By now anyone who reads this blog has heard about sweet baby Tripp’s journey to Heaven. You have probably also been reading Rachael’s blog and keeping her and her family in your prayers. Please continue to do that as I know God is comforting them and surrounding them in His love.
I have been in awe of this online community and the amazing outreach we’ve all been for this family. Several of us “blog moms” have been “talking” and feel strongly that we have enough people among us to do something very special for the Copponex family in honor of Tripp.
SO many of you have contacted me asking what you can do. Many of you know Rachael and her family personally, but many many of you know her only from her blog. You read her cute stories and honest take on parenthood and you laugh right along with the rest of us. And now, reading about her experience in a grief that no parent should have to face, your heart reaches out to them. We all love Rachael and we ALL want to do something, anything, just to help ease their pain even just a little bit.
Several people have mentioned some GREAT ideas to us and we’ve been brainstorming the past few weeks on what we could do for Rachael as a “We LOVE You!” type thing from her blogging/facebook/online family. We’ve decided on something and I’m SO SO thrilled about it!!! I don’t want to give anything away on here because just as I read Rachael’s blog…she also reads mine and aren’t surprises more fun???
Over the next several days I’m working on contacting everyone I can through Facebook. I will give details there in private messages on what we have planned but if you are a blog follower and not a facebook friend then please leave a comment about how I can contact you so I can fill you in!
I have created a “DONATE” button that will direct everyone to Paypal. This is the safest and easiest way to collect any donations towards this gift and it will also allow me to keep track of everyone that donates so we can be sure to include ALL our names in a nice card. There is no set donation amount, please feel free to give as little or as much as you’d like. Even if Rachael doesn’t know you or won’t recognize your name I think having a TON of names on that card will be so special! Feeling that love and support from so many people will be a powerful thing for her and her family! If you want to have a special message in the card please leave that in the comments section when you pay on Paypal. Paypal will automatically generate a receipt for you and will send it to your email account.
Click Below to DONATE to the gift for the Copponex Family!
I am THRILLED with the great ideas we’ve come up with and am hoping we can collect enough to do both of the ones that we think will be the most meaningful. All of us are hurting and will never forget Tripp. Although we all wish we could somehow undo all of this and bring him back to us we know he is at home with the Lord in Heaven. Let’s show our support and give his family something special in a way to honor his life here on Earth.
Thank you in advance, and please more than anything else keep those prayers going!!!
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