This month was all about the holidays! Kye’s entire grade had a performance at school. They did two showings for parents and a third just for the school to watch. I was able to attend one of the parent viewings but did feel badly that no one was able to be there to see the second one! I also felt bad that my poor kid was at the VERY back of the bleachers with rather tall girls in front of him and with the teacher’s head blocking him most of the time haha.
Performance Videos:
So proud of this boy!
Of course he also had several themed dress up days at school 😉
Sweet note for one of his teachers on her gift 🙂
I was glad to be able to attend his Christmas party at school and was even more happy that Zach could surprise him!
Cool Mom Status: when you wear a Star Wars Christmas Shirt 😉
Several of the schools were in the newspaper featuring student letters to Santa!
Mr. Rusty was working at Kye’s school and Kye was SO pumped to get to see him!
I am SO proud of Kye for all of his many accomplishments, including having the most AR points for the first half of the school year in his entire class (2nd highest in the grade)
Sweet boy bought his sisters’ gifts and wrapped them himself
Hilarious tag haha
He loves to wrap and is a HUGE helper!
Christmas break meant lots of baking 😉
Wednesdays are our crazy night now that Britt has gymnastics and we have church. Often it’s the one night a week we eat out. Either at church if they are having food or at Zaxby’s b/c kids night. It’s always fun b/c our good friends from church often meet us there!
Zach and I went on our “romantic Christmas trip” (aka it was a nightmare but more on that later!) and Kye got to stay at Colt and Payton’s house! First time having a sleep over at their house and he had a BLAST and Aunt Courtney spoiled him good 😉
Zach and I surprised Kye and took him to see Star Wars: Rogue One.
We were nervous about it and didn’t even tell him a new Star Wars movie was out until it was released and we were able to look up Christian reviews. YES. The movie was more “real life like” in the war scenes and def a darker movie (lots of death, sadder ending etc). But honestly the commercials prior to the movie were WAY worse than the actual film. I don’t regret taking Kye but next time we will have a game on our phones (neither Zach or I have any!) and bring headphones to plug in and let him play a game during the previews. The actual movie was fabulous and went beautifully with the other films and although it had it’s darker moments it was filled with an overall theme of hope which was wonderful. Kye handled it all well and enjoyed it! It was such a fun surprise!
I took two videos of us telling him about it : one and two!
Kye lost his 4th tooth this month…or really I should say he yanked out his 4th tooth b/c he def didn’t “lose” it due to it being ready. He pulled it out on his own and WAY too soon. As in the root of the tooth was still attached to his gum and dangling. So. Gross. He will def have the gapped smile for awhile as the new tooth isn’t even close to in yet!
Aunt Courtney and crew got Kye Battleship (Star Wars version, of course) for Christmas so he was all about playing together!
He also put together all of his Legos and did a great job!
He didn’t get to stay up for the whole FSU bowl game but Daddy recorded it so he’d be able to finish the next day. Such an epic ending!
Kye was a HUGE helper in painting Britt’s new room (Kye just really loves to help!)
He wrote all these notes to Hermey, our Elf on the Shelf
Twinning with Daddy for church!
Love this sweet boy!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025