Here’s Kye’s summary from April!
Video Games: If you remember awhile back I did a post about video games and how it was a lesson for us in reparenting. Kye is older now and will occasionally ask us when he’s going to be able to play a “game on the tv.” Zach and I discussed it and also talked to Kye about it and we agreed he could play one night a week instead of his board game time with Mommy and Daddy. It typically happens even less often than that…Zach has a lot of projects around the house he’s working on and often Kye and Zach will work on those projects rather than play a game π He loves working with his daddy! The only game we play is Mario Kart and we take turns each playing with Kye a couple of races. He has done WONDERFULLY this time around with this privilege! He doesn’t fuss at all when it’s time to stop nor does he ask to play it every night. And he’s old enough to really actually be able to drive too π We all enjoy it and I’m glad we stopped when we did and waited awhile until it was more of an age appropriate thing to do with him!
Hair: Well. It’s begun! I remember very vividly when the boy I used to baby sit for got really into his hair. He was SO proud of it and would take a lot of time fixing it just right…and now Kye has entered that same phase. One morning he spent, legit, 20 minutes in the bathroom. So cute! He kept combing it and fixing it and is very particular about how he wants it styled. Zach and I prefer it with a little spike in the front…Kye likes it all laying FLAT. So this explains his interesting hair looks in many of the upcoming pictures haha. I hate to hurt his confidence and feel like it’s okay if he wants to fix it how he wants to fix it, right? Usually I let him wear it however he wants to school but Zach and I will fix it how we want it for family outings and such. I’m hoping he learns to embrace the look we like best eventually haha! And yes, I took a million pics of this…but it was too cute to miss!
The ENTIRE drive to school this is what I saw in my rearview mirror!
Writing: Kye continues to enjoy writing and also continues to improve in both the handwriting as well as spelling! He writes so many words on his own without even needing to ask me how to spell them π He drew this for Kailyn one morning at church π
And this is what he wanted to write on every single one of his birthday thank you cards!
Helper: Kye loves to help and loves having responsibilities! Now that he’s upstairs in his new room I started having him make his bed. Confession: Zach and I don’t make our bed. I know we need to start if we’re going to require the kids to do it!!!
First time making bed on his own!
Kye has REALLY enjoyed helping with all of the nursery things! He and Zach put all the furniture together and Kye is even able to help do the power tools π
Garden: For awhile now Kye has been saying he wants to have a garden. Zach and Kye went to Lowe’s and got several different kinds of foods to plant. I know NOTHING about this but they have taken it very seriously. Kye is very proud of it and takes time to go check and see how it’s doing. He also uses his little rake to get any leaves that fall into the garden π So cute! So far the corn has been eaten by a squirrel…I’m not sure if anything else is growing or not. Zach has many, many talents but gardening is def not one of his strong suits. Haha!
Golf: Kye is REALLY starting to LOVE golf. Which makes Zach very happy! Now that he’s older and better able to handle missing naps, they will go together more often. I think it’s so precious that Mr. Rusty goes with them and they have three generations enjoying a sport together. There aren’t many sports that you can do together like that and can enjoy at any age. It’s really why I love golf more than any other sport Kye may play π
Wacky Wednesday: Kye’s favorite day of school each year is Wacky Wednesday! He loves to dress up super wacky and this year was even more awesome because they invited parents and siblings to dress up wacky for Chapel! I haven’t actually attended chapel since Kye was in the 2 Β½ year old class. I went once and it caused a disruption for him so I’ve never been back. Plus having Britt meant naps and such during that time! It worked out GREAT that Britt and I were able to visit Chapel (since I def won’t be able to next year with the new baby!) And that we got to participate in Kye’s favorite school tradition!
We had a GREAT time!!!
Special Time with Others: A great thing about Kye getting older is that we do trust him so much and he is able to go and do things with other people without us needing to be there! He LOVES having dates with G-Mama! They go eat, go to the Fun Factory to play games, and even go putt putt π
Kye also really adores Ms. Liz from church and she made a special visit to his school while we were in Ireland! He got to sit with her during their Chapel Time and he loved it!
Kid Table: Our family has grown SO MUCH that we all have a tough time finding seating together at restaurants. The kids love getting to pile in together at a table! Even Britt!!!
Move in Mommy’s Bed: When I had my foot surgery last year Kye’s favorite memory from that time is that he got to watch a movie in my bed with me. How random is that? He really, really loved it so we cuddled up and watched one together this month along with some of my childhood stuffed animals π
Speaking of movies we also did our treat necklaces this month! We did it once last summer and both kids have asked to do it again so we had a movie treat and necklace snack π
Baking: I’m not sure at what age boys stop being interested in helping in the kitchen (hopefully never?) but Kye loves to help cook! Which my pregnant self sure does enjoy…I love any excuse to make some sweets these days! This month we baked cookies and made muffins!
Other Stuff from This Month:
- One night Kye was playing with my hair and said “I’m making you handsome for all the boys!” haha
- Kye asked me when do I eat snacks for my baby. I was confused and asked him what he meant and he said “ya know like Aunt Casey eats snacks all the time for her baby” haha…guess he called her out about that π
- Kye is very interested in baptism and asked this month about when he can get baptized. I told him when he fully understands and decides he’s ready and he said “I get it! I’m ready!!!”
- One day in the car Kye randomly brought up my mom. It is surprising to me that he still remembers so many things about her and that time period of her involvement in his life. I mean it’s been since Sept of 2012. Which is a long time for a child, ya know? It is always difficult whenever he brings her up but I am very open about my feelings too and we ended up crying together about missing her. It’s a tricky thing to handle and to explain so I try my best to always keep my answers as simple as possible. I never paint anyone in a bad or negative light. It is easier to explain since my dad doesn’t see the kids very often and because so many of the kids at Kye’s school are military so they don’t have ANY family living near them. I talk about those things and it helps him and I try to focus on how blessed we are to have so much family that does live so close and who we do get to see so often!
- Kye loves to cuddle with his mama and one night he told me that he sometimes forgets about God because he loves me so much that he forgets he’s supposed to love God even more than he loves me π
- Since he’s moved upstairs it’s all gone very well! The first time this month he came down the stairs in the middle of the night because he had a bad dream. Legit scared Zach and I!!! We aren’t used to anyone coming into our room!!!! He had a bad dream about a shark eating him. It’s so funny to me that he’d get up, walk down the dark stairs, and through the dark house to come tell us that. I know as a kid I would have been too scared to go that far!!! We just tucked him back in and prayed about it and he was fine. I know I have very vivid nightmares myself and it helps me to fully wake up, think (or talk in his case) through it all, and then think happy thoughts before going back to sleep. If i don’t do those things then I will just continue to have the same dream!
- Kye and Britt are both getting excited about having a little brother or sister! Here is a video of Kye telling Britt what it means to be a “big sister” and all the responsibilities she’s going to have!
- We love us some Frozen in our house (what family doesn’t right now!?!?) Here is Kye singing “Let it Go”
- Kye came home from school singing a song about the resurrection day and it was cracking Zach and I up b/c rather than saying “resurrection” Kye kept saying “erection” hahaha. Here’s a video!
My favorite game EVER is when the kids play “fix mommy’s hair!”
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025