Now that summer is over we’re back to the monthly recaps! Our last week of summer summary did trickle over into August so that weeks post goes along with this monthly recap too 🙂
Saturday mornings are kinda a big thing in our family, especially for Britt. She is the kid who LOVES Saturday morning special breakfasts the most! Daddy always makes a special Saturday breakfast and it’s one of those things I know our kids will always remember. We try to keep it fun and special and when cooking something isn’t in the cards we sometimes surprise ’em with a bought breakfast 😉 Donuts never disappoint!
The kids and I have done a Mommy Sleepover once a summer for a few summers now and Zach wanted to try a Daddy version. He was daring to load up ALL THREE of the big kids in our TINY queen size bed with him (let’s all remember what a big dude Zach is too haha). They had their sleepover night while I was away at Taylor Swift and had a lot of fun!
A big family thing to happen this month was Zach getting his vasectomy. I blogged about my feelings regarding being done having babies here and about what to expect during a vasectomy procedure here.
We had a very full day the day of his procedure and I think it was good for me to have to stay busy! I did manage to snap this pic though 😉
It was comforting while waiting to see my sweet friend Lindsay (Captured by Colson) featured in our local magazine! So COOL!
The appointment all went very smoothly and the healing time was minimal. I’m thankful I went with Zach to the appointment because I had to sign some documents stating I agreed with him getting the procedure AND he was pretty drugged up so I def had to drive him home! It’s been a couple months now and he’s not yet gotten his first sample check but it’s all been very smooth sailing throughout the entire process! And we have NO REGRETS 😉
The best Wednesdays are when Zach happens to be home and able to take Britt to gymnastics and pick her back up. The second best ones are when the kids and I drop her off and he can pick her up. The toughest ones are when he’s out of town or just working late and unable to do either. Trying to find stuff to do around town with a fussy baby isn’t very easy! That time of day is just ROUGH!
I took the three non-gymnasts to the grocery store and it actually went SUPER well! So many bright colors and variety of things to look at kept Spear distracted and happy and I was so proud of how the older two did too!
He did keep grabbing items from the buggy and trying to eat them ha!
When you find the STICKY FOOT!
Zach and I recently talked through some house projects that need to happen. Our house is almost 8 years old and it’s time to replace/update a lot of things. Especially because our house was built on a “spec budget” meaning we went pretty low quality on everything knowing we’d have to replace/update along and along.
When we discussed what needed to be done Zach said the top priority had to be the yard. We had to bring in a TON of dirt when we built our house. We have a lot of runoff issues and drainage problems and it was at a point where it just needed to have a long term, reliable fix.
Zach is SO HANDY but I’m also thankful he recognizes when it’s important to call in some help and he got Barry to come over to see what should be done with the drainage. He then ran pipes underground through a large portion of our yard to redirect the water flow and added a few drains for the water to go down into the pipes!
While not glamorous, it will be a HUGE fix for our overall yard and we just went ahead and made “yard makeover” the number 1 project priority so he’s doing a HUGE project in our backyard and I can’t wait to see the end results!
Insurance salesman by day – yard worker by weekend – Daddy by evening 🙂
Last year our family had a shaving cream fight to end the summer and the kids LOVED it so we did it again this summer! We all basically gave up on trying to get Zach and more focused on each other because we all know he will dominate anyway and he’s WAY too tall to try to actually get haha
It was a super fun family night where we kicked things off with the shaving cream fight and then swam as a family (Spear napped). The kids especially love it when Daddy and Mommy swim too and particularly love when Daddy throws them (here’s Tess and Britt being thrown) We then had a FEAST for dinner! Britt’s fav is always corn on the cobb and Zach really loves a legit burger! It didn’t disappoint!!!
Another “must do” each summer is making ice cream in a bag! We did that for dessert. It takes some mega muscles to get it all shaken up but it’s worth the work because it’s SO tasty!!!
First year Kye could shake the bag himself 😉
I’m sorry I can’t credit where I even found this. I printed it off YEARS ago!
