Flashback Friday: 10 Year Reunion

It has arrived!!!! This weekend is my 10 year high school reunion! I’m excited to see some friends and especially to show off the hubby ๐Ÿ˜‰ With the rough stuff we’ve been dealing with the past month (here and here) it will be nice for us to get away. Sadly both those rough things did totally ruin my pre-reunion diet (confession: I’m an emotional eater!!!) but Robyn and I found a cute dress so hopefully I’ll still look decent haha ๐Ÿ˜‰ Suck it in right? 


During my senior year of high school one of my assignments was to make a Senior Scrapbook. I LOVED it!!! It was part of our English class grade so it included certain topics we had to write about. And it had to include a certain amount of different writing styles (including poetry). 

I thought it’d be fitting with the reunion this weekend to post my poem I wrote in 12th grade for my Senior Scrapbook! These are the pictures I had on the page to go with the poem too ๐Ÿ™‚ Mark (my high school boyfriend) and I took them together outside of my apartment in the rain. Good memories! 

How Will I Be At The 10 Year Reunion?

Ten years from now how will I be?

It seems so fast, so hard to see.

I hope I will still wear cute outfits,

And that I still love to shop at outlets.

I will be graduated from FSU,

Hopefully by then I’ll be married too.

I plan to have a few little babies,

And to still be cuddling with Sadie.

Even though I will be twenty-eight,

I hope I will be looking pretty great.

Ten years from now not much will be the same,

But I plan to still dance in the rain.

I, legit, cannot BELIEVE it’s been TEN YEARS since high school!!! I am so thankful that a lot of that little poem is true for my life (married and babies part and even Sadie as she sleeps with us every night). I truly am so blessed and so thankful for where my path has taken me since graduation. Can’t wait to make some memories this weekend!!!

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