We had SUCH a great Father’s Day this year!!! We started the morning off with Waffle House for breakfast, then our annual family golf adventure! Britt and I headed home after nine holes of golf and I went ahead and fed her lunch then she and I took a little swim. The boys got home a little after noon and Kye ate a quick lunch so they could swim with us for a bit. It was totally unplanned but ended up being a super fun time. The kids and I swim several times a week but Zach doesn’t typically get to swim with us often since he’s at work π He is the more fun parent in the pool so the kids had a BLAST!!!
Britt LOVES to jump off the side of the pool!
Our little fish π
After naps we went ahead and opened presents with Daddy before heading out to an early dinner!
Zach really liked all the crafts the kids made for him…it made the hard work worth it π
Kye and I filled out an all about my dad page as one of Zach’s gifts! Kye did one for me at school so I wanted Zach to get to have one too π I love the portrait Kye drew of Zach in the top left corner too! The info he filled in says:
About My Dad
Name: Zach
Age: 50
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Brown
I love my dad because: He gives me special treats
My dad makes me laugh when: He makes funny faces
My best memory with my dad is: When I work with him outside
Zach’s Father’s Day gift was a new tv! He met a guy at an Aflac account he serviced who offered him a brand new, in the box, smart tv for a super super cheap deal. We had actually seen the same tv on Celebrity Apprentice and Zach really liked it. It worked out budget-wise where we sold our old tv (for WAY too cheap haha we know nothing about the value of technology…I sold that beast in under 6 min after posting it on FB!) to cover part of the cost of the new one and the remainder of the cost came out of Zach’s Father’s Day gift and part of his Anniversary present too. He LOVES the tv so it all worked out π
For dinner Zach got to choose where we went to eat and he wanted to go to Longhorn. They have an AMAZING sandwich (Parmesan Crusted Chicken Sandwich) and it has made Longhorn his favorite restaurant! Unfortunately, they also have terribly long waits. We got there super early but still waited for over 30 min for our table. Kinda rough with two kids! One of whom you can tell was very sleepy. Girl has those fingers in her mouth in like every picture haha. I think the golf and pool combo just wore her OUT!
We don’t go out to eat often but I do think it’s important to eat out enough where our kids will be well behaved. For us, Longhorn is pretty dang fancy but the kids did decently well! Britt is at a tough age and she was a bit fussy but thankfully a color page and some bread helped hold her off for the meal π
Feeding her baby!
After dinner we surprised Zach in the car and Kye announced we were going to get cupcakes! We have a “new” place in town called Smallcakes. We have had it once when Robyn and Matt brought us each one after my foot surgery, but we haven’t actually been to the location ourselves. Zach LOVED the cupcake he had from there and I thought it’d be a good Father’s Day tradition to get them for dessert! When we walked in we realized it was not a good idea to eat them there though…not very kid friendly and who wants to eat cupcakes without a big glass of milk? π We each picked out one and let Kye pick one for he and Britt to share and then took them to the house to enjoy!
Can you guess who picked which cupcake?
Zach had a fun time celebrating with our little family and for legit Father’s Day the next day we decided to go worship at Lakeland with his family and celebrate Mr. Rusty’s Father’s Day. I wish I could have seen my dad on Father’s Day as well but he did send me a picture of all the goodies we sent him and we were able to talk to him that afternoon for a bit too!
I love when they have matching ties!
I LOVE Solidcolorneckties.com! Super affordable ties for men and kids in lots of fun colors π
Can you tell Britt was teething?
Daddy kisses always cheer her up!
Three Generations!
Four Generations!
The kids napped at Mrs. Charlotte’s while the adults did the Father’s Day lunch stuff π Britt was already in the bed but we let Kye open Big Papa’s present with him before he went down for his nap. It was cute how excited Kye was to give it to him and I love teaching my kids to enjoy the gift of giving!
During lunch we all went around and talked about Mr. Rusty and Big Daddy. It was pretty intense! I think we went around the table like two times each and it turned into Big Daddy asking some deep questions, especially towards all the guys! When it was my turn to say the nice things I LOST IT. Omg it was so embarrassing. I was bawling my eyes out talking about Big Daddy and Mr. Rusty and how much they mean to me. Courtney said it was the first time she’d seen me cry? I guess I’m not a big cryer…and I learned I’m TERRIBLE at expressing my emotions out loud. I can write things down no problem, but saying how I feel? Yikes. Not so great at that! I was crying so much that they all ended up cutting me off before I could even talk about Zach haha! I have learned to just say something short, sweet, and generic at these things b/c I can’t handle putting my heart out there like that!!!
After the kids got up from naps we ran by Little Mama’s and Big Daddy’s house so they could give Big Daddy his little gift from us. It was also the last time we’d get to see Austin. Oh how Zach and I wish we could go back to that day and hug him a little tighter and say things we will never get the chance to say to him.
So blessed to have such a close bond with their great-grandfather π
That night the celebrating just kept on going! Casey, Courtney and I took Mr. Rusty out to a late dinner at Cheddars! It was nice just us girls with him π I don’t know if he got to even talk very much haha but he seemed to enjoy it. I’m so blessed and thankful to have Mr. Rusty in my life. I always tell him I married Zach because I hope he will end up being just like his Daddy and it’s so true!!! He is a wonderful man and I’m honored to be his “third daughter” π I’m also SO thankful that Casey and Courtney invited me to come this year to their special daddy night. It meant a lot to me to be included!!!
I’m blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing father’s in my life and I am so thankful my children get to have so many wonderful men as influences for them. Kye can see the kind of man to strive to be and Britt can be raised knowing the kind of man she should strive to marry! It was a great Father’s Day and I hope all the daddies in our lives know how much they are loved and appreciated π
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025