30+ Favorite Gifts for Kids Under 10

Looking for great gifts for kids under 10? Then look no further!

Christmas is COMING! If you’re a year-round shopper like I am then you are already “done” with shopping for this Christmas and any deals you come across will now go into the gift closet for next year 😉

I’ve been sharing some of my favorite gifts for kids under 10 over on my Facebook Page and have been asked by several readers to do a gift round-up sharing gifts my kids have loved and enjoyed and items I currently have wrapped and under the tree! I especially try to focus on gifts for BOYS because I know they tend to be the trickiest to buy for 😉

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Gifts for Kids Under 10: The Ultimate Guide!

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A GREAT resource to check is www.camelcamelcamel.com. You can type in an item and it’ll show the price history for that item on Amazon. It is a great way to know if your getting a good deal for an item!

Gifts for Girls

gifts for kids under 10

Color books are great for kids of all ages, but my girls especially enjoy them. Perfect for car trips or lines at Disney and a great gift to give to others as well. This one has been staying steady for a while for a great price! 

My 6 year old wants to be a  “baker” when she grows up. This Disney Princess Cookbook has great reviews and will be so fun to do for themed movie nights! 

What little girl doesn’t want to play in Mommy’s makeup? I found this Pretend Makeup set and it’s SO perfect because it looks REAL (as in I’ve picked it up off the floor thinking it was mine!) but it’s actually just truly fake makeup. No worries about spills all over the house or lipstick smeared on your couch. The perfect “first makeup” set! 

gifts for kids under 10

Disney Princess Pop-Up Magic is a favorite game to play for both of my daughters. It’s also SUPER parent friendly because it’s QUICK 😉 They make additional Pop-Up Castle game sets that can be added to this one (we have a Frozen one too) to make the game longer and have more character options. 

gifts for kids under 10

If your little girl has an American Girl Doll then the Mini Doll and Book makes a GREAT gift. It’s basically a doll for her doll 😉 Britt loves small-sized dolls and I know she’ll be excited to have a Mini Samantha!

Another great gift for an American Girl fan is a matching Dollie and Me Pj sets. They make legit matching clothes as well but I prefer matching pjs because they tend to be cuter and can be worn more often around the house!

gifts for kids under 10

Little People are probably THE most played with toys in our house. They are so kid-friendly so I never have to worry about a choking hazard with little ones and they make SO many fun sets of them, plus they are all super cute. We have an older version of this Little People Castle and it’s Tess’s favorite for sure! 

Out of all the gifts I’ve purchased this year I’m the MOST pumped about the Furreal Tiger. Tess has NO CLUE about it and she will FREAK because she’s a HUGE animal lover! 

Britt’s big gift this year is a Desk with storage. She’s like a special spot in her room to read and do “work” and this will be the perfect solution to fit that need! 

gifts for kids under 10

Sleeping Bags make wonderful gifts for any age of children. My kids love to pull them out for movie nights and sibling sleepovers!

I LOVED my puppy surprise when I was a child and still have all of the “babies” that my girls play with all the time. I love adding to their collections and the prices are so reasonable that they make great gifts! 

Gifts for Boys

gifts for kids under 10

Competitive, active games are perfect for the pre-teen age where toys just aren’t as cool as they used to be! I’m excited to have Ultra Dash under our tree this year for both my children and my nephew…the reviews look great!

gifts for kids under 10

Hot Wheels are toys that boys seem to never outgrow. Kye is really into anything Star Wars so combining the two makes for a great gift…and at this price why not? 

Nerf guns are always a win but I find that my son plays THE MOST with the smaller size guns! This one fluctuates in price a good bit but when I got it at $5 I figured it was a good one to buy a few extras as gifts for birthday parties! 

gifts for kids under 10

One of Kye’s top wishlist items is a Spy Alarm for his room to keep his sister out! 

One of Kye’s big gifts this year will be the VTech Kiddiezoom Smart Watch. He’s asked for this more than any other item and especially likes how it can take photos and track his step counts. 

gifts for kids under 10

We’ve been asked to borrow this Field Goal set about a dozen times for various parties and such. It’s a very sturdy set and perfect for any football loving boy!

