This is a recap of our entire month of March! There is a LOT to cover so I just am going through it chronologically π
I find it HILARIOUS that Britt is now so annoyed with Tess. Karma honey π
Zach’s big goal has been to get our outdoor kitchen built which has meant a lot of downtime on the weekends. Not my fav. We got into a rhythm for a little while where I’d take the big kids out and about and Zach would keep Tess at home while he worked on kitchen stuff. It’s awesome that the big kids are SO EASY now and it makes outings FUN. I see the advantage of people having kids close in age b/c having a little one makes even quick errands difficult!
Kye brought along his wallet and wanted to buy some tic-tacs with his money!
I am a person who NEEDS friendships. I have a theory that people with less close family tend to seek out deeper friendships more than those who have tight family bonds. I fit into that gotta have friends category. I love group stuff and I love one-on-one time too. Lindsay and I first started getting to know each other when we first started working with her for our family photos (Captured by Colson). Over the years we’ve gotten to know each other better and she’s really a friend I have wanted to invest more time with for a long time now. I’m SO thankful we’ve both felt the same way and I LOVE our talks. I feel like we just “click” and she’s truly a blessing to me!
An outdoor kitchen is no joke y’all. Zach made all the forms himself to create the concrete countertops!
Found a lovely family of spider eggs when I tipped over Kye’s Jeep to clean out leaves. YIKES.
I have a natural darker pigment of skin. People growing up always envied how easily I tan and how long my color lasts. Don’t envy it guys. Because my skin darkens so easily as I’ve gotten older I’ve had some issues starting with discoloration. Blah. I read on Chronicles of a Babywise Mom that Valerie has had AWESOME results using Hair, Skin, and Nails so I started adding them to my daily routine in hopes that they will make a difference!
I got Zach a Yeti Tumbler for Christmas and he got me one for Valentine’s Day. We LOVE them. I know they aren’t cheap but we use them DAILY so it’s been worthwhile for us to have (especially living in the south Georgia HEAT). I worked with aNn Monograms to come up with some decals to personalize our favorite cups! She does some ammmmazing stuff!
My weakness is some McD iced coffees…YUM.
I mentioned in a recent post that Britt has become really into the American Girl catalogs that have randomly been arriving in our mailbox (how do they know that I have a girl close to the age of their products? Kinda creepy riiiiiight?). As a girl I had a Samantha doll and I SWORE I still had her somewhere. Zach and I both remember seeing a box of American Girl stuff at some point somewhere. We’ve moved three times and neither of us could remember seeing it in our current home. I’ve been so thankful that my parents both insisted that I take all my childhood toys and such from their storages when I got married, but I was nervous that my mom may have still had my American Girl dolls which meant I probably wouldn’t be getting that box anytime soon.
I took a night and ventured up into our attic. Which…not gonna lie…freaked me out. I HATE heights and as a kid my dad fell through our attic (and into the ceiling directly above my bed where I was sleeping haha) so I don’t love attics. But it was SO worth it.
I found THE BOX!!! I about cried! Especially when I opened it up and didn’t just see Samantha…but saw a bonus doll too that I don’t even remember owning! That means EACH of my girls can have a doll from Mommy!!!
For being 20 or so years old and being in a hot attic for years and years they look pretty good huh?
(I sent them both into the American Girl Doll Hospital…more on that in a future post)
I now have a new goal to completely go through all my junk in the attic. Some stuff is straight trash but there are also so many treasures! What good are all my childhood toys and such doing if they are in storage forever? Stuff is only meaningful to anyone if you enjoy it and I want my kids to get to enjoy things I enjoyed at their ages!
Creepiest find so far? ALL OF MY BABY TEETH. No joke. Kye has his first loose tooth so I was pretty pumped to freak him out the next morning. He actually ended up LOVING it and saying he wanted something similar. And…not surpassingly…Britt dropped the box of my teeth and they scattered everywhere and are now all mixed up. I might have also accidentally chewed on one thinking it was a piece of popcorn one day. π΅
I made some pretty sweet dough for me teeth!
Another special find was my box that I kept beside my bed at night. I’ve always had a brain that I can’t shut off and I had a good bit of anxiety. I remember sleeping with little trinkets to help comfort and calm me. I carried that little cross in my pocket card around with me and would sleep with it on my heart. It’s so worn and was such a special find. (and unicorn box for the WIN)
Speaking of attic spaces…we have a room off of Zach’s office area upstairs that the builder accidentally had partially finished. It has flooring to support a real room and we will eventually finish it like Zach did the playroom. For now though it holds our kids clothing that they aren’t currently wearing (either stuff that’s too small or stuff that I buy on super sale that’s too big) and it holds all my deals on gifts π Now that we have three kids keeping up with the clothing storage is ridiculous. Someone is always growing out of a size and it’s SO EASY for me to get behind in putting things in the correct containers. And, yes, I hoard all of my childrens’ clothing. I plan to sell it all at kids sales once we are done having babies…and I plan to make a million dollars in profit π
We enjoyed the beautiful weather that March brings and had the Megow crew over to play too! (Shirts were apparently optional haha)
Both these boys are constantly surrounded by sisters…they were PRECIOUS playing some backyard football together!
