I tend to delete most of the emails that come my way from companies wanting me to do sponsored posts. However, occasionally a company will approach me and I become so impressed with them that I want to work together! Halo is such a company!
I am so thankful they approached me and am honored to write this post! I have never personally known much about Halo, until now. And I have to say I am BLOWN AWAY. The Halo company is on a mission to promote safe sleep for babies. This is a cause that is close to my heart and I am so thrilled that such a major brand is doing their part to spread the word on safe sleep habits for babies! The founder of the company. Bill Schmid, lost his baby to SIDS and created the company in order to make products to help prevent SIDS for other babies.
The Halo website is filled with tons of safe sleep tips! You can see all the safe sleep information they offer here. Just by checking out their website I was already impressed. But then I saw the tab about their mission to get sleep sacks in hospitals and I was seriously blown away. I have always wondered about the baby blankets hospitals use to swaddle the babies and they have always bothered me and made me concerned. As the Halo site states “In an effort to keep all babies sleeping safely, HALO is proud to offer the HALO® Safer Way to Sleep® Initiative which has been adopted by more than 1,250 hospitals in the United States and Canada. This initiative provides hospital nurseries and NICUs an opportunity to educate parents about safe sleep environments by demonstrating the use of a wearable blanket and providing it as a gift to parents. Additionally, this program provides free educational resources and SleepSack Swaddle samples to Child Birth Educators to promote safe sleep practices in their curriculum.” I mean how awesome is that?!?!
Recently Halo has moved beyond offering just the swaddles and sleep sacks and now has now developed the Halo Bassinest Swivel Sleeper. As stated in their recent press release: “New mothers are sleep deprived. In an effort to get more sleep, they often resort to bringing their babies to bed with them despite warnings by doctors and safe sleep experts that bed sharing can be dangerous for the infant. In fact a recent Safe Kids USA/American Baby survey found that 38% of moms do so regularly. Approximately half of all infant suffocation deaths happen in an adult bed and, when compared with sleeping in a separate space, the overall infant death is more than 40 times higher for a co-sleeping baby. Proponents are also saying that sleeping next to baby promotes bonding, easier breastfeeding, and better sleep for both mom and baby. So what is a mother to do??? The new Halo Bassinest Swivel Sleeper is the perfect solution to this dilemma. This unique infant bassinet moves to allow baby to sleep as close as mom wants -closer than with ANY other bassinet, even right next to her in the bed. Yet baby sleep safely in his own separate sleep area, thereby reducing the risks that are associated with bed-sharing which persist today as a threat to baby’s health.”
I know so, so many parents who co-sleep with their babies. It always scares me to see how many mamas post co-sleeping pictures on social media and how our society has accepted this unsafe practice as the norm. I’m SO glad that FINALLY there is a product that allows mothers to have the co-sleeping experience without compromising the safety of their baby!!! When I first saw it, I was instantly impressed with the fully breathable mesh sides. I also appreciated the flat design and that it allows the baby to be as close as the parent desires yet still in their own sleep space. And how cool is the timer for nursing?!?! So many neat features!!! This will be a fabulous product for any mother…especially nursing moms as the fold down side makes it a breeze for those middle of the night feedings and such a huge help for any new mama recovering from a c-section delivery! It’s obvious they really did think of EVERYTHING in designing this product!
This video really shows all the Halo Bassinest Swivel Sleeper has to offer:
You can WIN your own Halo Bassinest by entering HERE!
In addition…I’m pumped to be able to giveaway a FREE SleepSack! I have never personally owned a Halo SleepSack but have many friends who use them and love them! I’m so glad the company provided me with one for “Leo” and can’t wait for him to her to be able to try it out. Lucky for all of you Halo is also giving away a SleepSack to one lucky blog reader!!!
Here are all the giveaway details!
- Giveaway runs from July 15 through July 20th. Winner will be chosen at midnight EST on Sunday July 20th
- Winner will be selected using random.org
- Winner will be notified by email and will need to respond and provide: YOUR CHOICE of ANY sleepsack color, what size you would like, and your address
- Open to all US and Canada residents
Here is how to enter…be SURE to include your email address in EACH entry so you can be contacted if you win!
- Visit halo.com and pick which sleep sack you would like to own then come back here and comment. Example “I would love the ruffle sleep sack!”
- Like The Journey of Parenthood on Facebook then come back here and leave a comment letting me know you like the page. Example “I like Journey of Parenthood on Facebook!”
- Like Halo on Facebook then come back here and leave a comment letting me know you like their page. Example “I like Halo on Facebook!”
- Follow Halo on Twitter then come back here and leave a comment letting me know you follow them! Example “I follow Halo on Twitter”
Yes, that’s FOUR CHANCES to win a Halo SleepSack of YOUR choice!
One last reason that I’m now a big Halo fan? They included these safety tips in their communications with me! They are a company that is TRULY all about keeping our babies safe!!!
Safe Sleep Reminders:
- Place baby to sleep on his or her back at nap time and at night time.
- Room-share but do not bed share; the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend against bed sharing as it can lead to an increased risk for accidental suffocation.
- Use a crib or bassinet that meets current safety standards with a firm mattress that fits snugly and is covered with only a tight-fitting crib sheet.
- Remove all soft bedding and toys for your baby’s sleep area (this includes loose blankets, bumpers, pillows and postponers). The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests using a wearable blanket instead of loose blankets to keep your baby warm.