I’ve given this Hot Wheels Dragon Blast Playset as a gift at a few birthday parties ranging in age 3 through Kye’s age (8) and it’s always been a HIT and Kye has been asking for one for himself all year! 

K’Nex are awesome because they are buildable toys that can actually be played with once put together. Kye has this gun and was SO PROUD that he assembled it himself and then was able to use it like a Nerf gun for playing. They make several different versions but this particular one tends to drop in price pretty often (K’Nex K-Force)

gifts for kids under 10

I love to get hands-on activities for my kids whenever possible and I’m excited about this fossil dig kit for Kye. He will be able to “dig out” the fossils and then assemble them into the mammoth.

This Matchbox Treasure Truck Metal Detector is another gift I’ve given on birthdays that has been a HUGE hit. So much so that other mamas have been scooping them up to give as gifts too 🙂 It’s a real working metal detector on a truck and includes “treasures” the child can hide and use the truck to find! 

gifts for kids under 10

Catapult Wars is another toy that can be assembled and then played with! Anything competitive is always great for boys 😉 

gifts for kids under 10

Kye received this stomp rocket a few years ago and it’s still played with on a regular basis. Literally when company comes over he likes to do a “rocket send off” when they leave! A simple toy for all kids!

gifts for kids under 10

Kye really wanted a laser tag set this year and I did a LOT of research on a LEGIT set. Zach enjoys playing too and we wanted to make sure we invested in something that would last a long time and be fun for our entire family. We purchased a Laser Tag and we’re really excited about it (we actually did 2 of the 2 player packs on a BOGO deal I found but they all can still work together!). 

My brother and I had a car mat similar to this one growing up and I was so excited to find one for Kye! It’s held up GREAT for many years now and is packed away waiting for baby brother to be ready to play with it 😉 

Kye asked for a “real camera” last year for Christmas. I purchased the VTech Kidizoom Action Camera and it’s been a VERY worthwhile purchase. He’s used it DAILY and is fully able to do it all on his own. The case is waterproof (which he’s tested!) and it protects it from the many drops 😉 A GREAT first camera! 

gifts for kids under 10

Another great active gift for a boy is a Hover Ball. They work great on carpet and are super fun!

Gender Neutral Gifts for Kids Under 10

Legos are a great gift for the whole family to enjoy together and a holiday themed set is great for an advent or Elf gift! 

gifts for kids under 10

We took the plunge and bought Magna-Tiles a couple of Christmases ago and they have not disappointed. ALL of our kids enjoy playing with them and it’s a great solo toy as well as together-toy. I’d recommend starting with at least 100 pieces set and you can always add on for future gifts 🙂 

Leapfrog makes some awesome learning toys and movies for kids and this Fridge Phonics toy is a favorite in our house from when our kids are very little. We like to take it on trips too as it’s great in hotel rooms. 

Spot It is a super fun family-friendly game that is easy for little ones to follow and great to pack and take when traveling. They make a TON of different versions as well! 

I LOVE this Quiet Book. I bought it when Kye was very young and we’ve kept it in our church back ever since and ALL the kids still enjoy playing with it. 

I purchased the LeapFrog LeapStart Interactive Learning System for Tess and am SUPER excited about it! You can purchase additional books to go with the set. She loves books that read TO her and I know this will be right up her ally! It’s perfect for preschoolers and they have several books geared towards kindergarten ages as well. 

I purchased each of the older kids a Kindle Fire 7 (on Prime day for $29 each). There is a kids Kindle that comes with protection and free kids programs for a year (I believe) but I went with a regular kindle due to the price being SO much cheaper and invested in kid-proof cases for them. Amazon also has an AWESOME setup with parental controls on the Kindle to make them VERY kid-friendly and SAFE. I’ve been having a great time getting them all loaded up for the kids and they will be thrilled! 

All of my children love writing notes to each other and Zach and I and use this Melissa and Doug Mailbox on a regular basis for “sending their mail”

And that’s it, my favorite gifts for kids under 10! What will be under the tree for your kids this year? 

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Emily Parker

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