During October Kye had a few days off of school for Fall Break. The weather was beautiful and I decided to make his break all about being outside and having fun together. We don’t get to play outside often while he’s in school so it was a simple break with simple entertainment and we all had a good time 🙂
First we enjoyed our backyard! All of the toys and the playground! I was SHOCKED when Britt climbed up the ladder by herself and happily played inside the playhouse. I was nervous the whole time that she would fall but I was also proud and impressed that she could do it on her own. Finally both kids can enjoy the playground together!
She is so funny how she will go from SO happy to SO upset in a matter of seconds…
We tend to eat the same breakfast each morning (I drink a meal replacement shake and the kids eat bananas, prunes, and cereal with their vitamins and milk) so I made muffins as a special treat! Anytime I mix things up for breakfast the kids get pumped 😉
On morning two we played out front. We pulled out all the chalk we could find and the kids went to town all over the driveway. Britt drew lots of lines but Kye is really getting creative! He made a city with houses and roads and worked very hard on it!
Of course we also pulled out the cars. Do your kids have a Cozy Coupe? Kye STILL loves to play with his. I think they are my favorite outside toy the kids have! Britt isn’t quite able to make herself go in it yet so Kye and I take turns pushing her around haha.
We also got out all the bikes. I guess my family just isn’t a bike family? Is that bad? I had this goal of getting Kye to be able to ride his bike by the end of summer and it SO didn’t happen. He just struggles with the pedals and gets annoyed with it. I never really rode a bike until I was around 10 years old I think? I just wasn’t ever into them. Especially with my foot issues we can’t go on walks or bike rides anyway so why learn to ride it when he has no where he can go with it? I had him try for a little bit but didn’t force it and he ended up enjoying his balance bike a lot more! He’s never shown much interest in it before but now he’s all about it and Zach needs to fill up the tires so he can do his thing!
We got out the car mat inside and the kids played cars while I got lunch ready. We have SO many toys I felt like Fall Break was a great excuse to REALLY play 🙂 My plan worked out great!
For lunch we had leftover pizza and I took the kids out to the playground to eat at their picnic table. It was Britt’s first time getting to eat out there and she did GREAT until Levi stole her food haha. She was also more interested in playing than eating so she didn’t eat much. But at least it was a fun experience!
On the last morning of Fall Break I had made big plans to visit a new local corn maze type place. I had gotten them to agree to open just for our group and had invited a TON of people to it. I was SO bummed when it was DOWNPOUR rain that morning 🙁 Kye had been very excited about the event especially after I also invited his entire school to go with us. But we rolled with it and I took the kids to Publix. I love me some Publix! Free cookies and balloons make for happy rainy children! And as a bonus I FINALLY remembered to grab one of those steering wheel shopping carts. They had a blast!
Seeing creepy Halloween decorations haha
With the bad weather I was kinda stuck without many options for fun things to do to fill our day so when we got home I busted out the paints and let the kids go to town on their little pumpkins they had picked out from the pumpkin patch. It kept ’em having fun and was free so I went for it! They LOVED it but I learned that kid friendly paint doesn’t stick super well to pumpkins. It took ages to dry!
Glad it’s non-toxic paint 😉
We had a fun low-key Fall Break and I really savor the days that I get to have both of my babies at home with me! We always have so much fun together and I truly miss Kye very much during school!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
You took some really great pictures. My son (oldest) had some physical (gross motor) delays and fine motor delays so he didn't take to a bike super easy. Actually he was probably 9 years..maybe 10 before he could ride his bike really well. And he loves it now at 13.5 years old. He doesn't ride it a ton. Does Zach like to ride bikes? He might enjoy it then. The girls started earlier and earlier and they absolutely love to ride their bikes. We live in a circle so they ride on the sidewalk (yes, I'm a side walk mom) on our street. I know that since they are older I should give them some more freedom but I'm taking little steps. And the bike helmet is always worn…they only kids in the neighborhood that do such. Our dr asks them at every appointment if they wear a helmet. I think he thinks that one of them will say "no" but helmets are required. Even at the grandparents there are some small bikes left there and helmets, too. No helmet, no ride. 🙂 I promise I'm a nice, relaxed mom about some things…bike helmets is not something I'll wiling to chance.