- Offer a pacifier when putting your baby to sleep. If breastfeeding, introduce pacifier after one month or after breastfeeding has been established
- Breastfeed, if possible, but when finished, put your baby back to sleep in his or her separate sleep area alongside your bed.
- Never put your baby to sleep on any soft surface (adult beds, sofas, chairs, water beds, quilts, sheep skins, etc)
- Never dress your baby too warmly for sleep, keep room temperature 68-72 degrees fahrenheit
- Never allow anyone to smoke around your baby or take your baby into a room or car where someone has recently smoked.
Thank you so much to Halo for sponsoring this giveaway and for being a company so concerned with the safety of our babies! I can’t wait to see who wins and hope one of my readers also wins the free bassinest as well (or maybe I will win!!!).
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
I like the striped animals one 🙂 hoekstra.ka@gmail.com
I like Halo on facebook – hoekstra.ka@gmail.com
Love the sleepsack. B hated having her arms swaddled and I wish this cosleeper had been out last year when I registered. While I don't cosleep and don't think it is the societal norm, there are guidelines out there to promote safe co-sleeping, so it isn't dangerous.
I would love the ruffle sleep sack!
I follow journey of parenthood on Facebook! Love your posts and tips!
I like Halo on Facebook! They're all I use. They are so easy. I have no idea to actually swaddle.
Liked JoP on facebook!
I like/follow Journey of Parenthood on Facebook! lmjuras@gmail.com
I like Halo on Facebook! lmjuras@gmail.com
I like Halo SleepSack on facebook!
I follow Halo on twitter!
I would love the cotton muslin giraffe sleep sack! Super cute!
I would love the yellow giraffe muslin sleep sack!
I like The Journey of Parenthood on FB! meg.holton(at)gmail(dot)com
I like HaloSleep on FB! meg.holton(at)gmail(dot)com
I follow Halo on Twitter! meg.holton(at)gmail(dot)com
THAT is a super cool bassinet! By the way, just found your blog from Bloglovin' – they recommended we be friends; they were right 🙂 lol. excited to be following along now!
I would love the giraffe muslin sleep sack!
I follow Halo on twitter!
I like Halo on Facebook!
I like Journey of Parenthood on Facebook!
I would love the eyelet pink sack!
I am in the market for one of these since my tall 5 month old has outgrown the 9 month one I have been using. I would like the cream or eyelt sage. Kmawrd83 (at) hotmail
I really like the HALO® SleepSack® Swaddle 100% Cotton Muslin | Giraffe Yellow!mermont84 at yahoo.com
I like Journey of Parenthood on Facebookmermont84 at yahoo.com
I like Halo on Facebook!mermont84 at yahoo.com
I followed Halo on twitter. kingsley.carrie@gmail.com
I liked halo on fb. kingsley.carrie@gmail.com
I liked Journey of Parenthood on fb. kingsley.carrie@gmail.com
I'd like the Big kid sleepsack! kingsley.carrie@Gmail.com
I'd like the big kid sleepsack I liked the journey of parenthood on fbmrsdecker09@gmail.com
I'd like the big kid sleepsack I liked HALO on fb
I would LOVE the Cotton Muslin Sleepsack in the Pink Elephant print! We have used Halo Sleepsack and Swaddles for Hollis since birth! We LOVE them!
I like 'The Journey Of Parenthood' on FB!
I like Halo on Facebook! Melissagouge@gmail.com
I followed Halo on Twitter! Melissagouge@gmail.clm
I like Halo on Facebook! jmhalsey00@gmail.com BTW, love the dedication to SIDS. You don't see that often enough with baby brands, in my opinion. They're more worried about marketing!
I think baby Sawyer would like the sleep sack in 100% Cotton Muslin Giraffe Yellow. jmhalsey00@gmail.com
I also liked Journey of Parenthood on FB 🙂 jmhalsey00@gmail.com
I would love the Cotton Knit Cream Sleep Sack!
I also like Journey of Parenthood on Facebook! ilovelyvi@hotmail.com (just realized i forgot to put my email on my previous entry….oops!)
I also liked Halo on FB. ilovelyvi@hotmail.com
I would love the sage green sleep sack in large size! We just got medium for our daughter and she loves her sleep sacks. joannkibbey@gmail.com
I also liked Journey of Parenthood on Faceboook! joannkibbey@gmail.com
I also liked Halo on Facebook! joannkibbey@gmail.com
I love Halo which is a good choice.Wonder Beautyis a China Lingerie Manufacturerand We also Wholesale Lingerie and Clubwear.
I like the journry of parenthood on fb
followed on twitter as jtranho
i like the Cotton Striped Animals sleep sack, so cute!
liked Halo on Facebook as jessica eapen
liked The Journey of Parenthood on Facebook as jessica eapen
I liked you on fb!melissa.kelly102310@gmail.com
I liked them on fb!melissamelissa.kelly102310@gmail.com
I like the sleep sack in sageso prettymelissa.kelly102310@gmail.com
I like halo on fb. Kmawrd83 (at) hotmail
I would love to win the stripes zebra!andrealconroy@hotmail.com
I would like the early walker lightweight pink knit sleep sack! Haley_e_holland @hotmail
I like you on fb Haley_e_holland @hotmail
I like the HALO® SleepSack® Swaddle 100% Cotton Muslin.
Like you on fb.
Like Halo on fb.
Follow Halo on twitter.