This is all about Kye from October!
I LOVE Chick Fil A. For many, many reasons but one being all the AWESOME events they do for families. Several years ago they did a Mother Son Date Night and I was ALL ABOUT IT. (Can I just say I hate myself for looking THAT good with THAT tiny of a baby on my hip?!?! Third babies yall. They RUIN our bodies haha) I’ve been asking them and asking them when they would do another and I was pumped to see one in October! It fell the same time as our trunk or treat for church so I booked Kye and I the earliest time slot and we went dressed in costume haha No shame in my costume game 😉
It was Lego themed which was right up our alley!
They had little instruction cards with different things for us to create using the legos. SUPER cute!
They also gave each child a cow to keep, a lego guy to keep and several coupons!
It was HILARIOUS b/c we booked the earliest time slot and the place was basically filled with my friends haha None of us even planned it!
Isn’t this PRECIOUS! Keeli is so beautiful and has such beautiful babies!
Cooper was a tad unsure of Kye’s costume haha I missed getting a pic of Laura and Ben!
All of our creations
AND they gave a free dessert! They always go all out with events (our names were on our table, they had a waitress take our orders etc) which makes them extra-special!
Zach always gets so annoyed with all the dress up days at school haha there ARE a ton of them!
The big big big news this month was my sweet little baby boy’s look has completely changed forever! Goodbye to his first front tooth!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!
He really wanted to lose it at school and it was hanging on by a THREAD at church on a Wednesday night. So gross!!!
But it held on until school! He was so pumped to get off the bus and show me!
Kye had a tooth fairy fail when he put his tooth pillow too close to his stuffed animals in his bed and one of them fell and completely covered the pillow. When the tooth fairy came in she couldn’t find it! Luckily she left a note and came back!
We didn’t tell G-Mama and she got to be surprised when she visited him for lunch!
Kye’s school progress report came home this month and, as always, we are so proud of him! His class participates in something called Class Dojo and it’s how his conduct grade is decided. He did wonderful with it and never lost any points and had 18 which is excellent! He also was where he needed to be academically in every area as well. He doesn’t get actual grades yet (I guess that starts next year?) but he was on track in each area!
We have been very proud of Kye for being chosen as a leader in a Bible Reading Marathon we do at our church. He’s a team captain and was the first of the 6 captains chosen to speak during Sunday Morning worship services to encourage everyone to be reading their bibles. Our church has over 500 members. It’s a BIG DEAL to get up to speak, especially during worship service! I was blown away by how well Kye did and how excited he was to do it! He was so proud of himself which made Zach and I even prouder 🙂 Here’s the video!
Kye loved the clues I did for him when we went on our Disney Trip and he thought it’d be fun to play a similar game with Britt:
Kye is just like his mama and wanted to write out a daily schedule 😉
Zach talked to me about how he wanted to take Kye to more football games this year and they had a great time at some Lowndes games together!
This kid loves going to football games, watching them on TV and playing with Daddy!
He is doing tennis every other Monday and then golf every other Wednesday. The golf instructor has really encouraged him to stop the tennis (or any other sports) and just focus on golf. I do think he could really make golf his sport but he likes tennis too AND insists that he’s going to be playing football next season so we’ll see! (I’m crossing fingers he will change his mind haha)
We did our Operation Christmas Child shopping! One of my personal favorite traditions!
I’ve never been a big fan of letting my kids play on ipads/phones/computers etc. But the amount that it’s incorporated into the classroom is crazy! Kye comes home with notes from school encouraging us to download certain apps for him to work on at home. One of the ones he does in discovery class is coding. Like seriously coding?!?! It’s crazy the amount of things he already knows how to do that I don’t haha!
He wanted to make Nutella Crackers for everyone!
First time having french toast!
Ribs and BBQ are two of his favs!
Kye had a class field trip to Tallahassee this month (I talked more about it here) and had a blast!
This kid is so funny haha!
He also ASKED for me to take a picture of this…he’s an underwear ninja…
Kye put on an “Illustration Walk” where he had all of us make drawings and then we put them on display and rated each others work.
The weather was so pretty this month that Kye asked to sit out on the porch just to read!
We got him a wooden alligator puzzle set from NOLA and he did it completely on his own and then Daddy spray painted it for him
Circling ideas for Christmas!
When Kye got off the bus one day he told me he met a girl on the bus who is 5 (guess he likes ’em younger?) and who likes Star Wars and who had a shirt on that said “Jesus is my Jam” so he said he thought she could be potential girl friend material 😉
- Underwear Ninja
- Kye’s dessert creation
- Explaining wasp nests to me
- Still into musical shows 😉
- Another show
- Trying french toast for the first time
- watching FSU
- Attempting to read the clues he wrote for Britt
- Putt putt at fall festival
- Playing tennis
- Goodbye first front tooth!!!
- 1st time carving our pumpkin
My boy will always be handsome but I will miss this sweet little boy smile now that it’s time for the adult teeth to come in!!!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025