Today I’m sharing a copy of the letter to my son on his 10th birthday. Please enjoy and feel free to share!
Birthday letters are a super special way to give your child a meaningful gift that they can appreciate more and more as time goes on… as well as a sweet way to show how much you love them!
Not everybody is great at expressing themselves with words, but sometimes it’s easier to write things down versus trying to say them. Plus, your child may not remember what you said (even if they appreciated it!) but they can always reread a letter. That’s what makes them such valuable keepsakes!
My birthday letters to my children vary depending on the year, but more or less you’ll find these same elements in all of them:
- A recap of the year and their achievements, in and out of school
- My favorites things about them
- How their relationships with parents, siblings, and friends have grown
- Of course, lots of love and encouragement!
On each of my kids’ eighteenth birthdays, I plan on making a book of all the birthday letters their father and I have written to them over the years and giving it to them as a gift!
As they enter adulthood (and possibly go off to college… hopefully not too far away!) I hope those letters can serve as a keepsake of their childhood and a reminder of how much their family loves them!
Below is the 10th birthday letter to my son, Kye, written by his mama, me! You are more than welcome to use this as inspiration or as a template for your own 10th birthday letter to your son.
Letter to My Son on His 10th Birthday
Dear Kye,
Well. Here we are. You are officially a pre-teen. Two whole hands old. An entire decade of life is behind you.
I do not feel old enough to have a TEN-year-old child!
I cannot believe I’ve been a parent for an entire ten years already!
I still feel like I’m learning so much and have so much more to learn with you and we’re over halfway to adulthood already!
In some ways, it makes me a bit sappy and sentimental.
This whole being a mother of a ten-year-old business, but truly?
I don’t want to go backward. I don’t long for the days of you being a baby. I LOVE THIS stage. The right now with you.
When I talk to people about parenting I tell them each age just gets better than the one prior, and I truly believe that.
I loved the baby stage with you, the toddler stage, the preschooler stage, the “golden years” of childhood stage, and now I’m loving this pre-teen mom life too.
I love that you are your OWN person. With your own thoughts. Your own dreams.
I love listening to you. Learning about you.
What makes you tick. What brings you joy. The WHO that you are becoming.
You have SO much to offer the world already and it’s been such an incredible journey to see you grow and develop – to start to see the man you will be.
You have such a strong moral compass and a pure heart to do the right thing.
You expect the same of others and have struggled a bit in the friendship department.
You aren’t like many of the boys your age who you say “try to be cool” all the time.
You have a beautiful blend of maturity while still enjoying childhood things.
You’ve always been more of a serious type personality but that silly boy side still comes out too.
You think deeply, love hard but still cuddle your favorite stuffed animals without any embarrassment.
I love that you are secure in who YOU are and I pray that as these teen years arrive that you hold strong to that.
Keep doing you. Being you.
Others are drawn towards people who stand firm in their convictions and stay true to their truest self.
Never waiver. Never lower your standards. Keep standing tall and loving the things that YOU love!
Fourth grade has been the toughest year yet for you.
You are doing wonderfully academically but you have not enjoyed school in the same ways you used to.
It hurts my mama heart to see you feel so down about where you spend most of your time.
You are similar to me in that you get a little stressed easily and the demands of school wear on you.
I am so thankful though that you are LOVING your gifted class and have really found your “thing” in student government and Jr Beta.
You love being involved and are such a strong leader.
You also have your first “real” girlfriend this year.
I know these things may not last long term but it’s been so encouraging to hear how you talk about her.
The things you discuss together are mature beyond your years and I am in full support of this type of friendship as I know you are learning and growing and figuring out what you want to look for in a wife.
And you never know…sometimes lifelong love is found in fourth grade 😉
This past year has been such a huge year of personal growth for you.
You continue to enjoy leadership roles and have a strong desire to someday lead our country.
You are def making the right steps to get there!
You have been very active in your school clubs and organizations and have enjoyed participating in community volunteering and leadership classes.
You also continue to excel in your walk with the Lord.
You keep growing closer to Him and deepening that relationship. NOTHING has made me more proud in this world than the day you decided to put on Christ in baptism.
THE most important decision of your entire life and truly the mark of manhood.
