This is a summary of our family together-time in September!
Nothing makes this mama happier than seeing my babies cuddled up together!
We kicked off the Noles Season with a rib cookout and Spark slusishes!
Daddy scored mega points for putting down sheets on the couch before eating the ribs in the living room!
Casey turned 29 this month and to celebrate she GOT A TATTOO!
Y’all. I’ve never seen anyone get a tattoo. I don’t have any myself and I was PUMPED to get to be there for this experience!
A little nervous…
We could go home with a tat and some new artwork 😉
I appreciated how serious the guy took the whole thing (although it did take FOREVER)
I kept joking that now she can date her tattoo artist b/c he digs girls with tats 😉
Ready for the real deal!
Finished product!
I love tattoos with meaning and Casey’s has several meanings behind it that make is so special for her and it’s in such a good spot too!
Not gonna lie…I was a tad tempted to hop on a table and get inked up myself!
Yes. We asked a random person to take a picture of us in the tattoo parlor haha we should frame this for Mr. Rusty for Christmas!
We also went out for her birthday with friends after the tat. It was SUCH a great night. We went to a burger place downtown to eat and asked a random guy to take pics of us outside. He was SO into it and had us doing all these poses (which duh we were into).
The crew!
Arm Wrestling Poses are TOTALLY in guys!
Even funnier than all the weird posing was when I got home and saw that the guy had taken 82 pics of himself on my phone hahaha
We were all having such a blast that we kept the fun rolling and hit up The Mix for dessert
(hilarious that Courtney is attempting to show off Casey’s tattoo but then covering it with her hand haha)
And we went home with free froyo…b/c that’s how we roll 🙂
I’ve had this elliptical now for YEARS. I got it from Walmart for like $125 and sold if for $30 in my neighborhood. After Zach’s back surgery he has continued to have issues with one of his legs. It’s like a “drop foot” issue where he has to be conscious to pick up his foot when walking or it’ll drag. He is completely unable to run and that makes any sort of exercise difficult. He clearly couldn’t get on my cheap cheap elliptical so we invested in a nicer (but still cheap haha) one that can handle his weight!
We’ve had it a few months now and I still stick to just “quick start” mode ha!
This month we got HOME STUDY APPROVED yay!!!
I also loved watching these two sweet sisters work on their photo posing 😉
We had some super sweet friends over (ALL of our kids get along SO WELL!)
And I busted out the waffle maker for dinner one night 😉
We also enjoyed many, many walks in the evenings (which I’m MISSING due to the dang DARKNESS at 5 pm!)
I had a SUPER surprise visitor! Rachael stopped through on her way to Disney to give me a GOOD hug 🙂
Back in July I started having ear issues. We tried all sorts of things but nothing helped. I ended up seeing an ENT about it and he had me on a bunch of meds to see if they’d help. Spoiler alert: they didn’t. I’m now about 4 months in with this ear issue and am ready to get it HANDLED. I’m going to see another ENT (hopefully soon if they’d ever call and schedule me in ) so we can hopefully fix whatever is going on. Before it used to feel like liquid was in my ear and I had pain shooting down my face/throat. Now it’s like a constant heartbeat sound and sometimes it sounds like a microphone fuzzy noise. So fun.
We had a girl’s night planned to go out with Keeli before Emilia was born but little miss Millie had other plans and decided to arrive that day instead! She was (and is still!) PERFECTION.
Omg that HAIR!
We had a family get-together at our house for Casey’s Birthday! We always do some sort of hat party and Zach also came up with a fun idea for an obstacle course!
I wish I had a pic of Mr Rusty going down our slide!
Training for his turn haha
Pretty proud of myself! I beat Mr Rusty and Courtney (kids were given an advantage so don’t compare me to them haha)
Big Papa playing with the littlest grand babies!
Crazy Hat Time!
(props to Mrs. Charlotte for hooking me up with the AWESOME unicorn look!)
After everyone left Casey and Jordan stayed to play games. They put Carter down at our house then just took him home when the left and he transferred really well! It was such a fun night!!!
Adding up the scores….
