eggs there too!
And had another egg hunt
(see how gorgeous her land is?!?)
Poor girl with long legs and no hiney to hold up her shorts!
We each had a personalized egg to find…we never were able to find Zach’s and joked that someone was probably playing a trick on him!
Moana ANYTHING is a HUGE hit around here!
No nap but she got a solid 20 min or so on the ride home 😉
Last year on actual Easter our family had a stomach bug and didn’t get to enjoy it much. This lead to me creating our own egg hunt a few days later because we’d missed out on the family hunt. The kids LOVED it and have been BEGGING us to do it again.
But y’all.
We have been struggle city lately with some attitude issues. Lots of the “gimmie gimmie” type stuff and entitlement is a huge pet peeve for me. I did some reflection and let the kids know that, no, there would not be a egg hunt at home this year. We had TONS of fun things we were doing (that, honestly, with the attitude issues I would have canceled on but we committed to things and weren’t going to back out either) and they needed to be thankful for that and not ask for more. I had already got supplies to have the egg hunt and everything but I have no regrets about not having it. It was especially great for Kye as he was the one that loved it most last year and it really helped him get a better outlook and a more appreciative attitude that we missed out on it.
It was SO GREAT not being sick this year! Everyone was pumped for the Easter Bunny’s arrival!
The Easter Bunny always hides an egg each child made in their shoe 🙂
Here’s a video of hunting eggs!
She couldn’t get over there being an egg in her shoe!
Basket time! I have slowly been working on a Shutterfly book for each of the kids (I’ve been collecting any coupons I can find). I wanted to have one for Kye’s weekend away with me, Tess’s 1st Disney Visit, and Britt’s birthday trip. I don’t typically do one for birthday visits but Britt is the kid that LOVES her shutterfly books so I knew she’d appreciate having it. Obviously these were gifts from me and not from the Easter Bunny but Easter is our last holiday for awhile so I didn’t want to wait to give them out to the kids!
We always put the Easter Baskets in the laundry room for the egg hunt then put them out after it’s over so the kids can be surprised!
Here’s a video of seeing their baskets!
(I love videos like this because it’s just really what life is like with three kids…I’m trying to watch everyone at once haha)
Britt was PRECIOUS. It made my heart so happy as she didn’t even NOTICE her basket full of goodies. Instead she ran straight to that book and sat and looked through the entire thing before even noticing the items in her basket.
Moana dresses! If you want one similar they are UNDER $5!!! Here is a direct link…they run EXTREMELY big (Britt is wearing a 4t and Tess’s is a 2t but both are still massive)
In an effort to cut back on spending I didn’t do any Easter shopping this year. I feel like we spend so much on clothes for one day and we really don’t even take that many pictures or anything of us in them! I know, especially being in the south, that Easter dresses are a BIG DEAL but for me…they just aren’t. We have so many family traditions and I just don’t think new clothes at Easter is something I want to add to that list!
I actually LOVED the outfits I put the girls in for the church egg hunt and decided since we were visiting Zach’s family’s church on actual Easter that the girls would just wear them again 😉 Why not!
We attended church at Lakeland and then went to Mema’s for lunch, another egg hunt, and to just spend some quality time together! Zach left from her house for Atlanta for his infusion but I stayed and got to catch up with everyone and let the kids enjoy their cousins. I was super cool mom and they skipped naps that day too (yup, two days in a row of NO NAPS!).
G-Mama got each of the grand kids a little something for Easter!
So sweet that she thought of Tab too 🙂
Ready to find more eggs!
Here’s a video of all the kids taking off
The impossible to reach egg haha
hahahah I wish I had this on video!
Tess LOVES counting! She kept just taking her eggs out and counting them over and over
Making sure we found all the eggs!
Moving on from counting eggs to counting rocks 😉
Jolee and her boyfriend brought their puppy over and of course our animal loving girl was ALL about the dog!
Exhausted! We def did an early bedtime!
Every holiday we have now I can’t help but to think about next year. Will we have a sweet baby along for all of these experiences? Will I get to buy one last Easter Basket? We’re a year into the process and being active now just makes me think about him more and more. We’re ready and waiting!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025