I know it’s LONG overdue but I’ve been excited to share our hard work on Kye’s party with everyone! I really, really loved everything and think it all turned out great.
Last year when we did a monkey theme Zach wasn’t crazy about it so I promised him that this year we’d do something sports related. We picked GOLF! You can find a million football parties but golf stuff is tough to come by which made it more fun for me to plan.
I like a challenge and I like not doing something that everyone else has already done. Like last year I’m dividing it up into two posts and this one is ALL about the party decorations 🙂
We didn’t do much decorating since the food was VERY themed but I did frame some pictures. These were from our first family golf outing.
And these were from Kye’s invitation photo shoot
When ordering Kye’s invitations from Chickabug on Etsy she was SO helpful and sent me a link to a How Does She? golf themed party.
I fell in LOVE with it and totally wished I could afford to copy every single thing she did! I took a TON of inspiration from that party but put my own twist on everything too.
I’m now obsessed with her site and totally will be drawing ideas from it in the future (I almost hate to give away my new secret planning site to all of you!!!).
I liked the idea of having a craft at the party and having something inside just in case it rained.
It wasn’t an easy task to find this many green visor hats (had to special order from Hobby Lobby) but they turned out super cute. My mom has AMAZING handwriting so she made them even cuter by adding each child’s name in white paint marker.
They were the kids “golf caps” and I got foam stickers and golf stickers for them to use to decorate.
I LOVE white serving platters (seriously, I can’t get enough of them if you ever need a gift idea for me!) so I was glad that the party theme included the color white 🙂
We used our dining room as the “food room” and used Zach’s golf balls for the centerpieces.
I bought plain white cardstock and Mom used sharpies and golf stickers I bought (Hobby Lobby is the PLACE people!) and we came up with cute golf related sayings for most of the food items. On top of the “golfer food” we also had meatballs (thanks Mom!), pigs in a blanket (thanks Mrs. Charlotte!), and veges (we didn’t do a fruit – am I the only person that thinks fruit and veges are sooo lame at parties?!?! haha!).
Hole-In-One Donuts (You can see how we made them HERE!)
Sooooo yummmmmy
We had a TON of food! The party was from 4-6 so technically I guess we didn’t have to have so much but I love to have lots of food, I think it’s what people enjoy the most at a party.
I knew a LOT of kids would be there and wanted to have something “kid friendly” so we put together a “Caddies Corner” with juice boxes (Kye’s first time ever having one…hopefully, but doubtfully, his last?!?), animal crackers, and pretzels.
I’m thankful that the punch from last’s years party was green because I could re-use it for this years (it’s seriously the MOST yummmy punch ever!!!).
We just re-named it “Putting Green Punch” to fit the theme (you can see how to make it HERE)
It’s South Georgia so you know we had to have “Sweet TEE”
Brandon and Chrissy were a big help with these cute sandwiches and you can see how we did them HERE!
Every party or shower that I throw I ALWAYS have to borrow Ashley’s adorable cake stand/cupcake stand.
I swore I’d buy my own before Crissy and I throw her shower in a couple of weeks…but I don’t think that’s going to happen…isn’t it SO pretty though? I love how you can put the matching ribbon in it!
Instead of having a cake I thought we’d just serve cupcakes and stick a candle in one when it came time to sing to Kye.
I didn’t want everyone eating the cupcakes with the rest of the food so we put a tablecloth on the kitchen table and put the cupcakes in there. Didn’t they look cute? (You can see how I made them HERE).
I was so pumped when I found these balloons at Hobby Lobby! We just had a few behind Kye’s chair 🙂
In the living room we had Kye’s Birthday Slideshow playing and it gave guests something to do while eating, during gift opening, and when their kids got worn out from the outside activities.
We’ll probably do a video like this every year. I always love how they turn out!
Last year I made my own banner, but this year I didn’t think it was worth the time and effort.
Buying all the supplies and taking the time ends up costing more than just buying one! Luckily, Chickabug has printable banners so I order it, printed it, cut it out and put it up! I think it turned out cute and we hung it in the windows to draw everyone outside 🙂
Zach pretty much handled the outside stuff and we knew we wanted to do a driving range for the kids to hit golf balls.
When we started getting the rsvps in and realized we’d be having quite a bit of kids we also decided to put a table outside for people to eat! Luckily, Zach had plenty of golf balls to use as more decorations 🙂
I bought green pails from Walmart and filled them with practice golf balls then Zach got indoor/outdoor carpet to use as the spot where they hit the balls (not sure what it’s called…haha).
He also made the flags and put them in our yard for the kids to aim at!
We bought yard signs at Lowe’s and covered them in poster board then Mom wrote on them for the signs
While the hats were inside and the driving range was out back – Mr. Rusty was nice enough to bring his golf cart over and at the front/side of the house the kids could go on golf cart rides!
I like to try to have favors that adults and kids enjoy. Especially since at this age it’s still mostly adults that come to the party ya know? I made chocolate golf balls (you can see how I did them HERE) and had custom tees for each guest.
I found a great deal through Mid Town Tees at Etsy for 50 golf tees! Zach helped me pick something to put on them and we decided on “Had fun playing a round!” (get it??? like a round of golf???)
Along with the invites and banner I also ordered stickers from Chickabug which she personalized to fit the party theme! They all turned out so cute and I loved the variety of the designs!
I know most people thought we went overboard for a kids birthday party but I was SO proud at how it all turned out! I’m BEYOND thankful that I found the How Does She? site, that I had help from Chickabug in my planning, Country Kitchen for most of my food ordering, Hobby Lobby for most of the craft stuff and that so many friends and family helped make it all possible!
Kye REALLY loved it all as you’ll see in the next post and all the other guests did too. We already are pretty sure of the theme we’re doing next year 😉
Looking for More Party Inspirations? Here’s All of The Parties I’ve Planned:
- Football Birthday Party
- Finding Nemo Party
- Donald Duck Party
- Hawaiian Christmas Party
- Mickey & Minnie Mouse Party
Looking for even more party planning tips and inspiration? Be sure to check out my Pinterest boards for ideas and you can also see over 35 of the best kids party ideas here! Happy Planning 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
i googled kid's golf party and found your blog (and i'm so happy i did)! LOTS of great ideas here. i've already used and loved chicabug for some of the items for my son's first birthday. i was wondering, where is the cupcake stand from? i've been hunting for one that i like, but this one sticks in my head and i'm hoping i can find it! thanks!
I love this! My boyfriend is turning 30 and I’m throwing him a golf themed birthday party. Even though I won’t be able to steal all the ideas this has helped me so much! Thank you 🙂