I know we’re nearing February so that means I only have 11 months to accomplish all my goals for this year, I’d better get on it! These are, of course, in very random order:
- Take time out of my day to visit with God and His Word
- Be the wife I need to be for Zach, our marriage, and our Father
- Transition Kye back to his scheduled lifestyle and keep it that way consistently
- Stay current with my blogging and blog daily whenever possible – also catch up and stay current on Facebook picture uploads
- Swim laps regularly and enjoy the new pool
- Have a minimum of 1-2 Stella and Dot Trunk Shows a month
- Have Kye sleeping in a big boy bed by the end of the year
- At least complete 2 blog books, but hopefully more
- Take very good care of my skin and wear sunscreen each and every time I go into the pool or lay out
- Have a more “Dave Ramsey” lifestyle. Save more. Spend less. Get stuff paid off.
- Become better friends with people in our church and fellow Christians
- Get rid of the paci around Kye’s 2nd birthday
- Spend more quality time together with Zach – regular date nights once a week or at least twice a month!
- Have Kye swimming on his own by the end of summer
- Go on walks with Kye 4-5 times a week
- Have family Bible study time
- Have Kye fully night and nap potty trained by the end of the year
- Slow down at yellow lights instead of speeding up
- Start to save for retirement or invest in more Aflac stock
- Do better at responding quickly to emails, facebook messages, and blog comments
- Create a cleaning schedule for the new house and STICK to it
- Use up all of our timeshare trips that will be expiring
- Have regular dr. and dentist visits
- Send cards, cook meals, volunteer – have a more servant heart
- Do fun, creative, interesting things with Kye
- Visit my friends and family in the Atlanta area more often
- Be under my goal weight before becoming pregnant
- Pray more and have my prayers be more specific
- Do better at trusting Zach to handle his work stuff and just be supportive
- Make the best choice for Kye that we can regarding pre-school
- Save throughout the year so we can fully enjoy our big vacation trips
- If pregnant then follow Bradley Method exercise routine daily, don’t gain more weight than necessary, and ENJOY pregnancy more than I did with Kye
- Get a full body check-up to check for any cancer type moles and such
- Pay at least one extra house payment
- Have our new house feel and look like HOME by the end of the year
- Be the smiling, happy, nice wife my husband wants to come home to
- Use our Wild Adventures Passes
- Floss
- Get dressed and ready even when just hanging out at the house all day
- Choose a new car based of needs, not wants, and find one that will be a financial good choice
- Take Kye on several trips
- Comment more on my friends blogs 🙂
- Learn how to teach others the Gospel and help lead them to becoming Christians
- Have more creative fun times with friends instead of just eating or watching shows together
- Don’t buy more lotion, perfume, chap stick, or other stuff until I use up ALL of the products I have
- Cherish each day I have with my sweet boy as he’ll be grown up all too quickly
We’ll see how I do with this list – it’s a little tougher than last years but I’m a big girl now so I should be able to handle it 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025