Zach had to travel a good bit this month for work so I thought it’d be fun to plan a night to have some friends over while he was away. This ended up being the same day that he went to an ER while out of town due to vision issues which kicked off our whole potential MS journey. I’m GLAD I still hosted the event because it kept my mind off of everything and it was so great to have so many sweet friends lift my husband up in prayer. But I do hate that I wasn’t my usual more-fun self 😉
We did a Fall Scarf Exchange and everyone brought a fall themed dish to share!
Kori loves pictures 🙂
Lindsay, Kori and Casey
It was so fun having both the Laura’s there!!!
Robyn, Me, Laura (Robyn’s sister) and Laura (my new buddy from church!)
It was SUCH a good blend of friends…several new, several old and several I haven’t gotten to catch up with in quite awhile!
Julie, Morgan (Zach’s first cousin who I’m LOVING hanging with more!), Courtney (new friend Katie brought) and Katie!
All the scarves 🙂
We played some game where you get a number and you pick a scarf or you can steal one. It was VERY fun!!!
Oh you know there was some stealing 😉
Kori hahaha
It was an event that people have continued to talk about because we all just laughed and laughed and it was a great vibe and a fun activity! Def a new yearly tradition!!!
Laura is seriously the hostess with the mostess and she wasn’t even hosting haha she brought pumpkins and trail mix for everyone AND a super cute gift for me!
First Annual Scarf Exchange Photo!
Christmas shopping season kicks off in September around here!
When you have a rough day, you run to Walgreens and let each kid pick out a candy to share and you have a MOVIE NIGHT! Whoop whoop!
We are trying to finish up our Disney books before our next trip!
We had a chill Saturday and I took all three kids solo to Lowe’s Build and Grow. Y’all. Pro Mom status or whhhhhhat?!?!
Checking out the holiday decorations (in September)
Ready to get our build on!
I can’t even 😉
Thankfully Kye takes it seriously and doesn’t WANT or need help! We actually had to wait on him to finish because he took his time and built it right 🙂
This girl.
Watch out for me!
We survived AND have the boats to prove it!
But wait, there’s more!
We then went to CFA to play and grab some lunch…
And THEN went to Toys R Us for their FREE lego building event!
Tess was over it so she started picking things off the shelves, bringing them to me, and asking for a picture with them haha
Seriously this kid is amazing. He helped us ALL with our figurines and ENJOYED teaching us. He was so patient with Britt and said he wants her to get Legos for Christmas so he can help her build them!
So of course we headed over to check out the girly legos options! It’s now her only gift she’s asking for from Santa (the only birthday present she wants is Elsa and Anna pjs! Easy to please!)
While we were gone Zach had been doing yard work. This was the day I mentioned about coming home and finding him in the yard facedown (which now that we think he had an MS type relapse it makes sense b/c he was out in the HEAT for a long time).
It was scary but he insisted he was fine so while the kids napped I went to Old Navy to spend some Super Cash and then met up with Katie for a pedicure and dinner. I’ve never gotten a pedicure just because I wanted one and it was SO RELAXING. Like I’m now alllll about that pedicure life!!!
The Mix hosted a night to help benefit a local boy’s family after he passed away. It was so touching to read about his life and to know our froyo fun helped benefit a hurting family.
I hit a personal goal this month: Under 130 lbs (now to get back there…#emotionaleater)
All the videos of our fun this month:
- Kids wrestling
- Coooookie Crisps
- My Ear Junk
- Who is getting a tat?
- Tat life. For life.
- Tat action
- Tat sligggghtly painful
- Singing at the mix
- We beat daddy home 1
- We beat daddy home 2
- We beat daddy home 3
- We beat daddy home 4
- Trying out ear meds
- One of my drugs for my ear was a muscle relaxer. BAD situation.
- Casey obstacle course
- Zach obstacle course
- Winners of obstacle course
- Zach playing Guesstures
- Jordan Guesstures
- Winners of Guesstures!
- Guesstures LOSERS
- Sometimes nightly walks aren’t so relaxing
- Frustration over stickers at Lowes
- Solo at Lowe’s with kids
- Tess and Britt CFA slide
- Kye instructing Britt about Legos
- Pre-ENT appointment
- Post ENT appointment
Overall it was a really good month! It’d be even better to have one without medical issues 😉
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025