Kye had his well check up for turning 7 in early April. I’m always “team bring daddy” for shot visits but even if Kye did have shots at the 7 year well check, I didn’t need Daddy b/c Kye is a pro at shots. He was pretty excited about getting checked out of school for the appointment. Britt was in school so I was able to just have Tess and Kye. Of course the appointment would have been a little easier sans Tess but she enjoyed the uninterrupted Kye Time!
Our kids turn into ZOMBIES when a tv is on!
Running around having a blast!
Kye didn’t have any sort of hearing test but did a vision one and had his vitals taken as well as height and weight. I packed his lunch even though the appointment was pretty early in the morning b/c his lunch at school is 10:50!!! I knew he’d miss lunch and would need to just go ahead and eat it at the dr. It gave him something to do while we waited for the PA to come in and I LOVED the sitting and talking time with him 🙂
His stats were: 48 inches tall (50th percentile), 50lbs 8 oz (50th percentile). His BMI was 15.26 (49th percentile). At his 6 year well visit he was 45.5 inches tall (50th percentile), 46 lbs (50th percentile) and had a BMI of 15.97 (65th percentile). I was glad to see the 2 ½ inch growth!!! The minimum you want to see in growth is 2 inches a year so it’s a blessing to me to see that extra ½ inch. Every bit counts when you’ve had a kid with some growth delay concerns! I was also glad to see his weight was still in the 50th and his BMI had lowered some. You really start to notice weight gaining issues among kids close to his age so it’s something I’m mindful of! I don’t stress it…just try to feed him healthy foods and make sure he’s active!
He also came in handy with keeping Tess from destroying the place 😉
Over. It.
Once the PA came in (so glad it was my fav this time!) here’s everything we discussed:
- Kye sometimes has little bumps along his arms which come and go (almost pimple like) she said not to worry about them and using Aquifor or some lotion would help it
- He also has quite a few moles. Many are what I’d call “irregular” One in particular is in his hair and it is large enough where when I play with his hair I scratch it. It was the one I was most concerned with. She checked him all over and said that she’s most concerned about one he has inside of his belly button. I told her our family history (skin cancer for both my dad and Zach’s grandmother) but that also a lot of Zach’s family just has random moles. She recommended going ahead and taking him to a dermatologist. I planned to do the free skin cancer screening at our local hospital but had to cancel b/c Zach’s back surgery so I made him an appointment for this summer!
- She said his vision test was 20/25 which was fine but since I needed glasses in 2nd grade and since Colt has had them awhile it makes sense to go ahead and start the eye dr visits as well.
- He complains that his eye hurt and of headaches from time to time. Which made me concern about vision or headache issues (I used to be a headache sufferer). She said it’s SUPER common among school age kids b/c they get DEHYDRATED! How random is that? But it makes sense! He eats lunch at 10:50 and is super mega rushed to finish it. He comes home most days with his thermos still completely full of water. I’m super glad she mentioned it because I’ve been reminding him to drink drink drink when he gets home!
- I always have her look at his toenails. He just has toenails that are so close to the skin that I’m worried they will become ingrown. She said to keep cutting them the way I do and keeping an eye on it. I bet money at some point in his life he WILL have an ingrown toenail!
- He has slept walk only 3 times but one of the times was right before this appointment. We discussed it some (the first two times were when each girl was born) and she had the same thoughts I did about it with it being related to anxiety. We were getting ready to leave for California and I think Kye was worried about that!
- I always get a prescription for eye drops as Kye is my kid who gets conjunctivitis all the time!
- Since I saw a newer PA at Tess’s 18th month check up I really wanted my fav PA to look her over too. I mentioned in that post that Tess has a more developed chest for her age as well as more fuzz than I think normal too. She looked her over and really wasn’t concerned about it at all but said that we’ll just look it over again at 2!
He did awesome and loved having a Star Wars sticker to wear back to school!
We measured him at home and updated our doorframe! Love seeing that BIG space from last years spot!!!
As always, thankful for the blessings of good health for our sweet boy!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025