This week is another computer struggling week…I’m PUMPED to hook up my new computer (keyboard arrived today which was the last missing piece!) and should be able to upload pictures/videos/etc a LOT faster!!! YAY!!!!
Since I’ve spent so much time lately thinking back to Brittlynn’s first year of life (Did you catch her birthday video from yesterday? Can’t believe she’s ONE already!!!) I thought it would be fun to post some of MY baby pictures! When Zach and I were engaged I went through all of my mom and dad’s photo albums and scanned a TON of pictures to use in our video that played throughout our reception. I know I have a lot more baby pics than this so I may eventually do another post like this one 🙂
Going through these was so fun because I kept seeing similarities between Baby Emily and Baby Kye and Baby Britt! I’m interested to see if yall see the same things I do? Or if I just see the similarities b/c they are my children?!?
Since these were all already on my computer they aren’t in ANY order but I tried to only upload ones from my first year of life (roughly). It’s neat because Brittlynn and I were born close together. I’m a November baby and she’s a December one. So we were roughly the same age at the same time of year!
THIS is a Brittlynn face, no doubt!!!
When I was a baby the doctors would tell parents to lay babies on their tummies to sleep! Times have changed!!!
I wish I still had that bathing suit…super cute!
First Christmas
Second Christmas…we still have that doll carriage in our playroom!
I LOVE this picture of me. I want to capture one similar of Brittlynn once she’s good at standing solo!!!
I sure to miss my Uncle Spear 🙂
My dad is a hardcore Burger King fan ~ Can you tell?
Love for travel early on
The day I was born
This is another true Brittlynn face!
The lace tights are adorable
I am thinking this was a car seat???
I have these bonnets still and tried to figure out how to put them on Brittlynn…I couldn’t even begin to get it right haha
Those chubby cheeks are FOR SURE more Kye-like than Brittlynn!
First Easter
Be prepared to see a similar picture to this one sometime soon 😉
Baptism (I was raised Catholic)
With Buffy, my first pet
I see more of Kye in this one?
I’m excited to see if anyone thinks either of my babies look/looked like their mama??? Also excited to see what some of you decide to link-up to today!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Brittlynn definitely favors you more than Kye's baby pictures. I can't get over how much you look like your Mom now, especially in the pool picture and the baptism picture! This makes me want to get all my baby pictures and scan them!
YEAH I have to echo Katie, you do look a LOT like your mom in those two pictures. You are going to kill me but I think Brittlynn looks a TINY bit like you but not a lot? I don't know why…. Kye doesn't look like you at all but I think he does now?? I don't know you know I am HORRIBLE with this kinda stuff. Hahaha I hope you LOVE your new computer! If not I am in big trouble. Hahahahaha
@Rachael_Copponex:disqus I agree…I don't think Kye looks like me AT ALL as a baby…but when you see my toddler pictures I do see more of me in him at that age and do think we look similar now! Britt only looks like me in certain pics I think…I was so much chubbier than her ;)And yes…if I don't like this computer YOU are in TROUBLE haha 😉
@facebook-198400010:disqus You are SO RIGHT about my mom!!!! I didn't even NOTICE it when I posted it! But those two pics we do look super similar. I sure do wish I had her pretty dark complexion though!
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