For Christmas Mrs. Charlotte bought Zach and I Wild Adventures passes. I have only been to Wild Adventures a couple of times and it was in college during homecoming week when VSU students get in for free. I do not ride roller coasters so it’s not really my kind of place. However, the passes she bought us were my favorite gift from her this past year! I’m SO excited to be able to go whenever we please…to let Kye enjoy the kiddie rides, the animals, and even the water park!
A couple weekends ago the Megow family (who also got season passes! Yay!) invited us to go with them for a morning trip to check it all out. All of our kids nap around 1 so we went right when they opened and enjoyed the park for a few hours. That’s the beauty of season passes – no pressure to do it all in one day!
Kye’s ready for his first time at Wild Adventures
so pumped
part of the Megow clan
Seth knows who the most important person in a picture of us is 😉
I LOVE my Stella and Dot Birds of Paradise necklace – prefect for summer!
don’t the giraffes spots look fake?
it’s totally a robot Jurassic Park style…
watching the giraffee
SO friendly!
the older kiddies loved it
That morning Kye didn’t want to leave the house. He wasn’t in the mood for an outing so it took a little convincing to get him excited. I told him he’d get to RIDE a choo-choo with Stevie and he was PUMPED. He talked about the choo choo the whole way there and it was the first thing we had to do. We planned on doing the safari train first but it didn’t open until 11 (how stupid is that?!?) thankfully this choo choo was open and it gave Kye his fix 🙂
snack break time
Kye’s serious when it comes to snacking
the guys needed to ride a “real” ride so they enjoyed that while we snacked it up with the kids (they were supposed to look scared…instead Zach looks mad and Seth looks overly happy for Seth…)
Another of Kye’s favorites from the day: we got to FLY an airplane!
“Hi Mommy!”
I love how intensely Kye is focused on that driving
I don’t do heights…the things we will do when our children ask us…this will NOT be applying to roller coasters. I don’t care how adorable my children may be…it won’t happen!
Finally the safari ride was opened!
He loved seeing all the “wild” animals
I think this was one of the highlights of his day (even though it’s the “scariest” ride according to Crissy)
the only Megow to take advantage of the photo opportunity
You KNOW us Parkers were all about it 😉
my little elephant
It was SO fun and I took SO many pictures (I was the photographer for the day!) that I had to divide it up into two posts…part two is next!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025