Completely unrelated to this post but I want to just thank EVERYONE for ALL of the prayers regarding Zach (post with details here!). I’m sure I’ll repeat this in a future post that is more relevant but I wanted to say that those first couple days I was a weird zombie-like version of myself but after that I feel SO MUCH BETTER and I know it’s because there are SO many people lifting us up! I can literally FEEL the prayers. So thank you 🙂
Here’s Kye’s monthly summary from August!
We finished out summer and kicked off school. We tried to enjoy as much POOL TIME as possible! I feel like once school starts every year we kinda start slacking on swimming and then before we know it it’s too cold!
The bus has been going well so far this year. It’s AMAZING how much lower my anxiety has been about it since he’s in 2nd grade now. UNTIL this month when a fatal wreck occurred in our town that involved a school bus. Y’all I know bad things happen every single day but this tragedy really affected me on a deeper level. This sweet 12 year old girl lost her life while she was riding on a school bus. Her school picture showed her wearing a shirt that said Jesus on it and her obituary talked about how she will always be remembered for sharing the love of Christ with others. Isn’t that what we ALL should aim for? It really touched my heart and seeing this middle school girl and thinking about how sad it is that she won’t get to grow up just makes me so sad.
I freaked a little about the bus after that. But Zach and I did some research that made us feel WAY better. School buses are SO SAFE. Did you know they don’t have seat belts because the seats are designed in a way to protect kids even better than car seats? They are close together and the foam in the seats is like the foam in car seats and they are protected from both the front (the back of the seat in front of them) and behind (the back of their seat). I felt WAY better after reading that!
We had the big rival football game right at the start of the school year so Spirit Week was a must!
I love looking over all of his school work with him and seeing what he writes about 🙂
They had little pen pals in class and it cracked me up about his hair 😉
Kye eats lunch at a MUCH more appropriate lunch time this year (last year it was like 10 am haha) but he still comes home STARVING.
Kye’s first adult tooth is completely in and the 2nd one is trying but, whew, it’s sideways haha
Kye loves loves LOVES to READ!
What kid WANTS to read while on vacation at DISNEY?
Several years ago I grabbed this random devotion for Boys book at a kids sale and it just sat in his closet. He found it and completely on his own decided to start reading it every night!
After school Kye typically has some downtime before the girls wake up and he loves to work on his blog 🙂
Hahaha this is HILARIOUS
He also still loves to dominate me at some checkers 😉
Zach and I both go pretty crazy over the constant rock collecting. He has SO MANY ROCKS. We make him keep them outside in a sand pail but he’ll go out and set them all up to show the girls haha
While practicing golf in the front yard he busted our light! Which I guess we’ll have to replace the whole thing?! I don’t know if you can buy one glass panel for them or not?
In our house we don’t bust windows with baseballs, we bust lights with golf balls 🙂
Kye’s shown a BIG interest in tennis so this month Zach took him to the local courts to play with him!
My dad and Audrey came to visit this month and got each of the kids a gift which was SO thoughtful and sweet! Kye loved his Star Wars toy and bag 🙂
My sweet boy has such a servant heart and SO many ideas!!! He randomly came and asked us if he could prepare food to share with the family coming over for Zach’s birthday celebration. He and Daddy came up with chocolate covered animal crackers…they were a hit 🙂
More From This Month:
- Kye says he’d like to be a police man when he grows up
- He came home from school and said to me “So what are you going to do on the days that everyone is in school? You have a lot of time to clean” hahahaha
- Big kids breaking it down to “Go Ninja”
- Excited for our family Zootopia night
- A couple years ago for Christmas from Santa Kye wanted MOON SHOES. Shocker, he’s never worn them. I went to sell them at the kids sale and he begged me not to so I told him he had to wear them two afternoons a week or else I’d be selling them at the next one. Watching him wear them to water the plants was pretty awesome haha
- Kye and Britt are the “Work Out Team”
I love spending time with my boy! Be it on walks
on special trips
out to eat on dates together
or just both hanging out working on our blogs 🙂
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025