Halloween 2019
Every year we have three favorite Halloween traditions!
We have always dressed up as a theme for Halloween and this year was no different – you can see our
Casey hosts a family Halloween party every year and we always look forward to attending!
This year we actually won for best family costume 🙂
Casey’s house is so great for getting everyone together and the kids all loved hanging out with their cousins.
Poor Tessie got attacked big time by some ants and had bites that swelled up a good bit all over her arms!
Thankfully some Benadryl and anti-itch spray helped!
Our second yearly Halloween tradition is attending our church Trunk or Treat.
It’s always so fun to get together with our church family and we’re thankful Mrs. Charlotte’s foot is healing so nicely and that she was able to go with us!
It was the first year we really had people KNOW our theme costume!
Usually we’re having to pull up Google images to help people recognize us 🙂
Britt and Tess wanted to wear a little lipstick for their characters and were excited when I let them!
We had hot dogs and The Mix truck and did some trunk or treating and got to ride on ponies too!
And all the toppings – DUH.
When we ate dinner Kye got his plate and then sat super far away from us at the table.
He cracked me up and just needed a break from the crazy – can’t blame him.
He also made me proud as he sat down there all by himself and bowed his head and prayed before he ate.
And proof that little eyes are watching – as soon as Britt saw him do it she sat down and did the same.
Love my babies!
Kye wanted to hang with friends at the dinner while the rest of us went to ride the ponies!
Next year Kye will be in 6th grade which is a BIG transition at church.
He will join the youth group and will be doing things with that group without us. Many of the youth group sit together every Sunday at church and I think it’s SO GREAT.
I WANT him to have those bonds and friendships and I know that part of that process is allowing that bit of distance to occur. He wanted to skip ponies, we let him skip ponies 🙂
Britt was excited to ride the biggest pony, Tess was a pro and Spear got to ride for the first time and was so excited!
We wait until the week of Halloween to both get a pumpkin and carve it.
We’ve had pumpkins straight up ROT prior to Halloween so now we kinda put it off.
I love our yearly pumpkin patch pictures and it breaks my heart that our local pumpkin patch shut down.
Yall. First our tree farm quit having Christmas trees.
Then I found out my favorite local restaurant closed their doors.
And now the pumpkins? UGH. We’ve gone to this certain patch every single year since Kye was born.
Lucky for us a little produce stand close to our house had pumpkins and they were SUPER chill and nice about us basically taking the whole place over and getting all our “pumpkin patch” pics 😉
Not sure if it’ll be a new yearly spot option but they were SO sweet
I. Love. My. Crew.
We picked out our family pumpkin (we only get one!) and the kids each got a small one too.
Spear turned his gourd into a hammer 😉
The owners also had a dog and Spear was OBSESSED. It was so adorable. He kept hugging the dog and being SO sweet with it!
We carved our pumpkin the night before Halloween and it is our FAVORITE EVER!
We didn’t go nuts with Halloween decor or treats this year.
I drew some pumpkin faces on some orange fruit cups and Tess freaked out she was so THRILLED over it.
Nothing fancy. Just simple little pumpkin faces. And she had SUCH joy!
Our Halloween weather was c-razy.
It was 95 degrees on the day of. And then CRAZY rain came through and then the temps dropped and the next morning it was 35 degrees. Insane!
Day of Halloween the kids weren’t allowed to wear costumes to school so I had some Halloween themed outfits for them that I got on clearance last year after Halloween 🙂
Spear’s class actually had a little costume parade and I LOVE that they didn’t have any parents come and instead just showed it on Facebook Live. So genius and it was so fun watching Spear chase his little friend down the hall in costume.
I dug through the play clothes and found a Woody costume that wasn’t too huge on him and he rocked it!
Every year we invite Zach’s fam and Robyn’s fam over to go trick-or-treating.
This year we kept it simple and JUST did trick-or-treating. No dinner prior, just everyone come and go!
We do a family costume each year, but on actual Halloween I just tell the kids to pick out anything they want to wear from our dress up clothes.
So far it’s always worked out great and the kids get really into it!
Kye came down stairs and tried on multiple choices for me to help him decide which to wear and I ate it up – if this is what the teenage years will be like bring ’em on 🙂
Spear was in a MOOD and not feeling it but I tossed on a random costume anyway!
Britt was Rey, per usual. Kye was Boba Fett. Spear was a dog. And Tessie, sweet Tessie.
She has been obsessed with this witch hat since we got out the Halloween decor so we found a black dress in her closet so she could be a witch. So adorable!
It’s funny b/c I was once a witch for Halloween as a child and have a vivid memory of my hat continually falling off and me being frustrated and ending up getting in trouble by my dad for my attitude.
Lucky for Tess that history didn’t repeat itself 😉
Everyone came over and then the sky fell!
We huddled inside and watched a bit of a Halloween movie and then, thankfully, the rain let up and we were able to get our trick-or-treat ON!
Spear was not super into the whole trick-or-treat thing. I walked him up to one house and that was it!
He preferred to hang in the wagon and did a lot of chill time with Cam 🙂
I am pretty impressed with my Rey hairstyle skills btw…I’m getting it down!
The kids all had an absolute BLAST and Kye declared it the best year ever.
I love that we have such a great group together each year and it’s one of those memories the kids will always remember and cherish!
We got home around 8 and the big kids and I handed out candy for a bit which I always love too.
I feel like the trick-or-treating is all about the friends and the running and the fun but the passing out candy is a more together family activity 🙂
The day after Halloween (AKA MY BIRTHDAY – post to come!) the kids had a Monster Mash at school and got to wear their costumes!
We had a super fun Halloween season this year! So many traditions and I love every one of them and just love these family moments together.
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025