When we have a new baby we take family pictures pretty regularly. I like to have them during birth, newborn, three months, six months, nine months and at 12 months. Yeah it’s a lot but babies change SO MUCH during that first year!!! It’s something we’ve done with every baby and I LOVE having so many images of our sweet babies at each stage!
We weren’t able to get Spear’s 6 month pics right at his 6th month…he was about a week into his 7th month but I feel okay about it and it worked out well since he was a little slow to sit up on his own. Lindsay, with Captured by Colson, was so sweet to meet us first thing in the morning for our session. It’s THE best time for pics during the summer with little ones. It wasn’t hot (although those gnats found us by the end of the session ha!) yet and the kids were all happy and peppy first thing in the morning.
I’m also a big believer in using bribery for photos. I brought along a pop-tart for each kid and they knew if they did a good job then they’d get their pop-tart in the car on the way home 🙂 Spear isn’t able to be bribed yet but lucky for us he’s super happy all the time and his smiles come easily 😉
When we decided on these pictures I had a MISSION. I wanted all of us to wear colors that flow with our home (hence all the gray and white) as I really, really want to get either one large family canvas or a few smaller ones. I have a spot in our dining room that has always had a blank wall and it’s just been waiting for our family to be complete so I can get a canvas made! Y’all know I’m SUPER SUPER indecisive so I really could use some help on this decision!
Option A) Choose a horizontal family photo from this session and have one large canvas made (in color) for the wall.
Option B) Choose one photo of each child and one of either our whole family OR just Zach and I. Have them all printed on canvas…I’m thinking it’d be the family or Zach and I one in the center and be vertical then the four individual canvases be horizontal around us.
I’d LOVE to hear your thoughts and which photos you think I should use!!! I’m going to number each photo to make it easier to reference them 🙂
Up first…our big boy!
{2} Possibly my favorite!
{4} Another possible favorite!
The boys 🙂
I do my best when scheduling the pics to combine things as much as I can…with Tess’s birthday being end of July it was perfect to have these be her 4 year pics too!
{31} For sure my favorite of her!
The girls!
I LOVE the sister bond they share (and the dirty feet…I just think it’s so SUMMER) 🙂
Our biggest girl! She loves the camera 😉
{45} I think this is my fav!
{54} So many awesome ones of Kye!!!
{55} (love the serious!)
{57} Hands down my favorite!
{62} Silly daddy 😉
Sweet Siblings
{71} I think my favorite
Time for the family!!!
{75} Britt is kinda making a stink face but otherwise this could be a fav?
{77} If I did just one big family one I’m thinking this would be it?
{79} Another possible contender…Spear is making a silly face but it’s also pretty cute!
My very first idea for our canvas was to have a photo recreated that we actually took at Tess’s 6 month pics of our family just very natural and in the moment. We did recreate them for Spear’s 3 month pics and I really liked how they came out but the colors don’t go well with our house (although we could use one from this session and do black and white?) These are my least favorites of the three times we’ve done this pose! The gnats were coming out and we just weren’t as natural as I had hoped for!
I LOVE that Lindsay takes the time to get photos of JUST Zach and I together! These all turned out so great that it’s actually what inspired our idea for the option of having one of these in the center and then the kid’s individuals around it!
{87} Z loves this one b/c it’s kinda sensual right? haha!
{88} Possible favorite!
{93} Another possible favorite! I like the house behind us!
{96} Another possibility!
I like to try to get a few Mama pics with just me and the kids as they are great for blogging purposes!
I had wanted to get a couple pics of me solo for my big blog anniversary but the morning got away from us. Kye had to get to his video game camp and Zach had to get going to work. By this time the kids were pretty over it and we were all pretty hot and sweaty (and so over the gnats haha). I realized we hadn’t taken any of me solo and figured “Oh well no biggie.” But Lindsay was so great to say “no let’s do it real quick!” I loaded the kids up in the van (with their prize pop tarts) and blasted the ac. I did a super quick mini-freshining up and we literally snapped these right beside my van in like under 3 min.
These are the kinds of shots that REALLY showcase how crucial it is to have a professional photographer. She posed me, got the shots, and I LOVE THEM.
Whew guys I know I have a TOUGH job on my hands in deciding which ones to have made into canvases!!! I’d LOVE input and help both deciding if we should go the route of just one large family photo or do 5 smaller ones plus which images to use for each! Chime in!!!
If you’re looking for a phenomenal photographer then I cannot recommend Captured by Colson enough! As Lindsay says herself “I’m blessed to photograph gorgeous weddings and serve my beautiful couples + seniors. Bringing a joyful and comfortable vibe through the business of photographing slices of life and monumental moments is what makes your experience with me unique. I am genuinely interested in hearing your life’s story, and documenting it well through our time together.”
We simply cannot thank Lindsay enough for all she does for our family and the amazing photos we have to cherish forever!
Here is a comparison of the older three’s 6 month photos here:
Kye (bless that precious bald baby!)
Britt (I remember taking these and then Kye tested positive for strep after, bless him!)
Tess (oh my goodness I forgot how awesome her hair was!)
As well as comparing Tess’s four year photos to Kye’s four year photos here and Britt’s four year photos here!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
These photos are gorgeous!! I don’t know how you will pick…but I think you have so many good options it would be great to display as many as possible!
Love the grey tones with the beautiful greens and blues from the setting you chose for these pictures. I want to live in that pretty house!
I really like the idea of a big canvas picture of your family of 6. I like 79 and Spear’s silly face just accentuates those cheeks!
So many beautiful pictures, ahhh! I think a large family picture would look great in the spot above your foyer table in your dining room. I would guess that there’s other great space in your home to hang individual shots. You have so many great ones!
I really like the idea of you and Z in the center and the other choices around your main pix…My reasoning, throughout the years they can be changed. Plus when the kids marry and leave home, you can present them with their photos at some point in their lives. I also like the idea of your and Z being the head of the household with the children surrounding you….you can always do a smaller canvas of the family and put it at the very top andlet kids on one side, and two kids on the other side and many options there, girls on one side, boys on one side, 2 oldest and two youngest on eah side….or one older and one younger on each side….it just makes sense to me…YOU and Z in the center, the 4 kids on each side and a family at the top of the big 2 of you canvase…I know whatever you decide it will look amazing and I don’t envy you having to make your choices…good thing Zac and family are there to help your decide. I loved ALL the photos and please tell Lindsay she did a phenominal job of capturing yall’s true spirit!!!Let us know what you decide and show us!!!Hugs and love
Sheeze I thought I did leave a comment, but it is not here, so I will try again. I really like your idea a lot . Using the pix of your and Zac in the center and the kiddos surrounding you all, plus it will give you options as the children grow to change them out if you desire to do so. You can always do it and use 6 canvas to surround the centered big one. one each of the kids, and a family one centered at the top and one of all the kiddos at the bottom. Plus it gives you choices too, all the girls on one side, and the boys on the other, or the 2 eldest kids on one side, younger on the other, or one boy and one girl on each side….I just like the idea and it can be done in a gallery grouping ….Tell Lindsay she did a phenominal job of capturing yall’s individual spirits. It shows. I don’t envy you having to make the choices, but I am sure which ever ones you choose will be the exact ones needed!!! Hugs and Love…