With our later afternoon at Epcot the day prior we decided to skip our family plans for an early park morning at Magic Kingdom and instead slept in and had a lazy, hang out at the Disney Rental House kinda morning. Our pool is heated so the kids loved getting to swim a bit!
I was SO sad to learn the news that Happily Ever After was ending. I really wanted to go see it one last time and the girls both wanted to go with me so our big plans for the day were to go to MK together!
The guys all opted to hang at the house so the girls and I headed out later that afternoon to have some time to chill at MK before fireworks that night.
I loveeeeee time with my kids in smaller groups and girl time is ALWAYS so, so fun! Britt especially is JUST like I am when it comes to Disney World. She just feels that magic feeling in her heart!
All they wanted to do was SHOP. We spent almost 2 full hours just on Main Street. We browsed and browsed and they took lots of pictures “to show Instagram” and didn’t ask for a single thing. They just love to look! It was so adorable and SO FUN.
We did, of course, also add a few items on their wishlists 😉 But mostly they just loved checking out the new merch. They get it from their mama for sure! They wanted to literally see EVERY item in Emporium and just kept saying “this is SO CUTE”
Passholder Tip: If you’re a pass holder be sure to buy any snacks you can from the merchandise stores rather than the snack carts. Snack carts do NOT honor the pass holder discounts while any snacks purchased in retail stores do count as merchandise and the discounts apply 🙂
We were able to see two character cavalcades. I LOVE that Disney added roaming princesses to the princess one. It def makes it my FAV now! SO many princesses!!!!
We stopped by the potty and it was so cute to me that we all did a mirror check on our way out. Had to get that mirror selfie 😉
After our browsing we decided to linger on Main Street a little longer and have some epic snacking. We got ice cream at the parlor and the homemade waffle cones were AMAZING.
My girls love to browse merch, snack it up, and take alllllll the pictures. What else would you do on a girl’s day at Disney World, right? I’m. Here. For. It.
We did decide to pop into Carousel of Progress at 5pm (after 3 hours of being in the park we finally took part in an attraction ha!). There is never a wait and it’s always a classic we all enjoy. We found so many fun hidden mickey’s we’d never seen before too. They must have done a recent update!
Notice his jacket…under the Christmas tree…and on the mantle!
We headed over for more show watching and stopped on the way for castle pics!
I remember it wasn’t too long ago that Tessie couldn’t stannnnnnd pictures. I have several Disney Trips where she’s literally not in the family photos because she opted out. Boy have times changed!
Speaking of pics there is an archway on each side of the castle and it’s an IDEAL spot for photos. Again, never crowded and you can get great shots with the castle in the background without a ton of people in the shot!
We had so much fun doing our own little photo shoot and each girl wanted to take turns being the photographer too.
I will never say no to taking pics and I love how we got the 50 in em too!
Britt is my OG Tiki Room Club Member. We had soooo many memories just us watching the Tiki Birds while Daddy and Kye rode thrill rides. It made my heart full to get to experience one of my favs with my girls again 🙂
We even noticed hidden alligators that we’ve never seen before – Britt’s fav animal!
And then…another show haha no rides for us during girl time! Shows are typically a great option when the parks are crowded. The girls new going in that without Daddy and his handy DAS pass that we’d either have super long lines or just skip on rides and they were cool with that plan. We hit up Country Bears and got to “meet” Chip and Dale too.
Now that Tess is 7 she can ride rides without an adult and Britt’s fav part of the day was getting to ride Thunder Mountain just the two of them together 🙂 Since Kye wasn’t there Britt got to fill that roll as the oldest sibling and she LOVED IT.
The posted wait time was only 25 minutes bc it was raining and they were actually in and out in under 15!
We have a super special spot for fireworks viewing and like to arrive at the spot a good 90 min to 2 hours before the show. I knew with Happily Ever After being in it’s final days that it would fill up QUICK so we headed over and sat through the rain in order to make sure our spot was secure.
Naturally we made buddies with the cast member who was on guard once the castle walkway was closed. She told jokes and pixie dusted the girls 🙂 You can see on Britt’s face that our days of princess moments are coming to an end. Bless. Growing up is TOUGH!
Tess had the honor of adding a joke to the cast member’s joke book – so sweet. Her joke was “Why did the Tooth Fairy ride the ferry? Because it’s a TOOTH FERRY” haha
As always Happily Ever After was phenomenal. It’s the only castle fireworks show Tess has ever seen and the only one that Britt remembers. It will ALWAYS be so special to me and I loved getting to watch it one last time with my girls.
I saved the lyrics on my Instagram post here so I can always remember them 🙂
A completely random stranger took photos of Britt and I together while watching the fireworks. HOW THOUGHTFUL WAS THAT?! Seriously so, so sweet. She got my number after the show ended and text me all the pics she had taken. Such a magical moment to have these memories forever!
It was such a special night and one that will forever be etched in my memory as one of my favorite times at Disney. I loved every second of our browsing, snacking, show watching, and Happily Ever After moments. I’m one blessed mama!
The girls did GREAT with the crazy crowds leaving the park. We were wore out but agreed – it was SO worth it! Tess did her regular fall asleep in the stroller routine while Britt and I toughed it out together 🙂 I love that she’s old enough now where she GETS IT and feels like it’s all worth it. She never complained and we both had that Disney adrenaline and kept saying we could have stayed longer at the park and weren’t even tired 🙂
There is nothing quite like seeing that magic in her eyes! It was a night with her that felt like I was at Disney with my friend not my daughter. I know this will always be a special place for us together!
The boys weren’t sad about missing out. We walked in the door after 10:30 and Zach and Kye were intensely watching the FSU vs Notre Dame and we walked in right as it tied up and they got crunk 😉
Of course the girls and I not only took lots of our own pics but we stopped at every Photopass Photographer we could too. I love these pictures so much!
This will be the last time they are able to wear their “Minnie Me” shirts and I’m so glad we got so many cute pics together. I love my girls!
I always highly value making sure I pour into EACH child as an individual. I’m not just collectively my kids’ mom. I am EACH of their mom.
- A Letter to my Son on His 16th Birthday From Mom (Kye’s Bday Letter) - March 20, 2025
- Open Letter to my Daughter on her 12th Birthday – Love, Mom {Britt’s 12th Bday Letter} - January 16, 2025
- Letter to My Son on his 6th Birthday – Love Mom - January 8, 2025