Kye L-O-V-E-S school! I have been looking so forward to the Thanksgiving Celebration Day they hosted the week prior to Thanksgiving.The parents were invited into the classroom for most of the morning and we were able to participate in a Thanksgiving Feast together. I wish Zach could have been there but he was on his way home from Louisiana and had to work some accounts in Columbus on the way home. Right now he’s really trying to get everything in he can before the baby arrives so I know that work comes first!
That morning I dropped Kye off then met Mrs. Charlotte to go back to the dr to have my blood work done again, thankfully this time it went smoothly and I got done in plenty of time to make it back to Kye’s school before I was supposed to be there. When we first got in the classroom the kids all performed their Turkey Song for us! Here’s a video. After they finished singing we got to sit with them at their seats and help them make their Indian costumes to wear for the feast. Kye was so proud of have me there and it made me so happy to see him so happy.
It was a GREAT opportunity for me to get to see all the children Kye talks about at home and meet their parents. He sits at a table with ALL girls and it cracked me up because I’ve heard about Kailyn, Emma and Emerson (who I thought was a boy until that day when I learned Emerson is a SHE) but I haven’t ever heard him mention the girl who sits right next to him! I think he has a thing for blondes because Kailyn, Emma and Emerson are all blondes while the girl next to him is a brunette. Too funny! His assistant teacher also told me that Kye is the class lady’s man…he comes by it honest huh?
He did a great job coloring his costume (and didn’t want any help from me!) and even cleaned up all the markers for everyone at his table.
So proud of my son!
Kailyn and Kye are adorable together and were constantly talking together and wanting to be by each other. Young love 😉
Kye’s Indian costume! The “belt” was supposed to be a head band but my child’s head is too big for it to fit haha. I also thought it was cute that all the other kids made beads for their necklaces but Kye had made “snakes” for his.
Once the costumes were done they performed the turkey song again, here’s another video!
He really enjoyed our morning together!
We had some time before the feast so we were able to go outside and play with the class. It was cute to see them all line up together to go outside and it was a great opportunity for me to kind of sit back and observe the kids. How often do you get to see that many children your own child’s age?
Many of the parents kinda sat back and just let their kids play but I really wanted to let Kye have the full experience of Mommy being at school with him. We played inside this little playhouse thing for a long time making a “cake” and singing “Happy Birthday.” I was very disappointed to see another boy from Kye’s class come into the house and knock over our cake, even after I told him not to, then just see him run away. There were only three other boys in Kye’s class that day and, sadly, I don’t see us pursuing any friendships outside the classroom. I couldn’t believe how unruly they were and how their moms didn’t do a thing about it! No wonder all Kye ever talks about at home is how he plays with the girls in his class! I don’t blame him!!!
He had a BLAST on the playground
After playing outside it was time for the feast. The whole preschool went into an auditorium type place for the meal and we all brought something to share. The kids had decorated the tables and I loved Kye’s little place mat he made. I texted Mom a picture of what he said he was thankful for b/c I knew it’d make her day…they picked three things that they are thankful for and Kye said “Mommy, Daddy and Gramma!” So precious!!! The lunch was wonderful and I had a great time talking with some of the other moms! One mom has four kids (the 4th is in Kye’s class) and she looks awesome so that was very encouraging for me. She also said it gets easier and easier when you keep adding them and they aren’t for sure if they are done or not yet. She had three boys then a girl and if the girl had been a boy they were actually going to name her Kye, even spelled the same way we do! Isn’t that funny? It was great to talk to someone who has done a lot of the things as a parent that I hope to do and to hear how she handles it all so smoothly. We, of course, sat near Kailyn and I’ve always liked her mom, Jessica, from church so I enjoyed chatting away with her too!
It was SUCH a fun morning and I’m so thankful that I was finally able to meet the other students and their parents from Kye’s class. It helps to put faces to names and to see Kye in action in the classroom. He really enjoys school and I appreciate all his teachers do to make it a fun, happy, safe, educational environment for him. I trust them completely and that’s a true blessing! I hope we get this fortunate with another wonderful class next school year and I’m looking forward to visiting again in the spring for a Mother’s Day type thing they do (and I’m glad they do one just for Daddy’s as well as I REALLY want Zach to get to go!).
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025
Aww! How FUN! He's adorable 🙂 And i about cracked up when you said his belt was supposed to be the headband but his head is too big! Poor you who delivered him!
Thanksgiving Day is coming soon. I amalways convinced that Thanksgiving Day is a holiday when we thank our familyand friends for their love, support and help during the year. Then, how do youusually express your gratitude to the beloved people around you? As far as I amconcerned, to select wonderful gifts for them is a pretty good idea. Forinstance, if you want to buy a car DVDplayer for your father as a Thanksgiving Day gift, you need to do somepreparation.