I know you will live a life for Jesus and will lead so many others to Him.
I also remember when I was baptized and how Satan really attacked me.
I see you struggling in those same ways.
Satan attacks those he doesn’t have in his grasp and I have been so proud of how you have fought back and have stayed firm in your faith.
You love leading songs, reading scripture, sharing lessons and even helping on the Lord’s Table at church and I know you will be a leader in the Lord’s body as an adult and will be such an incredible Christian man.
Along with finding your love of leadership and student government, you also have found such joy in the sport of basketball.
I always want to encourage you to find things you feel passionate about and it’s been SO FUN to see you LOVING a sport for the first time.
You are working hard to learn about the sport, better yourself and your skill set, and when you look up at me in the stands my heart just melts.
I haven’t had so much fun cheering someone on since Daddy played football in college.
Whew it can be emotional in the stands!
You have taken my least favorite sport and made it my favorite and I will ALWAYS be your #1 cheerleader in whatever you do in life!
We have had such a fun year of family experiences.
It’s an amazing feeling to be complete.
You continue to be a great role model for your younger siblings and are still eager for Spear to get a little older so you can LEGIT play together.
Of course by the time that happens, you may not be all that interested in playing anymore 😉
I have seen a big shift this year in your relationship with each of your siblings.
You have a one on one bond and a deeper connection to each of them.
It is such a blessing and a gift to have each other and it’s SO important to me that you will ALWAYS look out for your siblings and ALWAYS love them and support them.
It’s been a great year of travel and making memories together. We stayed BUSY!
One of my favorite memories of all time with you was the night we were walking back to the hotel on our last day of the California trip to Disneyland.
We were holding hands and you were overcome with emotion as we walked, watching the fireworks in the distance.
You were so appreciative of the trip and wished you could stay longer and experience more.
It was a flawless week and one that I’ll always be so grateful we took together.
You LOVED it and had that childlike magic in your eyes and that innocent joy in your smile. It’s a feeling I will never, ever forget.
Even as you enter the older kid – preteen stage I will forever remember you child like happiness that week!
We also had a great time celebrating your 10th birthday on our ski trip.
I know this year has been a year where the same sex relationships have become more important for you.
You have a deeper desire to bond one on one with Daddy and want to seek out male relationships with the men in our family.
Skiing was everything you could have wanted and more! Seeing you and Daddy share that expierence together was SO SPECIAL.
I know you both had a BLAST and have found your “thing” that really bonds you together.
I hope you are able to make many more memories on the slopes together in the future!
Even though your bond with Daddy has become more important to you, we continue to share our special bond as well.
I love our nightly talks and that you share your heart with me.
We are so alike in so many ways and it’s a comfort to have someone who “gets me” and I know it’s a gift to you as well that we have that deeper understanding of each other.
I pray our connection is always strong and that it will grow and evolve into a friendship over the years ahead.
As I look forward I see nothing but goodness for your life.
I know you will work hard and be successful at whatever you put your mind to.
I know you will continue to love Jesus and continue to make me so proud.
I also know you will make mistakes. Will have downfall moments. Moments of disappointment and hurt.
No one is perfect. That is a hard truth for you to accept, but it’s one that I have strived to ingrain in you from a young age.
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
And know that without a doubt I love you NO MATTER WHAT. No shortcoming, no mistake, nothing will EVER distance me from you.
My love for you is unending and unconditional. Forever. Unbreakable. Unbendable. Always!
I am super pumped for the year of 10 and all the fun it’ll bring!
I’m excited for the family trips that we have planned. For Harry Potter together.
For your last year of elementary school.
And to continue to see you grow and shift and change as you navigate the waters of pre-teen life.
You are a light in the world. You are special. You are my son.
You are the child who gave me the greatest gift in my lifetime – the gift of motherhood.
It’s a gift I never, ever take for granted. It’s my passion in life and my calling.
I love being your mom. You were all I’d ever wanted in my first child and God has blessed our family abundantly by giving us the gift of YOU!
I love you so very much my precious first baby. Happy 10th Birthday,
Love Mommy xoxox
I hope you enjoyed this letter to my son on his 10th birthday. If you’d like more birthday letter inspiration, here are all of the past birthday letters to Kye:
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025