Every year we visit our local fire station for a lesson in fire safety and to check out the fire trucks 🙂 Typically it’s a couple moms and our kids but this year it turned into quite the event! I was blown away by how many moms were interested in coming along with us!
I did feel bad b/c this year wasn’t as awesome as it has been in years past. I guess Fireman Justin is just our favorite and no one can compare! Hopefully we can request him next year? 🙂 The kids all still had an awesome time though and it’s always good to get a refresher on fire safety!
I remember the first time we ever went there was an older boy who constantly had his hand raised answering (and asking) questions. I vividly remember watching him and wondering if that would be how Kye would be someday…well that day has arrived. Not only did Kye have his hand in the air the entire time answering questions, but he also shared stories too. Like the one about how our alarm went off at 4:30 am recently b/c a balloon from a bday party popped in Kye’s room and set off the glass breaker. Thanks Kye 😉
The Megows are fire station regulars with us!
For the first time Kye actually went up and gave the fireman a high five and Neela even hugged him!
I’m so glad Aubrey and Mary Allen were able to come this year!
Kye with Neela (why do they all insist on wearing their fire hats backwards?)
With Aubrey
Britt did GREAT during the fireman’s talk portion but she was SO in LOVE with the firetrucks that it caused issues. With so many kids there we couldn’t explore the fire truck for too long b/c we needed to let other kids have a turn. So a lovely toddler fit in-sued. I pulled her aside and showed her the “spank stick” and she calmed down some but wasn’t super happy about not getting to sit in the fire truck for as long as she wanted!
Baby enjoyed the adventure too!
Kye’s favorite part is always getting to use the fire hose!
This picture accurately portrays how the event went down haha
Look at that crew!!! I really hope everyone had a good time and that we’ll see them all again next year!
After we got nice and sweaty at the fire station I made sure to invite everyone to meet up at CFA for some playtime in the air conditioner and an opportunity to eat lunch! A good number of people came which was really fun! I enjoyed getting to visit with so many of my friends who I don’t get to see very often and all of the kids had a blast together. Kye was pretty much in Heaven bc he was able to play with so many of his favorite friends! We did realize he has quite the little crush on Stevie, Crissy’s oldest daughter. Out of all the kids there he really was drawn to her the most and I asked him about her and he said she’s his friend but that Kailyn is still his girl friend. Haha! It’s good he’s staying loyal!
Britt and Olive had fun girl time too!
I always appreciate the fire station putting all of this together for us. It’s a wonderful (FREE!) event and they are so generous. Always giving out fire hats and coloring books and such to all the kids and taking time out of their day to teach us and to allow us to explore the trucks! I hope everyone who came this year enjoyed it as much as we did and Kye is already talking about wanting to go back to practice spraying that fire hose again! I’m sure we will be back many more years in the future 🙂
Here’s a look back at all of our past fire station visits:
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025