Our theme for the summer was travel and boredom haha if we weren’t traveling then we were at home probably unpacking and repacking for another trip so I used that down time to just let the kids be BORED. I didn’t cram every day filled with activities and such. They had a lot of “bored” kinda days and I loved seeing what they came up with…let me just say there were MANY forts built this summer!
I love that we have a HUGE couch yet the kids always sit SUPERCLOSE together 🙂
I LOVE our dentist and that they are SO EASY to work with and schedule appointments with! They always make it work for all three kids to come in together at the same time and have appointments at the same time. Keeps it quick and easy on Mama and on them as well!
They all did GREAT for their appointments. No cavities!
There are some concerns with gum regression for Kye so we’re doing a sensitive toothpaste as well as a special toothbrush that is soft and gentle on his gums. They are predicting he won’t need braces until middle school.
Britt has a bit of spacing concern since she has a tooth on each side on the top that still needs to come in and there isn’t a whole lot of space for them. We’re going to watch and see but she may end up needing to have her canines pulled which is exactly what Zach had to do too.
Tess had her first x-rays and did fabulous and everything looks great for her!
Taking good care of those teeth!!!
I’ve tried doing a walk with Spear, Kye and Tess in the past while Britt is at gymnastics and it went horribly but now that he’s a little older I thought I’d try it again and it went MUCH better! The downside this time? Kye and Tess got super bored. Our community playground is right next to our community pool so everyone was at the pool, not playing on the playground and they didn’t have anyone to play with.
So we left early to grab pizza for dinner (every moms go to dinner choice when Daddy isn’t home, right?) and happened to notice one of those cookie dough places is located next door to our pizza place. We had some time and went to check it out! I’ve actually not had any interest in trying it before because it just sounds too sweet to me? It was actually really good though especially when we took it home and froze it for a bit!
Our Book Club book for August was Bring Me Back. It was a book that Zach will for sure enjoy…which means it was just okay for me. I enjoy a thriller but we got thriller heavy for a bit with book club and I was excited to mix it up with a more girly read for September!
We have really been having a GREAT group show up lately with book club! It’s been so great having more friends to connect with and a larger crew to enjoy a night out together. I love that it’s all just grown organically and we’ve always kept it casual…everyone doesn’t HAVE to read the book to come and you aren’t forced to come to anything 🙂 I think it’s been really, really great!
We are also trying out different restaurants to get a solid list of places down and tried Red Lobster this time which worked out nicely. We also decided to meet on a set day each month to keep things cohesive and easy to plan!
I was also able to meet up with Lindsay to catch up over lunch with our baby boys and it was SO NICE!
Our church had the young boys lead night services and treated everyone to The Mix truck! SO FUN!
Ice Cream AT Church?! NO WAY!
Once Spear is older I know I’ll be posting non-stop about brother things like I do with the girls. Zach and I both just LOVE same sibling pairings. I love seeing the girls interact and the special bond they have. Neither of us had that growing up so it’s a gift we’ve been so thankful to be able to give to our children! Britt is SO patient with Tess and such a great big sister in how she leads and I’m thankful Tess has her as a role model to look up to!
Tess’s first time making pancakes
Just swinging and chatting 🙂
We have several power wheels but they’d rather ride together!
I know all over the country that sleepovers aren’t really a “thing” anymore but they are still super popular around here. We try to encourage a lot of sibling sleep overs with our kids in hopes that they won’t feel like they are missing out since I’m anti-sleepovers! They love their sibling nights together!
I had my annual eye exam and I was due for new lenses and it actually ended up being cheaper to just get entirely new frames rather than have them special order lenses for the frames I already have. I still had to go with the cheap cheap options and even then I heard I could get them WAY cheaper on line with way cuter options too so next time I will hunt around more! But I like the ones I got!
Some of my outfits for this month:
I’m always on the hunt for super comfortable shoes and I LOVE these crocs! HUGE win! (Jumping ahead a bit…I wore them all day walking in San Fran and my foot felt great so I plan to buy more in other colors!).
I wear these little dresses all the time. So easy to throw on and dress up or dress down! I also love this tote that’s reversible!
We had a great August! One of our very few months without traveling this year haha!
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
- What I’m Gifting My Family: 2024 - November 21, 2024