Yesterday was weigh-in day. I was pretty nervous because I didn’t do as well as I probably should have on our trip!
When I weighed in though I was pumped!!! I FINALLY weigh my pre-pregnancy weight!!! YAY ME!!!!!!!!!
It felt awesome to be what I was last May when I got pregnant with Kye. I’m very proud of how hard I have worked to get this weight off. Weight Watchers really is awesome and I think by sticking with it I’ll be able to lose the other 4 lb I need in order to be my goal weight. It has taken my about 4 months to get back to the right weight and I think that’s pretty good! Especially considering that breastfeeding alone didn’t help me one bit! I really didn’t start to work at losing it until 8 weeks post-pardum so that means I’ve lost this whole 16 lbs in just 8 weeks! How awesome is that????
Being back to my pre-pregnancy weight I decided to go through my pre-pregnancy clothes! And YUP most of my pants fit!!! The size 8s are a little too big, the size 6s fit just right and the 4s still need some tummy losing before they fit 100%. YAY!!!! It is awesome to be able to put on clothes that I haven’t been able to wear in over a year!!!!
Going through them all I’m proud of myself for realizing that I’m an adult now! I need to get rid of anything “too young” in my closet. Anyone that knows me knows that I have a TON of clothes. When we moved I got rid of 283 shirts and it still didn’t make a dent! I’m in the process of going through it all again and really asking myself “will I ever wear this?”
So far here’s my tub filled with hangers representing things I’ll be either selling on Ebay, giving to friends, or donating to Good Will. I had Ashley help me go through and say what’s “too young” (because when something has been in your closet for so long it’s hard to really tell ya know?) and that was a big big help to the situation. If she was it was “too young” then I got rid of it, no questions asked!
In trying on my pants, I know that as an adult my pants should fit correctly!!! Being 5’2″ a lot of my pants are way way way too long. From now on I’m only buying petite or ankle length (both hard to find) and I’m not buying ANY capris! I’ve seen so many What Not To Wears where they talk about proper length and how short people if they don’t have the capris hit them properly will look even more stumpy. The capris and pants that I love or paid a lot for are getting altered and the ones that I don’t love or got super cheap are saying “goodbye!” I also plan from here on out to not buy capris but buy Bermuda shorts instead as they actually hit my legs at the proper capri length 🙂
I’m very proud of myself for the weight loss! My body looks more like it should and it feels soooooo much better. Yes, my chest is still MUCH bigger which makes some clothes (like dresses) an issue and I need to invest in a good strapless bra that fits me b/c most of my dresses and tank tops you can’t wear a regular bra with. My stomach is also still pretty baby pudgy squishy feeling and looking but it’s still a HUGE improvement and I hope with the diet continuing, walking more, and doing lots and lots of crunches that it’ll soon be gone. They say give yourself a year to be back to your regular body! It’s only been 4 months so I’m sure as time goes on it’ll only get better 🙂
I’m also proud of myself for REALLY digging through my closet and dumping so much! It is so nice to actually be able to slide my clothes (as my closet has been so jammed I can’t move ANYTHING around) and to see things again that I love and am actually able to wear! Finally a life beyond jeans, khaki and black!!! I’m in the process of filling up tubs with my maternity clothes to pack away for the next baby and it feels good to be throwing the XL stuff I bought right after I had Kye in there too (I’m too scared to say bye to the bella band just yet though…)! My only wish? That we weren’t so broke right now so I’d be able to treat myself to a mini-shopping spree to buy some adult looking clothes that fit!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
with all the money you make off ebay, you can go on that shopping spree =)