This year Halloween had an interesting start…it was a TERRIBLE day for me haha. I overslept (which never happens) so I was running late to get Kye to school. Zach had driven my car the night before to do something so I was trying to move my drivers seat back up (he has to have it ALL the way back and I have to have it ALL the way forward to reach the pedals haha) while backing out of the garage. I was in a mad dash and wasn’t paying full attention…at least until I heard that CRUNCH. Oh jeez. I hit the garage with my passenger side mirror π Thankfully Halloween happens to be the day before my birthday…so Zach didn’t get as upset with me as he probably would have normally. The repair ended up costing us $460. YIKES.
Thankfully the day got better! A LOT better too!!! Our town had trick-or-treating starting at 6 so we fed the kids early and Courtney’s kids came to go out with us. Last year was Kye’s first year trick-or-treating. We went to Aunt Karen’s neighborhood and had a great time but this year we wanted to stick close to home. With my birthday the next day I didn’t want the kids to stay up late so we planned to walk around for 30-45 min then head home for baths and bed as usual!
Lovin’ some more awesome poses from Kye π
Casey and Jolee
Uncle Jordan and Brittlynn
As a baby I feel like being 2nd born has many disadvantages. I mean I don’t get to spend nearly as much quality one-on-one time with her as I did with Kye as a baby. I try, but it’s just impossible. I do think as she gets older she’ll have many advantages to being 2nd born. Halloween was one of them. We didn’t take Kye trick-or-treating until he was 2 1/2. Britt got to go at 10 months old! She’ll get to experience more things at a younger age than Kye did because she’ll go with us when we do stuff with him. Pretty sweet deal for her, right? π
We busted out our wagon (which rarely gets used) and the kids piled in!
As I’ve mentioned in other posts…Brittlynn has been going through a super fussy stage. She wants to be held non-stop and just cries a lot. It’s not very fun. However, she was SO HAPPY. The entire time we were out trick-or-treating she was just having a BLAST and it seriously made me so, so overjoyed. I thought for sure the wagon would be a nightmare with her but she LOVED IT!!!!
Kye was beyond thrilled too! Anytime his cousins are involved this boy is happy as can be π
First house!
My sweet friend Ashley met up with us! Her son, Preston, went as Buzz Lightyear!
That night when we said prayers Kye said he was so glad that Buzz found us because we really were missing a Buzz!
Toy Story gang!
The wagon was a great idea in theory…but didn’t last long.
Of course Payton wanted to ride on shoulders too! Good thing she’s got a strong mama b/c Aunt Emily sure enough isn’t gonna be carrying anyone on my shoulders! haha
I know everyone has different opinions on this but my personal opinion is that it’s rude to take babies trick-or-treating and actually get candy. I mean DUH they aren’t the ones eating it. Candy is expensive and I feel wrong having people give candy to my baby knowing that I’m just going to be the one to eat it. So I took her little treat bag but never took candy from anyone. I actually only took her to one house. I thought she had to go for the experience at least once since we were out π
First time trick-or-treating!
Kye has always been super attached to Colt but lately he’s buddies with Payton. I think being in the same class at school has really bonded them. It’s precious!
We legit only went down one street. At the end of the street was a HUGE house all decked out in Halloween stuff. Complete with spooky music playing. I assumed our kids would not have an interest in approaching it…especially with the creepy costumes. We asked if they wanted a picture with the creepy guys and Colt’s Captain America attire must have made him brave because he said he wanted to get a picture!
His bravery was contagious…they look terrified but they wanted to do it!
Kye was the most cautious π
That night Kye talked some about the spooky house. We just explained how Halloween is all pretend and how he dressed up like Woody and those people dressed up like skeletons. He was nightmare free π
Brittlynn not only loved the wagon…she also LOVED piggy back rides. She gave everyone a heart attack with the way she likes to ride though. She doesn’t hold on and leans super far back. Zach told us like 1,000 times “I got her. I got her.” I mean he’s a TALL dude. That’s a long way for my baby to fall!!!
I know ya’ll think I’m a super mean mom regarding my kids and sweets. You’ll be impressed π We let Kye have one piece of candy on the way home from Trunk or Treat and Halloween night we let him pick out two pieces. We did go through his stash first and threw out anything I knew he shouldn’t have. He and Zach made a cool monster box at Lowe’s recently so we let that be his treat box. We stored all his goodies in it and each day after his nap he’s allowed to have one piece. The kid is too cleaver now for us to throw it out when he’s not around…he could probably tell you the exact number of candies left in it haha. Brittlynn did not eat ANY candy. I don’t believe in giving a baby anything sweet until their 1st birthday cake π
Zach and I have NEVER given out candy before! This year we decided to do it π I made one of our favorite “meals” from back prior to having kids (cheesy spinach and artichoke dip with bread!) and we took it out on the front porch. We ate and passed out candy together. We were SHOCKED how quickly the candy stash was gone. Like we were out there for less than an hour haha!
The night ended with Zach giving me a sweet foot rub on the couch while we watched Survivor. It really was such a WONDERFUL afternoon and night!!! I always get a little sad about getting older but I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to my 27th year. Trick-or-Treating was really SUCH a great time. It may have only been for like 30 min but everyone was happy. Everyone had fun. It couldn’t have been any more perfect and it makes me excited for next year π
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
I worry about the same thing with my second child just not getting the one-on-one attention from me that #1 got. I seriously wonder if he won't be as bright or learn as fast because of it :-(. HOWEVER, then I think about how much more he is exposed to at a younger age because he is #2 (just like you were saying). He tags along on all kinds of outings that I never even considered taking Brianna on at that age. So, I think in the end it probably all evens out. I am child #3 of 4 and I am still really close to my parents and never felt neglected or like I missed out. But, my older siblings were 8 and 5 when I was born, so we're all pretty spread out. I'm too old to give my children that much age space, haha!