As I mentioned before, Zach and I are toying with the idea of trying a few tricks this coming week to see if any of them work and put me into labor. Before we even attempt any of that though I had a long (excel spreadsheet, of course) list of things to do before Clover is born that needed to be completed!
Today is that day!
We’ve done everything from: make a will, schedule appointments for when Mom comes to stay in April, made an ipod mix for Clover, filed our taxes, cooked a TON of frozen meals for postpartum, used up any meals I have had in the pantry (like baked goods), made the dogs a vet appointment, put pine straw down in the yard, gotten all the addresses together for the baby announcements (and went ahead and made the mailing labels), ordered pictures for the baby book, organized the garage and attic, cleaned out our cars (and put in the bases for the car seat), did laundry, cut Sadie, wrote letters to the baby (for the baby book), put together all the baby things we know we’ll use soon (bouncer, swing, etc), and did about a million other things!
Come Monday we should be done with it all! We need to have BIG Bradley over-view session but other than that we should be “ready” if Clover decides to grace us with her or his presence! I have begun to pack the hospital bag…but I refuse to finish it all until we are 100% ready! haha.
If Clover doesn’t come soon that’s okay too. It will be a great feeling to have everything done and we will just enjoy time cutting loose haha:
Everything works out for a reason though as we originally planned on having a spend the night party with Katie and Ashley last night (I know that sounds strange…Zach and three girls but it would have been fun!). It would have been a great time but it would have meant today would be a wash of a day because we’d be too tired to be productive! Instead we went to a nice dinner last night with Seth, Crissy, Stevie and Katie and then went to bed at a decent hour! I may not have slept any (I had such bad nausea…it kept me up from 4 until 5:30…strange!) but I got enough rest to be ready to get going this morning. And really I’ve done most of the things I can do during the week, today was Zach’s day to get the yardwork and all done. But it all worked out that we were able to do it and I’m excited to have the list completely finished! And even more excited for this baby to arrive 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025