Goals for 2020.
Where I was on FIRE about 2019…I feel very stuck in the middle with starting 2020.
I don’t feel like it’s a fresh start or a new beginning.
I feel like I’m in this middle zone.
In the middle of potty training Spear.
In the middle of working through tough personal stuff.
A plate full of tasks that is always hard to manage.
I don’t feel that rush of excitement that I usually feel in a new year. I don’t feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
I’m entering the year feeling pressure (even if only from myself) and like I can’t really come up for air quite yet.
I don’t typically have a word of the year to focus on but this year I feel like I need it.
I crushed goals in a BIG WAY in 2019 but I also paid a price for that – I felt overwhelmed majority of the year and like I couldn’t fully LIVE in and ENJOY the moments.
This year I want to see fruits of the labor I put in last year. I want to simplify.
So that’s my big word to really focus on this year – simplify.
When I think of that word I firstly think of the blog stuff. I have never had a desire or goal to have a side hustle or any sort of income.
Zach and I both always just planned for me to be a stay at home mom with my babies.
While I’m so, so appreciative of the mega growth I’ve had in my blog and social media and the added income it’s brought to our family – it’s also taken me from being that stay at home mom that I’d always dreamed of being into being a work from home mom.
This transition leaves me feeling unfulfilled majority of the time. I don’t want to sacrifice precious time with my kids in order to stay committed to what has become a very real job.
(This is not in ANY WAY knocking mamas who work from home…this is a reflection for ME and is how I am feeling about my own life).
So I want to simplify my work flow. First and foremost. THAT is my BIGGEST goal.
With the added earnings in 2019 I’m looking to hire someone to help manage my business and allow me to focus on the aspects I love and enjoy and not have as much stress on my plate with trying to do all the things all the time.
It doesn’t just go with work stuff but also across the board.
I want to simplify our family meals – make them easier to achieve and spend less on groceries.
I want to simplify our family plans – go and do but not feel like we have to be SO busy all the time. Simple moments make beautiful memories too.
I want to simplify my marriage – just focus on our love for each other. Don’t let the crazy daily life things get in the way of our simple, amazing love.
I want to simplify my personal life – beyond just time management but as a whole life management. Don’t feel like I am obligated in so many areas and instead make choices that bring me joy and built me up.
Simplify the love I give. Focus on relationships that I want to pour into. Allow room for others to pour back.
Simplify is my word for the year and I feel like it’ll help calm me while also keeping me on focus!
I never share my goals in any certain order but here are the goals I’m working to achieve in 2020 (and truly I just kinda wanna copy and paste my goals from 2019 b/c they were SO good and so many are still so perfect for this year too!):
- Focus on saving money and spending smart: shop around for insurances, invest savings, change tv plan, small changes that add up! Put more money into retirement savings.
- Finish up with my personal portion of healing. Feel content in those hurts and able to fully put them aside and not define
myself by them.
- Figure out how to get back to writing out 10 things thankful for each day – continue to have Bible reading time at night before going to sleep along with prayer time.
- Hire a business consultant / virtual assistant to completely organize blog, optimize old content and create email series. Have site completely organized with landing pages by end of 2020.
- Additional Blog Goals: Maintain Instagram growth, Be choosier in campaigns I take on, Grow blog traffic by 15k per month on average, Earn $5,000 more than last year (fine with maintaining too), Cash out on Reward Style at least once, Make a new pin each day, Stay caught up on personal posts, Get back to ENJOYING it all!
- Keep sleep a top priority – 7 hours minimum – go to bed EARLIER.
- House Goals: Tess new room completely finished, Kye room redecorated, my “mom cave” done, bathrooms and master started.
- Show up with love in my marriage – focus on communicating and building on the friendship level we reached at
end of 2019. - Keep nails painted! (Official “I’m adjusted to 4 kids status”)
- Cut back even less on Christmas – 10 gift goal!
- Rental House Goals: New carpet, simplify booking process on my side of things, earn enough to pay for itself as well as enough to cover at least half the cost of our Disney passes.
- Continue with OMAD and focus on portion control during that window.
- Make time for me without guilt! Zach golfs…I can go and do and not feel bad too!
- Work out regularly again – be in a positive body image space for the cruise and beyond.
- Continue thriving to be a light for my children – start the day with joy and calmness, welcome them after school with hugs and praise, end the night with quality time tucking in (not rushed!)
- Wash my hair less (fun goal!)
- Budget better this year – spend less on groceries, meal plan, shop around to price compare before spending.
- Blog Books: 2017, 2018, 2019
- Remind myself “I don’t have to.”
Truly focus on things I want to pour into without feeling obligated. LIVE LOVED. - SIMPLIFY.
We talked as a family about our goals and here are some things we came up with.
I’d really like to continue our focus on gratitude and kindness this year. Speaking in love, focusing on our blessings.
It was HUGE for the kids in 2019. The daily practice of studying their bibles and writing out things they are thankful for has been a game changer and I want to make sure to continue with that as a focus!
Individually Kye wants to shoot basketball regularly, work out in evenings, make 3 goals during basketball season in a game, reach the nether in Minecraft, earn all A’s, and try out for basketball in middle school.
Britt wants to get her ears pierced, master a solo handstand on the balance beam, sleep in until 10 am, save up the $500 goal for Hawaii, and be jolly all year.
Tess wants to work on her reading, learn how to tie her shoes, be sweet and snuggle mommy (pretty sure she’ll nail this one pretty easily ha!) and not have any crying at school.
Spear is going to get fully potty trained, transition to a booster seat, possibly transition to a big kid bet (ughhh dreading that one haha), and continue to focus on his speech therapy.
Zach and I didn’t talk about a ton of goals for him but he mentioned he wants to have a fun attitude at Disney which duh I LOVE hearing 😉 Bring on Disney Magic Zach – hope he’s as awesome as Christmas Spirit Zach was this year!
I’m ready to feel excited about the new year – eager to get these goals in motion and start kicking butt at simplifying 😉
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025