We did tacos for dinner to keep it simple and kid friendly. Wrong. I announced to everyone that I wanted them to scream super loudly how much they hate tacos and then they weren’t allowed to say it again. Apparently no one under the age of 8 enjoys tacos haha
Zach could so rock 7 kids π
Tess NEVER goes to people. Even like Zach’s mom she will cry about being handed to…yet she instantly loved Seth!!!
I gave the boys some guy time and went to dinner with Robyn! We don’t often do stuff “just us” so it was great!
TMI alert but I mean I had Tess how long ago?!? Like we are nearing the 2 year marker here people. WHEN oh WHEN will my body go back to normal?!?! My cycle has been SO CRAZY since giving birth to her. My skin breaks out like something fierce mid-way through, I have some killer PMS (sorry honey), cramps so painful I require a heating pad, and will LEGIT be unable to function AT ALL the first day or so when my auntie finally pays the visit. Sometimes she’s super early and then sometimes she’s mega late. So. Annoying.
Casey and I took the girls and Carter to the YMCA for Friday Frolic fun! It was so cute because Britt instantly made a friend then I never saw her the rest of the time. I know for a fact that Britt is my social butterfly and I’ll probably have to keep a close eye on what friends she chooses in the future. Tess is the exact opposite and doesn’t like to go to ANYONE. She was ADORABLE on this particular day. She ventured out a bit more and kept finding older kids she liked. She especially enjoyed following around this little group of boys who were probably 3ish. She was annoying them and they kept saying “go away baby” but she kept on after them and when we left I asked what her favorite part of the morning was and she said “BOYS” Whew we are in trouble with her for an entirely different reason than Britt’s π
We have Wild Adventures passes and it’s one of those places that you know you SHOULD go and once you DO go you will have fun but it’s such a pain TO actually go. We had a day where we went back and forth debating going out there and we ended up being so glad we did! The Bacon crew met us there and we all had a blast!
Britt living it up…Tess not so sure
Girl time on the carousel!
While the boys went to ride coasters and go carts π
The struggle is so real with little ones at a theme park like that as there just isn’t much for them to do!
We rode the carousel twice but that wasn’t enough for Tess. She literally tried to climb the fence to get to the horses!
Of all our kids this girl is the one who’s always been the biggest water consumer!
Watching Daddy and Kye on the coaster!
The ONE ride at Wild Adventures that is fun for the entire family is the safari. We stood in line FOREVER and that junk never came. So annoying. The babies did super well (great practice for Disney) and even though it was frustrating to wait and wait and not actually end up riding it, the timing did work out well as we would have never thought to check out a tiger show if we hadn’t been walking right by as it was starting!
It was legit super awesome and something we all enjoyed!
Our kids all LOVE the playground and it’s the perfect way to end a fun day! We even picked up pizza on the way home and made a fun night of it all π
I’ve posted before about my “goal jeans.” I bought them before giving birth to Tess and have worked so hard to be able to wear them. I realized they are just crappy jeans. They must be mis-sized or something because I’m in a 4 (and have been for awhile now) yet they are a size 6 and just haven’t fit right. This month I tried them on just on a whim and they fit the best they have yet! I actually wore them in public! Whoop Whoop!
I’ve always envied Mrs. Charlotte and how she will buy new clothes before Aflac trips so this month I was SO PUMPED about our Italy California trip. It was going to be my FIRST big trip since our honeymoon where I wasn’t either nursing or pregnant! PLUS I’ve worked hard to get down to a size where I’m getting my confidence back so it made it even more fun to load up on new cute clothes for our adventures!
Admit it…you don’t fully take off your pants when trying on clothes either…right?
Like most moms I wear jeans majority of the time. I got to the point this month where I was OVER IT. I had like 34 pairs of jeans and it was a PAIN to go through them all over and over again. Majority of them didn’t fit me well. I’d wear them and they’d be falling down over and over all day or they’d be too long or hug the wrong places. Etc etc etc. I’ve read a good bit about “capsule closets” and I decided to start with my jeans. I tried on every single pair I own and if I didn’t LOVE the way they fit, then they went into a get rid of pile. Y’all. I got rid of 26 pairs of jeans (any takers?). 26! (this included the annoying “goal jeans”) I then invested in NICE jeans that fit FLAWLESSLY. I ordered 21 pairs of jeans from Nordstrom. They have free returns so I got 9 pairs of jeans in multiple sizes. I tried them all on and ended up keeping three of them. One every day color in a skinny ankle fit, another in a dark wash skinny, and a third “boyfriend” distressed relaxed style. My life is SO much simpler AND I have jeans that FIT. I did also keep 2 pairs of larger size jeans b/c we all need fat day jeans π
Crunk about jeans that are the PERFECT length!
