Indoor Pool Fun

I feel like I haven’t done a normal post in forever! I’m so behind! Back almost a month ago when we went to Panama City Beach we were SO impressed with the place we stayed. Like I said, Gage has a condo on the beach and while being ON the beach was cool…Zach and I both liked the pool even better! It was part “indoor” (covered with a roof but open on the sides) and part outdoor. Kye got sick of the beach pretty quickly (sand and babies do NOT mix) but he ADORED the pool! Seeing him have so much fun was mine and Zach’s favorite part of the trip!

First time feeling the water with Daddy

Very curious about what it was all about
He is a natural little mer-man! Kicked and pulled right from the start 🙂
Swimming with Daddy
I took several videos on my camera (our video camcorder is broken…sad!) and here’s one of Kye “swimming”:

While he loved the water he especially enjoyed playing on the side of the pool. So precious!

Another video:

Zach and I both had so much fun playing with our little boy! Even Gage and Ashley enjoyed seeing how much Kye enjoyed the water. The water was kinda cold but the kid only started crying when we would try to take him out haha! And OF COURSE I didn’t have any swimmer diapers with me…so he got heavy pretty quick!
Playing with Daddy:

I have always LOVED the water and prefer pools waaaaay more than the ocean or a lake so I’m thinking Kye may be just like me on this one! Which will help Daddy get us a pool of our own even sooner, I hope ~hint~hint!~
We enjoyed it so much that we plan to sneak into some local indoor hotel pools so Kye can continue to love the water. I know if we wait until NEXT summer for him to go to a pool he’ll “forget” how much he likes it so the more we can expose him to it the better 🙂 Fine by me!

Afterward he was SO sweet and cuddly. He sat like this for a good 20 minutes being quiet and just warming back up. All that swimming wore him out!

Emily Parker

1 Comment

  1. Robyn
    August 26, 2009 / 11:30 pm

    Kye was so adorable in the pool! I'm glad he's a water baby – I hope LL is, too. We actually started talking about swimming lessons last night (I used to teach them during the summers) and I think we're going to start her next summer. I'm nervous and excited!

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