Kye’s birthday fell on a Sunday this year which is a little tricky with church and everything! When we started talking about his party and making it a smaller guest list he asked if Colt could spend the night after.
I’m not a HUGE fan of spend the night parties or sleep overs. And it’s tricky because I feel TOTALLY fine about Kye and Colt spending the night together but wouldn’t feel as comfortable with Britt and Payton. Colt and Kye are only a little over a year apart but Payton is Kye’s age and that’s a pretty big jump between her and Britt. So it’s tricky for me when it comes to cousin sleep overs!
After the week he’d had with the flu though and since he really hasn’t gotten a lot of Colt time lately we invited Colt to stay after the party and they had a BLAST playing video games and chewing gum and laughing together 🙂
Traditions are important to our family and birthdays have MANY of them!
First we always wake up the birthday child with our whole family singing to them 🙂
Then we always have some sort of donuts for breakfast! Kye’s tummy still wasn’t 100 percent so the donut enjoyment was basically for everyone else ha!
Zach ran Colt home on the way to church. I have been meeting the fam at church with Spear after his morning nap so I met them there. Kye is often asked to participate in worship and this morning he had the scripture reading. He always LOVES participating and makes us so proud!
On the way home I surprised Kye with his birthday song cd! Each of our kids have their own Captain Zoom CD and love listening to it on repeat on their birthdays. And no, Kye isn’t too old 😉
G-Mama stopped by after her church services to give him a little gift and a big birthday hug!
Our typical weekend routine is that Kye has nintendo time on Saturday during naps and then ALL the kids SLEEP for naps on Sunday. This birthday boy was PUMPED to get a second day of video game time, especially since he got several new games at his party (we have an original Wii so the games are mega cheap ha!).
Our usual birthday tradition is that the birthday child gets to choose where we eat dinner. We typically eat out and I have money set aside for this! We aren’t a family who eats out often so it’s a special treat!
Poor Kye. I know I keep saying it but he was PITIFUL. He was over the flu but just still didn’t feel right. He had tummy issues for a good two-three weeks after his flu symptoms ended. He just couldn’t shake it.
We talked about it all day and he just didn’t feel like eating anything. He finally asked if we could just get snow cones for dinner. Um. SURE! Not only was it a super special treat but SO CHEAP 😉
Britt’s face watching them make our snow cones!
Spear slept through the whole adventure 🙂
My birthday boy!
YUM. You get to pick ANY flavor and they make awesome creations!
THIS combo was SO GOOD.
He got a big one since it was his big day! I don’t think he was able to eat it all through 😉
When we got home we put Spear down for the rest of his nap and then opened gifts
But first…pics with the birthday boy, of course!
Zach’s purple mouth haha
These two ADORE their brother!
He went down the hall to come back down and see all of his gifts!
Opening Grandpa’s and Grammie’s!
Wii Game!
He’s been asking for a drone for awhile and I found a great one for beginners 🙂
He was SO SHOCKED b/c I’ve def played it off like I’d never be getting him one haha
At this age…kids start liking getting money 😉
The big gift though? Was an experience present!
Zach and I got him TWO tickets to The Void at Disney Springs as well as tickets for ourselves to be able to go with him! He was really excited!
9 year old boys aren’t the easiest to buy for. Here’s a run down of everything we got for him:
- walkie talkies
- Lumi Drone
- A Wrinkle in Time Novel
- Star Wars Rebels DVD
- Super Mario Galaxy 2 for Wii
- Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga
- Star Wars Lego The Phantom
- Star Wars Lego Transport Pod
- Beach chair
The beach chair may seem random but Kye has had this little kiddie sized beach chair forever and it was beyond time for him to be upgraded to an adult size chair! ha!
The kids collectively were most excited about the walkie talkies. We’ve owned several junky sets of walkie talkies over the years and they always end up not working and they also always come in sets of two. This set was a bit pricy (at least by my “deal hunting” standards) but the reviews were great (many people use them on cruise ships!) and I liked that we’d have a set of FOUR so when Spear gets a little older he can participate too!
We also took the drone (I keep wanting to say “droid” after all my Star Wars planning ha!) out for a spin! Video 1 and Video 2 (once he finally got Daddy to let him actually play with it haha).
Kye had such a great birthday!
Nine got me a little emotional…last year of single digits! He’s just really, really starting to look older and truly is in that pre-teen stage of life which is just UNBELIEVABLE to me! He’s such an incredible kid and we’re just always so thankful that we get the blessing of raising him. I know he’ll do great things for the Lord and am so proud to be his mama. I hope his 9th birthday was special and I’m already thinking up plans for the big 1-0!
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025