Before and After (and I’m not done with the colored pants either)
Getting rid of all those jeans was SO FREEING that I’ve become pretty obsessed with it. I think it helps boost my confidence too to try on so many ill-fitting items b/c they are too big. I’ve kept all the bigger things but put them in the attic to wear postpartum next time!
Shorts were next on my list!
Also this month we finally got our new door hanger hung! I got it from Groopdealz (so random) and it was unpainted. Zach got some blue spray paint and I LOVE how it turned out! We like to always make sure we have some blue represented on our porch to remind our neighbors that we haven’t stopped the “blue door dream” π
Nothing makes a mama’s heart happier than seeing her babies playing sweetly together!
Caught me taking pics and stuck out that tongue haha!
Another attic find of mine was an old Barbie luggage case FILLED with My Little Ponies!!! I have to brag on myself as a kid…I took dang good care of my toys! They were all in great condition and the girls LOVE playing with them π
Kye may even enjoy them too π
Stevie had her birthday party and this time we didn’t get lost (probably b/c it was at Seth’s house). It was the same weekend as Easter so Zach stayed home with Tess who was sick and I took the big kids. Which I mean looking back I probably shouldn’t have done b/c they def had a bit of it too by the end of the weekend. Oops!
All the other kids were coloring while Kye was concerned with eating π
Husband brag break: isn’t he the sweetest daddy?
He’s a pretty dang sweet husband too! Surprised me with BEAUTIFUL flowers (which he thought were tulips haha)
AND surprised me by making the bed (which I LOVE) and writing me a sweet love note letting me know I could get the house PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED. Y’all don’t even know how long I’ve been hinting/straight up begging to have our house cleaned. I do the best I can but it’s HARD with three kids. I have a friend with 4 kids who lives in a smaller home and she always talks about how she never wants a bigger house because bigger house means more to clean. I feel ya sister. Our house isn’t HUGE but it’s big enough where I can barely manage to keep it looking decent..let alone really cleaning. Ya know like the blinds? Or fans? Or other places that don’t have to be clean for the house to pass off as clean? THAT is why I wanted someone to professionally clean it! And I’m so glad he broke down and let me!!! Super thoughtful gift (and once they came he agreed it may need to be a yearly or semi-annually thing)!
I love how they love each other!
Our current favorite jam is Kids Bop version of “Party in the USA.” Tess was ALL ABOUT IT putting her hands up in the air! SO funny and it cracks me up that Kye looks so annoyed haha
Over Spring Break I let the big kids have a “sibling sleepover” night. Zach was out of town on business and I figured, why not? I really encourage our kids to be FRIENDS. I think the bond of siblings is SO important (I miss you Brandon) and I want my kids to have that bond and to feel loyal to each other. Part of that is spending time together without mom and dad monitoring their every move. Kye and Britt have had a couple tries at the sibling sleepover. One time we were SO crazy and let them sleep in a tent in the playroom. It was a nightmare. Since then though they have slept in the same room on several vacations and have done sibling sleepovers in Kye’s room where they both had their own bed (bunk beds rule). This time Britt is so much older that I thought she could handle sleeping in closer quarters. They wanted to spend the night in the playroom with ALL of their stuffed animals so we went for it. They were inspired with the CFA Sleepover and wanted to copy that!
They kicked off the night with a snack…chocolate bunnies G-Mama had given them. They were cracking me up bc they didn’t expect the bunnies to be hollow!
They wanted to play Pie Face with their friends too so I let them use a sponge to play
The sweetest π
Selfies already π
I mean how could this plan not go well?!?!
I really had high hopes for them to make it through the night. I told them that once I said “no more talking” that they HAD to go to sleep. I had the monitor where I could hear them and see them. Even though they are young I did rehash the whole “keep privates private” talk just in case. They were really cute just being silly and playing with their stuffed animals and talking about all the things they were doing at the sleep over (it was more about the animals having a sleepover than them…it’s like they were playing the roll of the CFA workers haha). But then I told them to go to sleep and they didn’t. And they kept not going to sleep. So I had to send them to their rooms. And Kye ended up getting disciplined for how he handled it. It was a hot mess of a late night. Mama had regrets about that fo sho!
I needed some “chill time” the next day and went with my old trusted trick: bubble baths. We rarely do bubble baths so they are always a GREAT way to keep the kids happy and contained so I can do something. In this instance I was packing for our trip (and within sight of our bathtub). Now that we have three kids and Kye is too old to be bathing with the girls he got to have his own bath! He loves alone time so it was a win π Tess…not so much. She insisted on bringing chapstick in with her and kept losing it in the water. So I ended up not getting a whole lot done after all π
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025