This is all about Kye from the month of June!
Fun without Mommy: This month with Carter’s birth and several dr appointments for me meant that the kids got to have some fun without Mom leading the way π They had a great time with Jolee, Haley, G-Mama and others who helped out!
Crafts with Jolee
Chalk is always a hit!
Golf cart rides to the park
Daddy even dressed them up and took them to church when I wasn’t able to go! He did pretty good huh?
Kye made me plenty of cards when I was away from him π
I love how he always draws the baby in his pictures now π
Art Class: Awhile back Kye did an art class with Autumn at Little Leaf Studio. This summer when we were discussing things we wanted to do, Kye said he really wanted to go back to Mrs. Autumn’s house for art class again. She is actually doing a TON of classes now (if you’re local be sure to check out Little Leaf Studio!) For the summer she had camps but I was just wanting Kye to have a smaller experience rather than the whole camp thing. I got with her and set up a morning where several other kids could be included in the fun! It was an hour long class and Kye had a GREAT time!
Aunt Karen Time: We have been blessed to have so many great influences in our kids’ lives. Kye is now old enough to start doing more things without us. He has gotten a good bit closer with Aunt Karen through church and also from golfing so much with Zach. She used to keep Zach a lot when he was a kid so it’s neat that the torch is being passed down to Kye now π He was SO pumped about his spend the night party at her house! He hasn’t ever stayed over at someone’s house unless it was a child care situation so it was def a special treat. She SPOILED him!!! They did so much in such a short time period I don’t even know if Kye could remember it all π I’m so glad they had such a fun time and that he has such a great bond with Aunt Karen!
Fun Factory…he loved playing the games!
She also got him a little laser and he has been obsessed with it around the house getting Zeke to chase it!
Church Performance: Kye LOVES his Bible Classes on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights and I love that he’s growing up alongside so many great kids! One Sunday morning they did a performance of a couple of the songs they had learned for our VBS. You can’t see Kye in a lot of the videos because he got behind the others and was kinda hidden from view π Video 1 and Video 2
Shell Necklaces: On our beach trip in May we collected a ton of seashells and while we were collecting them Kye and I talked about what we could do with them all once we got home. We thought of the idea of finding shells with holes in them and then making necklaces. When I got on bed rest in early June I thought it was a good chance to stock up on simple things we could do at home and still have fun doing. I bought the supplies to make the necklaces and Kye had such a great time making one for each member of our family π
New Foods: This month we tried out some new foods! My kids basically eat the same thing for breakfast each morning (y’all know me and my love of a good routine haha). They get Β½ a banana, 1-2 prunes, and some whole grain or multi grain cheerios. This month Kye asked about having the cereal with milk. I’ve always avoided that for messy reasons but figured, why not? Both kids now love their milk and cereal π
I also did a LOT of meal prep for when the baby comes and one of the things I decided to make were breakfast burritos. I doubt we’ll have the kids eat them for breakfast but they will make wonderful quick lunches! When I made them I let the kids try them as lunch that day and Kye said it’s the yummiest thing he’s ever eaten!
He also had his first pixie stick this month…he wanted me to send a pic to Daddy π
And, of course, we baked plenty of cookies together too!
Daddy Pics: Zach takes pics on his phone of him with the kids on occasion but usually I never get to see them π I finally got him to send me the ones he had and here are some of him and Kye together!
Chores/Helper: I implemented a chore chart with Kye in May but he loves to help so much that he often does things above and beyond his chores. It is SO sweet how he will decide, on his own, to “clean the house for Mommy” He has such a servant heart! He one day wiped down all the cabinets without me even asking!
One of his chores is to clean his counter top in his bathroom. THIS is how many paper towels he took to clean it haha we had a talk after that about just using one or two max π
Another chore is to dust his room and, again, he loved it so much he came downstairs after and asked me what else he could dust!
I didn’t put to unload the dishwasher on his chores because it’s something I want done when I want it done and it’s often just more convenient for me to unload it quickly! However, both kids enjoy helping to unload it and it def helps save my back!
New Underwear: As y’all know…Kye doesn’t like to wear clothing around the house π I thought it was about time for him to graduate to boxer briefs as they are much more covering than the other kinds. It was quite the hunt for me to find some for him but he has LOVED them and even folds them all in his underwear drawer! He went through and picked out all the old kinds and told me to go ahead and pack those away for the next boy to wear!
Hats: Kye has also outgrown all of his hats. Child has had a large head from birth (he gets it honest from his mama) and I had to go on a hat hunt for golf camp! I got lucky and TJMaxx has a lot of brand name hats for like $5. He wears a legit KID size hat now! Which is crazy to me that they fit so well. I bet he and Zach could wear the same size hat at this point b/c Zach has a TINY head!
Baby Fat: I noticed this month that Kye no longer has any of that sweet baby fat left. He held onto that little baby belly for a long time but now it’s gone and he has that skinny kid muscle definition look instead. Where did my little baby go!?!?!
Home Play: Being that it’s HOT out and I’m mega pregnant, we have spent our fair share of time at home. I try to go out and about a couple times a week but I also like to keep the kids on a schedule, even in summer, and that includes doing room time and such. So we stay home a good bit too! Here are several random pics of Kye playing at home!
Seriously, ANYTHING can be entertaining to a kid! I gave them a bag of multi colored tissue paper and they made up all kinds of games with it!
We store our art easel in the garage so it’s always a special treat when we bring it in to use it! Kye takes his art very seriously and worked for hours on this one. I LOVE the big tree!
I also love our family of 5 too π
The kids have also enjoyed playing in the baby’s room. We dug out all the old baby toys that they rarely play with and they have enjoyed practicing using them for the baby π Kye set up these blocks with the numbers 1-10 and all of our names!
They also love our Hallway Bowling…here’s a video!
The kids have also been playing with their cameras a good bit and have both planned on taking lots of pictures of the baby when he or she arrives π It’s so sweet how excited they are!
Kye took this of me and said it’s the most beautiful picture of me ever π
A boy…a construction hat…some underwear…and curling irons? Makes total sense haha!
Kye went with Zach to get his MRI results (post to come about Zach’s wreck eventually…) and took lots of notes and then came home and taught Britt and I all about the human body! He did so good remembering everything he learned!
Sweet Brother: Kye and Britt are doing better and better playing together. He LOVES to wake her up each morning and after nap and those are some of the sweetest moments of our day! They also are so sweet after bath both running around in their cute robes being silly together! I’m truly blessed!
Other Stuff from This Month:
- Our days of spelling words out when we don’t want the kids to know what we are talking about are over! I was on the phone with Zach and said I might have the kids go s-w-i-m and Kye said “Mom I can spell now! You said we are going to SWIM!”
- Kye’s appetite is REALLY increasing. I am starting to see why everyone says boys will eat you out of house and home! He pretty much always asks for more food and completely cleans his plate! It took me awhile to adjust to giving him larger portions!
- Kye is currently in a size 10 shoe and has moved up to the “big kid” sizes of clothes. He is an XS/5. Which is like SUCH a tough size to find?!?!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
He's such a cute kid!!
My younger sister did that too! my mom asked her if me and my older brother if we wanted a t-o-f-f-e-e and she said that she would love a toffee! That one got us laughing:)