End of month recap: June 2019

This post is going to cover the second half of our June! Missed the first half of the month? Be sure to read this post!
Kye checked in at Georgia Bible Camp on Father’s Day and stayed for almost a full week.
It worked out where the girls had a Harry Potter camp together the same time that Kye had camp so everyone had a super fun-filled week!
We went to say hey to Kye and it was funny because Britt was SO PUMPED about getting to go next year and I just kept thinking “get me out of here.” I’m a LOT of things…but a camp kinda mama isn’t one of them!
I was super pumped though to see my baby boy at the end of the week!
He had a great time and can’t wait to head back next summer.
I like to use summer as a chance for the kids to try out activities they think they may enjoy.
In the past we’ve done tennis, golf, football, gymnastics, video game creation, basketball and dance.
I’ve never been super impressed with any of the camps we’ve participated in.
So often it seems like it’s just glorified childcare and not actually learning the skills!
Britt really wanted to do some sort of baking camp and I struggled to find an option for her age.
When I saw that Smallcakes was offering a Harry Potter themed camp I JUMPED on it!
It worked out so well that Tess fell in the age range too so she was able to attend with her big sister.
The camp was ADORABLE. So well themed with all themed activities and hands-on experiences. I was very, very impressed.
On day 1 they made chocolate frog cupcakes!
Day 2 was butterbeer cupcakes!
They made slime and had a BLAST!
While Kye was at camp Zach also went out of town so we had a true girl’s night once Spear went to bed and I let the girls sleep with me!
It was hilarious because about 10 minutes into the sleepover Tess said she just wanted to go sleep in her own bed!
So it was just Britt and I snuggling to sleep 🙂
We had some really fun girl time during the week while Kye was away and when the girls weren’t at camp!
We put together the necklace kits Zach and I got for them during our trip to Williamsburg.
And had a theme day watching Pocahontas to go along with them! Tess was obsessed with dressing up and wore it for a couple days!
Britt did some baking and we had some fun having themed treats and just following our daily summer schedule routine.
We celebrated Cooper’s 7th birthday at his swim birthday party! Spear didn’t come and it was nice to have kids old enough where I could watch and visit from the sidelines and not have to worry about being IN the pool 😉
Thanks to Mrs Robyn for having us and treating Britt to her first soda in a can 😉
We have been slacking on staying up to date with all the Disney movies coming out and thought it’d be super fun to do a DOUBLE FEATURE to see both Toy Story 4 and Aladdin (live action)
We had a sitter for Spear (who got to chill by the pool while he napped #easygig) and took the three big kids to both movies back to back.
It was so fun and we loved them BOTH! I was super impressed with Aladdin. Will Smith did GREAT and the casting was SPOT ON.
I also felt like it was easier to understand the words of the songs in the live action than it was in the original?
And Toy Story 4 was just so perfect. I get the feels just thinking about it. They really know how to hit the mama emotions and I kept thinking about how obsessed Kye used to be with Toy Story and we’re so excited to pass his toys down to Spear!
We have never done the summer reading program at the library but this summer I wanted to make it a priority and we’ve been KILLING IT!
The kids love going to check out books and have been doing so great with their daily reading for 30 minutes during nap time (Kye and Britt both read an additional 30 minutes before bed most nights and Kye literally reads almost 2 hours total a day. Kid. Loves. To. Read.)
We got a new library in our area and it’s SO NICE which makes the visits more fun too!
Having library books kinda stresses me out b/c I’m scared we’ll lose them.
The librarian always prints a receipt with all the books listed so I clip it with a magnet clip on our garage door! Then I use it to mark off each book when we gather them up to return – it’s been a super good system so far!
The summer reading program is great. The kids love returning books and getting to choose their prizes!
Kye had his one year scan for his back/leg stuff and I loaded up all the kids for his appointment with the specialist.
Y’all. We filled UP that waiting room.
They all did SO GREAT especially for the NINETY minutes we waited!!!
We also had a couple of visits to get the CST massages. The kids all LOVE it and Spear is at the point where he no longer needs the therapy.
She feels very confident that the tension Spear has carried in his head has been released. We have def noticed a lot more letter sounds and tongue movement so I’m a believer, even if Zach jokes that it’s witch craft haha
We did a little Target run while Britt was at gymnastics and Tess loved walking the aisles giving me ideas for her birthday gifts.
Out of ALL the toys she saw…guess what she said she wants THE MOST?
