Every year we have SO MANY Easter events! I feel like we do more at Easter than we do Christmas! Even with a newborn this year we will did so much and had such a fun-filled Easter season together as a family.
I am just LOVING each holiday this year. It’s my last year of having a baby experience a “first” for each holiday…but more importantly it’s my first year of having MY WHOLE family experience each holiday together. We’re full. We’re complete. And it’s WONDERFUL!
Our church egg hunt requires real colored eggs and we like to color some for the Easter Bunny too so we always make it an event on a Saturday morning. Spear napped through it and this year was a BIG MOMENT because Daddy actually eased up some control and let Kye put the eggs in the dye haha! Baby steps 😉
We color the eggs with crayons before dying them!
Feeling so grown 😉
Notice Daddy didn’t go far haha!
Very serious about his job!
A sweet family from our church hosts an egg hunt at their home each year! It’s always a wonderful event but also always falls at nap time. The three older kids can handle skipping but Zach took Spear home for his nap!
Notice how thrilled I look about the kids running to play on the playground ha!
Kye was all about the basketball with the boys
While the girls loved the swing!
Sweet friends since birth!
I LOVE that our church family all get together and it’s so, so sweet of the family for hosing and their property is beautiful. However their play area gives me SO MUCH ANXIETY. One year I lost a kid for a few minutes and pretty much every year someone gets injured.
This year it was Britt’s turn. A little boy dropped the basketball and it bounced just right and nailed her in the face at the same moment she was swinging and collided into the boy. I didn’t even SEE her get hurt, all my attention was on the swing barreling into another child!
Bless her. It left quite a bruise!
I was glad Tessie wanted to stick to a safe spot 😉
This is the face we all make when we load up at the dessert table haha!
Tess was my only lunch companion as Kye and Britt both opted to eat with friends! I love that our babies are growing up forming bonds with fellow Christian families!
Egg hunt time! Out of ALL the kids involved in the hunt Tess was the ONLY one clever enough to check around the golf cart that the teens were sitting on. She RACKED UP!
Kye and Tess both found a prize egg which got them a HUGE chocolate bunny. Of course Britt is the one who loves chocolate the most and ended up being the only one who didn’t find a prize egg. Isn’t that how it always goes?
My crew!
Tess and Britt both had class egg hunts (Britt’s was in March and I covered it in her monthly summary post…I wasn’t able to to attend due to Kye’s field trip).
Spear and I were able to be at Tessie’s hunt!
For her hunt she had to find a certain number on the eggs she was allowed to pick up. It was quite a challenge!
BFF Cousins
I got a TON of pre-filled eggs last year on Amazon for DIRT CHEAP (I’m talking like 200 eggs for $1!) so I’m sure Tess’s classmates LOVED their prizes in their eggs bahaha
Another perk about being done with babies? We’re DONE buying big expense items for the holidays…last time forking out some mega dough for a new Easter Basket 😉
All the baskets for the kids are PBK. They aren’t cheap. BUT they LAST. And that’s my goal. I buy ONE hunting basket and ONE Easter basket and my hope is that’s all I’ll ever buy for each child!
Auntie Katie has been hosting a egg hunt the last couple of years at her house and it worked perfectly with Spear’s schedule that we were able to attend this year!
Such perfect weather and so much fun!
Auntie Katie takin’ charge 😉
She’s become an egg hunt pro!
There were special eggs with our names on them with yummy treats inside!
First Easter for this cutie!
Katie is VERY daring and lets alllll the kids at the get together color eggs. Kye immediately took control of the situation (mini-Zach!)
Tess is always the second in command 😉
Pinata time!
Love beautiful spring weather and making memories as a family!
Ms Becky (Katie’s sweet mama) got to meet Spear!
Newest egg hunter!
All the kids! Everyone had a GREAT time! Katie is the best hostess 🙂
So thankful for our friendship. We love our Auntie Katie!
The Easter Baskets ready for the big reveal
The Easter Bunny hides an egg with each of the kid’s names on it outside their bedroom door in their church shoes. It’s something he always did for my brother and I when we were little too!
Excited that the Easter Bunny got the right names in the right shoes this year haha
I love all the fuzzy hair on each corner of this picture…all the kids just gather around Spear and love being part off all of his firsts!
Ready to hunt the eggs the bunny hid!
Our family “thing” has become gathering at the end of the hallway and running out for any holiday 😉
The Easter Bunny hides “easy to find” as well as “harder to find” eggs and the older kids do SO GREAT at encouraging the younger ones to find the “easier to find” eggs while they keep their eyes out for the harder ones. Yes, we’re competitive but also think it’s important to teach our kids to be kind and generous and to look out for those who are younger than them!
The chaos 🙂 I love it!
I hid a special egg in their baskets that had a note saying Mommy would host a prize egg hunt later that week 😉 I did it a few years ago because we had a stomach bug and missed out on hunting eggs at Mema’s and the kids LOVED IT and have been wanting me to do it again!
Hey Girl 😉
Britt and Tess had mini-hatchimals in their baskets which were a BIG hit!
Overstimulated to the max ha!
We headed to church and then got home and took some pics before loading back up to go over to Mema’s!
Poor Britt had a bit of a random temp. You can tell in her sweet eyes that she doesn’t feel so great.
I LOVE matching with the girls and will keep doing it as long as they get excited about it. They think it’s so fun matching each other and even more fun getting to match Mommy too. I got all of our dresses from Old Navy! Britt wore hers in our family photos so I was happy to get a couple good wears out of it (Yall know me, I RARELY buy my kids new clothes so when I do I try to use ’em up!)
Zach changed before we left the house but I still wanted a full family pic for Spear’s First Easter!
Ready for another egg hunt!
Since Britt wasn’t feeling well on Easter we waited to do our at home hunt until the next day. My kids go NUTS over this. I fill eggs with different things. Some get candy (a big bag of jelly beans goes far!), 1 per kid has some money in it, and then I fill several with coupons. I hide all the candy ones on the ground around the backyard. The prize ones are more strategically hidden (none touch the ground). I also divide up the prize ones so there are even on each side of the yard.
The kids know all of this and are allowed to each find a certain number of eggs. It’s up to them if they run and grab all the easy to spot ones on the ground (candy eggs) or if they look harder to find the more well hidden ones (money or coupon eggs). This makes is way more fun than just running and grabbing random eggs bc there is strategy involved 😉
The coupons!
Ready to hunt!
Kye is ALL IN for the coupons!
They loved it!
Kye loves this activity so much that he created his own egg hunt using my same idea and layout but this time for me and the girls to find!
Whew. We had one BUSY Easter! It was so fun and such a great time together!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025