How We Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is on the way!
If you’re like me then Valentine’s Day is such an afterthought after Christmas and you’re usually still in recovery mode from all the Christmas and New Year’s celebrating that Valentine’s Day can easily feel like “one more thing” on your plate.
In our world where every little thing is made into a BIG DEAL it can be hard not to put pressure on yourself to make every minor holiday super meaningful and super mega special.
For our family, we keep Valentine’s Day SIMPLE.
For us, it’s a chance to share our love for each other.
No fancy gifts. No big bucks being spent. Quality time, thoughtful words, little moments.
Here are ways we celebrate Valentine’s Day and I hope they inspire you during this holiday season of love too!
You can also read more about all of our traditions here.
Valentine’s Date Nights:
One thing we really focus on at Valentine’s Day is a “date night.” Not just with Zach and I, but especially between us and the kids.
Our town has a Father Daughter Dance each year around Valentine’s Day.
While I LOVE the concept behind the dance, the actual dance itself is overpriced, plays inappropriate music, and is really just dads standing around talking while their daughters dance with each other.
Not really the best quality father-daughter time.
We have used the idea of the dance and made it our own…instead of attending the event we have Daddy-Daughter date nights and Mother-Son date nights.
Typically it is easiest to bond between a child and the same-sex parent.
Kye and Zach go golfing or watch sports. The girls and I do our nails and hair.
But spending quality time with the opposite sex parent is so important and valuable.
Not only for that child to know how loved they are to each of us, but also in helping shape the type of spouse they will someday look for.
We want our children to know how to treat the opposite sex and so much of that behavior is learned from the opposite sex parent.
We always dress up nice for these nights out and make sure the kids feel very special and loved and we make a big deal about it!
Someday Zach wants to even rent a limo for the girls and really take them somewhere fancy!
But for now a simple dinner out is more than enough 🙂
We have typically had both girls go out with Daddy on the same night together but as they get older we plan to separate them and allow them each their OWN night with Daddy.
Zach and I also try to make a date night together happen somewhere around Valentine’s Day.
We usually go out to dinner and have some quality time together.
We keep gifts simple and set a $20 budget.
To us, birthdays and anniversaries are much more important holidays for our marriage and times when we do spend a little more and put a little more thought into the gifts we give each other.
Valentine’s Day is more of just an excuse to get a date night together!
Valentine’s Day Love Notes:
Words of affirmation is such a great way to let others know how you much love them.
It’s also a very easy thing to do and doesn’t cost any money at all!
A few years ago I started cutting out heart shaped notes on construction paper a few weeks into January so I would be ready for February.
Starting on the last night of January I tape a heart onto each child’s door while they are sleeping.
Each morning of February leading up to Valentine’s Day they wake up to find a special love note on their door from me telling them a reason why I love them and why they are special.
They LOVE this tradition.
14 mornings of waking up to sweet, thoughtful words.
14 unique things about them that I notice and find special.
None of their notes are the same as their siblings. It’s a way to let each child know they are special to me in their OWN way.
You can see an example of some of the things I write on their notes here!
Valentine’s Day Box:
Growing up my mom started a tradition that I have loved carrying on with my children.
We use a copy paper box and wrap it up in cute, festive Valentine’s Day themed paper and then cut a large hole in the top.
When Feb 1st comes around we put the box on our fireplace hearth and leave it there to be filled.
The kids have so much fun writing little notes and finding little gifts to put inside the box.
It encourages them to be thoughtful and giving and to find ways to share their love with each other!
I always put a few little things in the box for each child too.
Usually a little box of candy from the dollar store and a little something extra.
Again, a simple token to show love without spending a fortune.
Sometimes the kids write little notes, and sometimes we get crafty and make notes to each other.
It all just depends on what we have going on leading up to Valentine’s Day. You can see a super simple toilet paper roll V-Day card craft here!
Not only is it fun having the box sitting out leading up to V-Day because we all love adding things, but it also is fun building the anticipation about opening what’s inside!
The kids love when I tease them and say things like “ohhh I just added something to the box!”
Looking for THE best gifts for your kids this Valentine’s Day? I’ve got you covered!
Valentine’s Day Celebrating:
On actual Valentine’s Day we, again, keep it simple.
I have a heart-shaped baking pan and usually, we make a heart-shaped cake and decorate it as our dessert that night.
Some years we make the same cookies I made for Christmas but in heart shapes and decorate them.
When I’m feeling festive I will aim for lots of pink and red food all day that day.
Strawberries, strawberry milk, sandwiches cut in heart shapes, etc. Anything to add a little fun to their days!
But some years we don’t do all the festive food and just have regular dinner and open our Valentine’s Day box!
The kids don’t have any super high expectations. It’s not a holiday riddled with traditions. No “must do” items.
Love is something we give every day to our family. Valentine’s Day is just a day to recognize the love we feel every day.
A day to remind each other how blessed we are to be a family and a chance to celebrate our love as a family unit!
How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Do you go all out or keep it simple?
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025