I about died with excitement. I was obsessed with Barbies as a kid. When my parents divorced I had an entire ROOM of Barbies to play with at my dad’s house.
So many great memories!
I have ALL of my Barbies in the attic and my plan is to give her her very first Barbie for her birthday and then pull them all down for her. SO. PUMPED.
We met up with Robyn and her crew to play at the park a bit before getting snow cones!
LL was SO sweet with Spear and helped him a ton with the slide.
The kids all had so much fun. The snow cones surprised me…neither Tess or Spear liked them!
I LOVE the snow cones. They put ice cream in them and it’s SO GOOD.
I FINALLY loaded up the kids and took them to Wild Adventures.
I know it’s silly that I’m totally comfortable going to Disney but stress over Wild Adventures but it’s just tougher – especially with the water park and that LONG WALK from the parking lot.
Thankful that Zach’s family went out there too.
It worked so great that Cool Aunt Courtney took the big kids to ride the rides while us with the younger ones hung out at the splash area.
Everyone had so much fun and even just a couple of hours was plenty!
It was Spear’s first visit!
We missed Colt and Payton but had a blast!
The gang! Tessie ADORES Ella and Elizabeth so it was great that they were there too!
We go to St Augustine every year for the first week of July and a few years ago Britt and I started a girl time tradition of getting our nails done before the beach.
This year Tess got to join us!
I LOVE this tradition. It’s so special to me to have quality time with my girls and have something we look forward to each year.
I know it’s also kinda silly to do our nails BEFORE the beach b/c duh they get so messed up at the beach. But it’s also just more about doing them than anything else!
It was so funny when we got there they took AGES picking their colors.
I thought we’d all match but NOPE. It quickly became a competition to see who’d pick the prettiest colors 😉
Tess even had her FIRST SPRITE and she was so stinking cute sipping her fancy cup while avoiding messing up her nails.
Britt turned down the Sprite last year and has literally regretted it ALL YEAR and has been counting DOWN to get to have it again!
While we got pampered there were not one but TWO movies with Patrick Dempsey in them on the tvs. (they have it on mute)
It was extra fun introducing them to Mc Dreamy 😉
We had SUCH a great time. Y’all know quality time is totally my love language and having Tess included made my heart so full because this is it! This is my future forever – me and my girls doing all the fun girly things together!
I was also very, very proud of Britt.
It’s just been HER for so many of our girl traditions and now that Tess is old enough to be included Britt could have been annoyed. But she was PUMPED to have Tess there and did SO GREAT when Tess’s nail tech gave her a special flower finger nail while Britt’s didn’t give one to her.
She’s an awesome, awesome big sister!
For the most part we’ve followed our daily summer routine basically every day!
Majority of our free time is spent SWIMMING!
Britt has had a summer goal to sleep in until 8 am and she achieved it already!
Britt is at a fun age for the fun craft sets and enjoys figuring them out on her own and is SO proud of the results!
Summer Target runs are the best 🙂
Pro mom tips for summer:
SHUT THE DOOR. Don’t bother with having the kids clean their rooms. Just. Close. The. Door.
And when you have a rough day? Let them have a sleepover! My kids will “go to bed” at like 6:00 so they can have lots of time to enjoy their sleepover fun!
I totally allow my kids to wrestle with the rule that if someone gets hurt they don’t come crying to me.
Well during their wrestling Tess actually knocked out Kye’s loose tooth! Hilarious!
Tess doesn’t sleep every day. I’d say she naps more like every other.
In kindergarten she won’t have ANY rest time at all.
I think she’ll do okay with it but I’m also okay with her holding onto her bit of nap for summer!
I love that she’ll fall asleep places. She’s my ONLY kid who has EVER done that!
At the end of the month we got packed up for the beach! Tess was hilarious about her packing list and loved marking things off as she packed.
And Zach. Well Zach proved that husbands really can’t see what’s right in front of them.
“Where’s the jelly? Have you seen the jelly? Babe. Are you laughing because you moved the jelly?”
The kids have done well getting along. I really, really think our summer schedule is CRUCIAL!
The funniest thing is the HUGE winning streak Tess is on!
She just started playing games on her own without help and she’s KILLING IT.
She’s won Sorry like three times in a row! I LOVE this picture of her. She’s so proud and everyone else is SO BITTER 😉
Whew and there you have it!
If you miss the first half of our June be sure to read this post
And if you’d like to see my personal favorite finds from the month be sure to visit here!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025